The Sandspur A STUDENT PUBLICATION OF P. J. C. VOLUME 2 THE SANDSPUR. MAX.TON, N. C., FEBRUARY, 1950 NUMBER 6 25 New Students Registered I ALUMNI NEWS By MRS. L. C. LaMOTTE Wedding invitations and an nouncements have been the order of the day in the alumni office during recent weeks. Just in case vou did not read about R. F. iBill) Warren’s wedding in the newspapers, _we want to repeat that in this column. Bill and Helen Frostick were married in the Methodist Church in Maxton in a lovely candlelight ceremony. They are living in Hillsboro, Hhere Helen teaches music in the \ublic schools. Bill is in Carolina, fen Floyd (’40) and Harold Sivert- s»i (’40) were here for the wed- Penny-Croom Wedding RELIGIOUS EMPHASIS WEEK ^ ,Aobert D. Bevan was married -ijn Ja-iiuary 31 to Miss Helen Irene Kingsland, of Burlington. After a period of service in the Navy, Bob entered University of North Carolina. At the present time he is employed in the busi ness manager’s office of the Bur- Ungton City Schools. Bruce Harris (’45) is to marry Miss Mary Olive Walls, of Gun- tersville, Ala., on February 18. Clarence Edgar Stevens (4/) and Miss Norma Ann Lewis^ are 40 be married on March 18 in Bessemer City. After a year at P. J. C., “Steve” entered State, where he graduated in December, 1949. Norma Ann was Mr. Fer- rcne’s lab. assistant fx'om Septem Miss LU'Cill,e Penny, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Victor Penny of Angier and Mr. Archie Groom, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Archie T. Croom of Savannah, Ga., were married Feb. 4 in the Providence Presbyterian Church in Johnston County. Mrs. Croom is a graduate of Cleveland High School and now holds the position of secretary to Dr. L. C. LaMotte, President of P. J. C. Mr. Croom is A native of Dil lon, S. C. He served for 52 months in the Pacific area during the war; later attending the Uni versity of Georgia for one year. He is now in his secpnd year at Presbyterian Junior College and is president of the student body. Mr. and Mrs. Croom are popu lar with faculty and students alike, who wish Archie and hi* wife the best of success and hap piness in their married life. Rev. T. Henry Patterson will be ni charge I'f the sevrices start ing February 20 at P. J. C. Mr. New Faculty Member Maxton, North Carolina, Jan. Pattertr"[f from VeensbZ', 31. 1950. A new faculty member all of next week. He has ^..nioo nnsition madp vacant experience in dealing with young people and take gserat interest in them. Mr. Patterson will conduct two services each day Monday throu gh Friday at 9:45 a. m. and at 7::00 p. m. His presence on the campus will be beneficial to both student and faculty alike, and everyone is urged to take advant age of the oportunity of hearing him. Typing Students At Demonstration Resolutions Are Passed By PJC Faculty The faculty of Presbyterian Junior College in regular faculty H JICO - . Inueting on .January I9th, drew ber, 1946, until her resignation ini^p the following three resolutions, January of this year. They bavel passed unanimously at the asked Dr. LaMotte'to perform the ^.gguiaj- meeting on February 2nd: ceremony. ' j RESOLVED, that for his long and faithful service to Presby- The typing students of Mrs. Hellekson attended the demon stration at Flora MacDonald Col lege given by Mr .Hossfield, Un derwood typewriting expert. Mr. Hossfield typed at a rate of 150 words a minute, displaying ease of movement and skilled tech- nique of manipulation. This dem-liesort, famous in the half-century onstration was given on Thursday,l\jgfore the War of the 1860’s, was - • destroyed by a battle there in ;1862. Mr. Franck has published 'a review of ' this historical work There are 25 new student.' en rolled for this semester, their home towns ranging from neatby Laurinburg to far away Athens, Greece. Of the 25, only three are girls. They are Mmes. David Moore, Mrs. Mary McMillan, and Mrs. Mary Carolyn Ormsby, all from Laurinburg. The new boys are as folJcws: Henry Alexander, Carthage, N. C.; Paul J. Booze, Winston-Salem, N. C.; E. M. Caldwell, Newton; Wade H. Calhoun, Clio, S. C.; W. F. Cashwell, Laurinburg; Edgar M. Falls, Gastonia; James M. Fraser, Burlington; H. D Her ring, Fayetteville; Gus W Hud son, Rockinghamj Hal B. Ingram, Hamlet; Homer L. Jones, Clio. Also H. Jordanoglau, Kavalla, Greece; P. D. Mavramatis, Athens, Greece; James L. McCaJI, Mor- ganton; Donald Phillips, T-tocking- ht'.m; Albert G. Robinson, Clinton; |W. H. Rowland, Gastonia; Monroe Smith, Laurinburg; W. H. Stanley, Marion; M. F. Vail, Roseland, Va.; W. E. Vereen, Latta, S. C.; and R. L. Vickery, Rockingham. cupies the position made vacant by the illness of Dr. Wharton. Mr. Franck is in charge of all Spanish clEsses. A graduate in modern lang uages at the Univertdty of Illinois in 1938, Mr. Franck has had grad uate work in Spanish at the Uni versity of Illinois and also in the University of Mexico, Mexico City. In various trips he has travelled considerably throughout the Republic of Mexico. During the war Mr. Franck was a Coast Guard ensign and assign ed to Communications, and lateri^owiaim, [was with Navy Japanese Laurinburg; W. H. Stanley, juage School at Boulder, Colo. Vn • During 1946 through 1948 he was an instructor of Spanish at the University of Idaho, Moscow, Idaho. From this position he re signed to take over an historicall research position for the restora tion of Fauquier White Sulphur Springs near Warrenton, Va. This Dean's List iFeb. 16. Among P. J. C. alumni to graduate in January from senior colleges were Warren Deviney T48) from Clemson, George Montgomery, Odis McNeil, and Randolph Terrell, from P. C. P. J. C. Alumnus William E. Wyche has recently been appoint ed vice-president of Southeastern Factors Corporation. Bill came to P. J. C. from Albemarle, attend ing during the 1932-33 and 33- '34 session. He has been a resi dent of Gastonia since 1944, where he has been connected v.'ith Volt Rubber Corporations textile division, and Coleman and Com pany, New York factors. The following release from Public Information Office, Head quarters First Air Force, will be of interest to alumni: “Appointment of Colonel Ernest H. Beverly, a graduate of the Armed Forces Staff College and the Command and General Staff School, as Deputy for Material of the First Air Force, has been an nounced by Maj. General Glenn O. Barcus, Commanding General, at his headquarters, Mitchell Air Force Base, L. I. •‘Colonel Beverly, who previous ly served as commanding officer of the 26th Air Division, a First Air Force unit, at Roslyn. L. 1., succeeds Colonel Robert T. Zane, v\ho retired last December 31 af ter 32 years of military service^ After attnding P. J. 34 ’33-’35, he entered N. C. btate, leaving in his senior year to at tend Air Force Flying School. His parents, Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Bt’V6rly, liv6 in Laurinburg. Garland McBryde. who attend ed P. J. C. in 1943-44. writes from Richmond: “I’m hoping _to be in North Carolina on a hunt ing trip soon and not too far from Maxton. I intend to stop bv if at all possible to say heUo. I would like to stay for the sum mer terra . . •” , , . Bob Cruse, high school graduate (Continued oh Fage 2) terian Junior College, for his friendliness and counsel to faculty and students alike, and for pro fessional efficiency, Dr. Robert L. Wharton be thanked and highly commended by the entire faculty of the college; and be it further RESOLVED, that the faculty ex tend all possible good wishes for a speedy recovery to Dr. Wharton and for him to become strong and well again and to have many more years of effective service with us Miss Norma Ann Lewis rep- Siudenis Aliend First Conference The following students i . resented Flora MacDonald College Christan Association at the first Ecumenical Conference ever held in North Carolina, at Chapel Hill Saturday, February. 4: Evelyn Boyd of Burlington; Elsie May of Farmville; Emily Nan Grier of Charlotte; Amanda Betty Jo McMillan of Selma; Betty Gray Melvin of Kerr; Dorothy Willi.Tims of Indian Valley, VirginE; Jo Pearce of Corpus Christi, Texas; P.itricia Maxton, North Carolina, Feb. ,4, 1950. The names of students making the Honor Roll and Dean s iList at Presbyterian Junior Col- a review m i,.• v.. -Nlcgo have been i#WWI»rprT,r‘ v.-- lin the January 1950 issue of The office as follows; [Virginia Magazine of History and Honor Roll: W.'^ D. Cherry, Biography, published at Gastonia, N. C.; J. H. LaMotte, mond, Va. Mr. Franck has had consider able interest in music, is himself a pianist and will have charge of the student orchestra and a glee club at Presbyterian Junior Col lege. Piano Lessons terian Junior College, for her friendliness to faculty and stu dents alike and for professional efficiency Miss Norma Anne Lewis be thanked and highly com mended by the entire faculty of the college, and further RESOLVED, that the faculty e.j;tend all possible good wishes tor health, wealth and happiness to Miss Lewis on the occasion of; The praty was accompanied by Dr. Marshall Woodson, Flora MacDonald College president, and Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Bullock. College Building Fund 1949’50 Since June 1. 1949 $9, only 493. 75 has betri contrbuted „ . to the Presbyterian Junio lier forthcoming niarriage. iCollege Building Fund out of a Rev. C. H. Maury RESOLVED, that for his devot ed and faithfuPservice as Director of Religious Education, teacher, preacher and friend, for his tributions both spiritual and scho lastic to the life of this college both faculty and student body, the Rev. Charles H. Maury be goal of $50,000. and' in the past two years the contributions have reached only $14, 000. this-means that $36, 000 more needs to be secured. I am sure that anyone familiar v/ith the College Sceeyn cran eralize the need ofimprove- ments. Efforts are being made to interest friends who are interes- ine rvev. . ,i intert commended by the entire lacu y Christian Education to and offered our most sine i donations to this needy thanks and appreciation^ LOUIS C. LaMOTTE Maxton, North Carolina, Jan. 31 1£)50. Music will be taught at Presbyterian Junior College the Fecond semester by Mrs. May Kareis Darling. Each Friday from 2 until 3 o’clock a class in Harmony and Theory will be taught. Practice pianos are avail able at the college and individual instruction in piano will be given there . Credit will be given by the college to qualified students who register before Feb. 21. Mrs. Darling has prviously taught piano, glee club, harmony and theory, and German at Pres byterian Junior College for two years. She is a graduate of the School of Music of Carnegie In stitute of Technology with the Bachelor of Fine Arts degree m piano and music education. She won the first prize, a silver lov ing cup in 1948, awarded by the Federation of Junior Women’s Clubs in North Carolina for choral composition. Her entry was Be hold the Lam of God ” for mixed Maxton, N. C.; and R. A. White, Maxton^ N. C. Dean’s List: J. W. Brock, Red Springs, N. C.; R. F. Brooks, Schoolfield, Va.; W. F. Craven, Bishopville, S. C.; Sara Lee Dun can, Maxton, N. C.; C. T, Fields, Carthage, N. C.; J. A. Flanagan, Franklin, N. C.: L. L. Galt, Spar tanburg, S. C.; Sarah Neal Hamer, Maxton, N. C.; G. F. Hobgood, Buffalo Junction, Va.; W. M. Lee, North Vernon, Ind.; Mrs. E. H. Lyles, Maxton, N. C-; George M. McIntyre, Maxton, N. C.; M. L. McMillan, Laurniburg, N. C.; C. A Perkinson, Littleton, N. C.; O. L. Quinnelly, Birmingham, Ala.; h C. Rogers, Coral Gables:, Fla.; B H. Smith, Morganton. N. C.; C. E. Starnes, Wilmington, N. C.; J. R. Stewart, Carrollton, Al^; J. E. Stowe, Gastonia, N. C.; H. M Thompson, Walterboro, S. C.; R.' K. Wilson, Aldan, Clifton Heights, Pa.; and D. R. Young, Richmond, Va. , The honor roll consists of the names of students who have aver aged “A” for the previous semes ter; the Dean’s List consists of the names of those who have aver aged “B.” No student who re ceives a “D” on any subject is eligible for the dean’s list or the honor roll. Students carrying less than fifteen hours are not eligible lor either list. TT 1 ,-,ri Wprman ern Association of Colleges will Florence Hellekson and Herm p j ^ judge if our J. Preseren, Secretaries of ^oUege is eligible for member- Resolutions Committee. Uhip in this Association. The Ibuildings must be in good con- jdition to be approved. Donations to this cause will be gratefully appreciated. right away. In April or May a committe representing theSouth-jvoices. Several of her other choral ■ ~ ind instrumental compositions MINISTERS SON Wendell Corey is the son of a Congregational minister and can trace the family tree back to U. S. Presidents John and John Quincy Adams. His paternal grandmoth er was an Adams. BURIED IN ICE Crates of vegetables are com pletely buried in crushed ice in refrigerator cars. For the best in entertainment come to the Maxton Theater and .=ee the big fight and bloody fight every Saturday night and don’t forget to come and see the Rocket Man every Wednesday afternoon at the same old time. Bob Os borne in charge of cleaning up dead cowboys and bloody Indians. have been performed by religious and civic musical organizations. Mrs. Darling is a member ot Sigma Alpha Iota National Pro fessional Music Fraternity. NEWS FLASH! Presbyterian Junior College, Maxton, N. C.—The home of the boy who danced with Ava Gard ner. , Do you want your boy to be The Things with the girls? Send him to pJC and let him take per sonal love les.sons from this favo rite. Small rates. iVlusic Appreciation A new course in music appi’c- ciation is now being offered at 1. J C. with Mr. Franck as the in structor. This course, one of sev eral short courses being given the first 18 weeks, is primarily for students at the college but anyone who is interested in doing so may attend without charge. . Its main function is to acquaint the student with works oi many masters; these include thf classi cal and semi-classical songs. Many masters of paintings will also be brought out. Classes began Tuesday night, February 14, and will continue to be held on each Tuesday and Thursday at 7:00 p. m. until 8.00.