1- L,^ X'' I !I \ \ V X fvS STME TEACHERS ai^trn ,.v ?• ,1 - S L ij ^■'i MAP\ Y • u U O N E vv Y A R "r- £/fW] D b C L B £ R - ,x- f} s : 'w::' '/V ' \'. ' i ' '', D'' ! ‘ _ i • 'v' \ ./ INU.’- 6 t. R yj THE IIST NE:/S LjrTLR With this issue of. the COLLSGS VAiS LJTTxJl the general plan of the publi cation undergo as a change. Under tbo. ne’v plan,it is hopod not only to bring tho various Alvnni chapters closer to each other, bv;x, to brii'ig tho iil\iiiini closer to ":ho prt.sent. .'?;on- ^ration o:’ colic'’c students and its many ac^ ivi ties on ohe colie-g ca-r.nus. This now plan seems to offer- an oi'ioortiinitj' to give all elenents of the institutional' family a comiiion bond of interest in the college arid to cenent the rolftionshiT b./V.-'con those vho ?re ovt in th-c; '''orld and thos;: still sheltcr(;d ''-ithin tb;.,so TOdls, The Alurn.ni h^'Vo tnrny can tefch the colle ;u thinr^s to say and to tell, they ^i].l fool free to use ."tL'jir or---:r.n -of coc:>ression,- thiP'^s t'''e’;'’ foil', i;:any u ho'icj this fs At tb sp.r- tli co’.le^^e hrvc a r sponsibilit^' to the /^Ivrrni- and '■■ ,-.Tr th i''tli fi'lfi. '.V', th>:i ri, srsonsil'ility o: in? thij iiltmni inforr'ea on colle;;e act: vities; ;UJ- hi-v.r. the r:;sponsi- lulity of or„3ent"ng op_portuniti^.s for the iilir;i'';i to ongrin sorre o,i those- activitiv^s in a very r--,;:.l sinsc;-and finally, the^'- I'^av.. the "•re; t r.js-oonsibility of promoting k- li'i.ni orido in thedr ^-1* a ; ater. This is yovr or ;.n,, This is your or M.n, L'S’. it. r'A-r '')'^rs of the ■iont coll'..;''o ~enerc :io: I l! It. BRGCLLY’" CHAPTifl i.LUE:'I !\ISEI3, ("?he folio Ing p-ragri3h from ^ 1 t- ter to Pres. H. L. Trigg emphasizes one WEtv in v;hich \io hope the ilEiS L:3rT.iiR" will be of value.) "Dear President Trigg: Ue, the Eroolilyn Chapter of the STC Alumni, rc:ceived '/ith great en thusiasm the KE./3 L.3TiiR you sent us. That was the first correspond ence wo have had directly from the school since vjo organized. However, v-ic are looking fon/ard to hearing from our Aina Later botn froCjUently and regularly,.,.." * The Brooklyn Chapter of the SiC Alujnni Asso. of jiiz. C., N. C., is looking forward v.dth much interest to a Yulotide Tea to A?e given at tho home of Krs. Rome Cross', 325 Hancock Street, Brooklyn, Docemoer 20, 19-42. Dr. G. L. Franklin, Gen'l Pros, of Aluiiini Asso, of \/irginia Union, and pastor of ■ th.^ !ut, Lebanon Baptist Church, Brooklyn, r'ill be the guest sp..aker, krs. Layola Terry I. vrrell is president of tho Brooklyn Chapter of ' STC Alukai, Lrs. Ariel : Houston Larshc.ll is Suc'y, and Attorney C.C. ■ Knight business mrnagor. KRIL GC’'C31T 0UT5Ti.”DirG SUGGi_,SS On '/*a1. ''ov. 25 Statu T:,ac’:ers Col- le.^u and^ ^.izi.beth City v'cre treated to"an outstLnding program of symphon ic lu.sic by the Kry Symphony Orches tra of CliXCc go, vJi-iijr ■jfiij e^ir'^ction of th'^ -"'mous conductor, Bohunir hryl. Thu pro gram, was in two parts, the first of "hich consi;:t...d of scores from th'.; o^ns oi i.ozart,j.homo and Schubert. This,' h^; vy p^'rt of the ro f^ram a hard t;:st cf --,,5 i -V rrr. f, ;'.ut