I’AC.E sr.VI E TEACHERS COLLEGE \E\\’S IJ-T J ER OCriOHER 1!)] THE NEWS LETTER Published Monthly by E'c-.e Teachers College News Press Club Elizabeth City, North Carolina business staff „ C. Roberta Sinclair President Vice President Charlotte Held Secretary Rosa L. Downing NEWS STAFF Sarah M. Pelham, Editor-in-Chief ((atie C. Powell Eunice Mae Alston Christine M. McKoy R. Womack Brown Mattie M. Moore \/^orline D. Moore Margaret E. Williams. Sponsor Subscription Rates: 15 Csn-s Per Copy SI.00 Per 8 Monihs Freshman Ideal I'he month ol September ma; iia.c vaiicd incaiiiligs ioi m.ni-. people. To some it means a re birth of age, to others it mi^ht turn back the deep grey page of death, and still to others it may ensue a historical date, bin to us it means school. Each year you have niitiii ])ated going to school and when September rolled arouitd '/oii were somewhat elated lo leain that your dreams are about to be made a reality. But, thi‘: time, school has a new' meaning, you have done as the locus, stepped out of your old shell in to a new one. A great philoso pher once said, ‘AVe teach by precept and example, as we are taught so we li\e.” Have you ever thottght that the w'ord examjjle has a great deal of meaning? To me, it means securing or visualizing a mental pattern, or I might say. setting up a mental pattern and then living by it. Lives of great men and wom en can be our examples or meii- the life story of Dr. A[. Mcl.eod Bethiine, Dr. Charlotte Hawkins Brown, l^r. G. ~\V. Car\er and many others. 7’hey. too, had a Ijeginning just as yott are tiow having a beginnirtg todav. They realized that a new avenue of life was being opened around thein, a new highway was about to be tread iipon, a dark clotid \vas envelojjing them, btit they knew' that some day the avenue would change, the hlgh^\•a\ would terminate, and the dark cloud would ttirn to beatttiful bright sutishine. In the course of Aoitr fottr years at State I'eachers College, be not afraid of the dark clouds neilher the a\'enues nor high ways, but look back at your men tal pattern and say as the Psalm ist once said. “Bright skies will soon be o'er me where darkest clouds ha\e been." Keep in mind your tnenial pattern or example of a hero, and live as close as possible l)y it. C. ROBERT SINCLAIR President, iN'etvs Letter Press Club to shape the mold of our school life for that year. Will we try | to start off the ne-\v year by put ting our best foot forward or will we allow ourselves to be' pushed off to any start.^ To make sure you begin w'iih yoitr best foot forward, think ot tlte responsibilities that ar(; con fronting us everyday. Meet them with little or no fear. It yoti try and fail at first, cion t stop at that first trial. \'our school year is for your oM'iiseU. VVhat you make of it is Iclt lo \ou. Vottr instructors cati only direct yott to the matiy oppor ittnities that are open to you )Ui they are trot able to make \ou grasp them. Do your best and the l)est will be done. SARAH M. PELHAM. ’ ffi Editcr-in-Chicf Lord and Savior, True and Kind By \Vii.i,iAM Ro\ck Lord ;uk1 Sa\ior. true aiifl kind, lie the master of niv iiiiiid: Bless and “uidc. and sticii^then still All iiiv powers of thought and will. While I plav the scholar's tasks. Jesiis C;hrist. he near. 1 ask; Help the memory, clear the brain. Rnokledge still to seek and gain. Here I train for life’s swift race; Let me do it in 'Lhy grace; Here I arm me fin' life’s fight; Let me do it in Thy might. .Stri\ing. thinking, learning still. Let me follow thus Thv will, I'ill mv whole glad nature be Lrained for dut\ and for thee. The Studetit Body was lortu- nate in having Dr. M. S. Ritdd as their fu-st speaker at Vespers. Dr. Rudd is pas'or of Aft. Lebanon African Afethodist Episcopal Zion Church, Elizabeth City. Xorth C;arolina. Dttring Ereshmen Orientai'on Week, the Senior .An .Sorict'/ esented Afiss .Alberta K. Rc;oks in a song recital. Afiss Rooks is a gradttaie o^ S. 1'. C., and is pr erend George E. Hill. Pastor, Christ Church, Elizabeth City. Xorth Carolina. * * * On September 2(i, 194.5, Afr. B. E. Ferguson, Assistant Direc tor of Xcgro Education in Xorth Carolina paid one ol his annttal \isits to the institution. Rever end S. !.. Stevens, Afinister (>f the f’resljyterian Church of tliis citv was present at the same time. 'Lhe Agrictilttire Cdass has or- ncw atteiicltng foj- the fall the Graduate School ot t tsk Imt- is functioning •.ersity. Ijeatttifuih' iindei lIic iiisiruc- * * * Lion of Proi:essor Af. B. Albright. Residence halls for ^'-omen are ^t present, the class is studving now under repair. .Vs ro :n as pcjultry, and is planning to make lhe renovation is completed in a trip to the college farm to put Btttler and Svmera halls, there . Lheory into practice. will be a relief of the ovcr-crowd-' *** . eel conditions. Ha\e voii, by any chance, seen * * * a young lady with long ]jla!ts, a I'he College Choir has b”gun pietty green bow and mis-match-, another year ot work tinder the i eel socks escorted by a young direction' ol Afiss E\eL n .A.; man wearing a white dunce cap? [ohn.son. Old faces ha\e been' Afaybe yoti did and maybe vou welcomed and twenty-two tal- did not; i)ut the I'rcshnien ented and enthusiastic new ; thought it was great fun wearing v oices have been added. i them. After remaining on pro- * * * bat ion for t^^’o weeks, the class The Vesper hotir speaker on : is now initialed into the college Sunday, September ,H0, was Re\-Uamily. iSltorS Submitted C'.harlotte Reid. Class of ’ U) oet 6 C. orner During the month of Septem- l)er ,the following people visited State 'Leachers College: Afr. William Banres who is employed in the puijlic school swstem of Dunn, X. C. # * * I’M. Salon E. Fttller, I'SAIC;, Cjamp l.eieune. X. C. f’\t. filler says that the ALtrine Corps is tough but it's a fine organization to belong to. * * * Afr. Samuel Hemby is em ployed in the public schooy sys tem of Green\ ille. X. G of the L'. S. Xavy on Jtily 29, 1945. m * * Afiss Afamie Earley still bc- lie\es in ]tine Icicles, therelore. Practice Teachers For Fall Quarter 'f’he following Seniors are do ing their practice teaching in the Normal Grades: I'lrst (Trade— Vernett 'L. AIcGuire Sarah Af. Pelham E. Ruben ia Shannon El’. a E. Vinson Second (hade— Doris A. Bowe f.ucy E. Brcnvn A label L. Gavin E\elyn 1. Richardson Third Crrade— Alleiis A. Bryant Ernestine A. Crowe Afiriam AIcGuire Fourth Grade S\'l'.ania Dttkes Afattie G. Davis Helen L. Joyner Fifth Grade— fJllian V. Beverly f>ossie J. Floyd CaiTie E. Speaker Si' th (Trade-A — Roberta S. Banks Ejoris L. Belle Mildred 1-. Crews Sixth Grade-R f’eaid V. Alston Erma f.. Evereite Elizabeth T. Ricks Snienth Grnde-A A. Vernice f^ichardson Eleanor D. Rouse Afadeline E. Spruill Seventh Grade-B Richard H. Badger Geraldine B. Broadnax Ulysses Johnson June 12, 1945 she became Freshman Orientation Program Oil Mrs. Donald I'yicr. C])l. Donald Lyler ^ is^ stationed at Ellington Teachers College rcco. f ield in 1 exas. | ihis vear, one of largest enroll- * * * ments in the history of the iii- >11^. Ci iistnie liiii.ci iiui stitution lor the breshiiiaii cla.v.. The Ereshmen arri\ed one week Best Foot Forward “School days arc here ,'tgain.'’ W'e are beginning another aca demic year. Hat’s off to all old members of your college familv \vho have returned. A hearty welcome to the members of the Freshman Class. Now' that w-e are liere, wh:it are we going to do? Will we simply let the year drift and take what is coming or slrall we start the new' year right? Alany edu cators will tell you that the vet\' first dav of school is the most inrportant one. Here, T imisf say that I agree. The j)laiis made on that day, the attitudes we build at the same time, begin fiandpaper is the word to use Women After Dark Would you like to see our fairer sex Without their rouge and paint? Well, walk into our Dorm at night, ■\nd look hard before \ou faint. \ou ll see Lgvptian mummies, ,\ntl painted Indian maids, Vou'll e\en see a few cannibals With bones knotted in their braids. Whv, von think little Susie I’etcrs Has the voice of a meadow lark; Vou think there is nothing like I’.er Well, there isn’t after Dark. Because that sweet little feminine I'nie -She s been using tlirouglrout the dav Has been replaced with a deep low bass 1 hat would tlrown a donkev's biav, ■ \nd all the hair that covers her brain Is rolled in a twisted mess. With all the paper the Journal and Guide Could ever put off the press. .\iid Ohl those beautiful figuies 1 hat you admired most above all Lm glad that you can’t see them When they discard those “Whatcbnra- calls.” I'hose frisky walking. Janies Oh. the words aren’t in mv mind. But thev certainly make vou think of That creature called Frankenstien. Gee! that beautifrd skin of Lora's * * Afr. Benjamin F'. Maske, em- jiloved in the public school sys tem of Alonroe, N. C. j * * * ! Cpl. ffairy Jones, Lnited i States .Vritiv, Los Angeles, Calif. anc^ther June bride. She was married June 28, 1945 lo C.pl. Bavard Flill tvho is no^v sta tioned at C'amp I.ee. A'a. # # * Afiss Rosetta P. [enkins was married to Afr. I.eslie f). Jenkins on August (), 1945 in Xew York Caty. After spending three days with the l:)ricle's uncle, Afr. Charles f4. Jenkins, 944 f^ogers Place, Xe^v York. X, Y., the cou- I pie s])ent their honevmoon in Cleveland, Ohio and (Canada. earlier tlian the forme . lo be orientated. Dttring the first pari of orien tation week the Freslmten were assigned their rooms, and intro- ducexl to the stalf and menibcis of their residence halls. Time t\'as gi\en to learn the Alina Afater; following this reg istration began. 1 he class tvas instructed bv the registrar, Mr. |. R. F'razier and their class ad- \ isor, Afiss A. V. Smith, as to ihc subjects to be taken dtiring lhe * * * On July 20, 19-15 Afiss Lillian tall c|uarter. Be'.erly became the bride o' | Xext, a trip ttr the library was f^orier in Xew|jort Roosex elt News, A'a. j Sgt. James Johnson, United Slates Armv. Sgt Johnson is an |Hummocks” j ticipating a discharge and [)lan j to do graduate work at C.olttm- ! bia Ihiix ersiiy, Xetv ^'ork. /arriciQed Afiss Sudie Afae Afonk was married .\tigust ."!(), 1945 to Air. Farney Af. Afoore, Jr., a foinier student of Slate 'Leachers (Col lege, Ah'. Afoore is now em ployed in his home town school system in AWashington, X. C. ■* * * Afrs. Eddie Brown, formerly •Miss Afae I’okie Smith said ‘yes' to B. Af. A. 1/C Eddie Brown It's plastered with a thing called mud- pack Phat will polish the .S'ole of .Shoes. Lhere .are mairy things 1 might sav But I think I've made mv mark. On this very dreadful little tale Called '’Women .After Dark." RO,S.V I.. BL'SH. Class of ’17 On September 29, f’resident and Airs. Lrigg and Mr. j. Ren- sliaxv 'Watson paid a visit to the Ffuimnocks on the .Atlantic Ck)ast of Onslo\v C’.ouniv, near SwanslDoro in company with a larger groitp of pti^vjiis rc:pie- senting several of the f’roles- sions. 'Lhey Avere guest of Air. and Airs. John I.ewis Hurst. Mrs. Hurst is a former studeiu of Stale l eachers Clollege, and was a teacher for several years until she and her husband took over the management of a ■'.asi estate in Onslow Countv. 1 heir oldest daughter, A'enice Hurst Fenderson assisted Afr. and Afrs. Hurst in providing the guests xvith generous hospitality. There was a trip on a ^'acht to the LIummocks. On an island close to j the coast, a tremendous repast was served which included gootl ^Onslow County roasted oysters, barbecue and fried chickeir. l lie Lfurst family xvas genero’js in the highest sense of the xvord. ft was a most pleasant outing for all who attended. taken. Students were taiiglii hoxv to use the card catalogue by Mrs. Alildred C. Hammond, the librarian. Several of the fresh man students were fortunate enough to secure jobs in the Li brary, which enafiies them to be come very familiar w4th the Li- Iirary and its facilities. .A tom of the eam]5us conducted by menil>ers of the Senior class be gan. The newcomers were ac- o^i.iainted with the buildings and grounds. A weiner roast wa.^ given to terminate the first week of orientation, lhe program has not ended but will extend ihrottghotit lire year. Everyone is now familiar with the college and the college family. Those assisting Dean Williams, the one initiated freslimen program, were: Altsses Elizabeth Ricks, Sarah Af. Pd' ham, Afadeline E. Spruill, C. Roberta Sinclair, Geralditic Gavin and Helen Joyner. Al^'iO Air. Riclrard Badger and 1 Uysses A. Johnson. S. D. Mr.