STATE TEACHERS COUEGE LIBKAKir fll7*5rrv rrpf * - State Teachers College News Letter VOL. XI Ellizabeth N. C.. Fridav. October 20. 1950 Number 1 President S. D. Williams Honored PRESIDENT .\PPE.\RS BEFORE BIT)GET COMNflSSIOX President S. D. Williams ree?nd> ^ appeared. befc*e tHe Xortii CaFotizia C^OSCll JAObSrt -L. * 3,U^nil iui«et OjiniiESKon seeking fnaii f« Called to .\rmed EoFces ■lioieQaiice jtvI for additioiKLl boiLl- ioss for the nest two veais. Thete were reqTiests for a eirb’ dormitory; a ko>V danntiory; a student anion which woold inclnde a canteen, a city stadent and faculty krmee, a teerccm and workshop. _\hraini and pest rooms. Y.^1. and Y.W -C.A- qoar- fcis: a swinmnna pool- ako Sl..- 100 for KAts for the athletic fiekL The total coit of coastrrictioD is esti- Robert I_ \ anghn. popular Coach jnH Ph^^cal Education instructor has been caDed to the Armed Forces. As a high school athlete Coac?: Vaughn was oatstanding. being a let terman in both football and basket- Kill After gradnatioa from Peabod>' Hi A SchooL he entered Mrsinia. State Tlie total coH ot coastracGOD is eso- ^ . » _i: _ j j. t CoDeae m his boine town of Peters mted at -SSSIOOO, and the mainte- , ‘-r Knee fond as S220-000. If these requests are granted, there win be many new de\Tekjpments oo tile Campos. There is no hnnt to borg-Virginia. Here “Lil Coach” again was a letterman in the two pre-T03s- ly msntiODed sports. There was also another sport in IDf % 1 jjtntr o mmu uuul w which the iiBtitntion can and win go. which he participatei Fanning him r^is writer has seen plans for new self as a better than average boser loai and walkwa^^ and can safeh “Bobbie” as he was then kno»T». joj- av that coostmctioa wiD begin very team to meet the w». W-ith these improvements State fighting “Aggies” of A & T. Here Teachers Colle-e wiD be one of the “Lil Coach” met a better than-ave- aost beantifnih pianned institntioiB «ge boier. The oatcoroe was dis^ to be foond in the world. 0\ er 200 Freshmen Have Orientation troas. Being a man of wisiom in de feat as weD as »ictor>', “Lil Coach” then and there hnng np his gloves. .\fter gradnatioo from Virziica State, “Lil Coach” went to New York where he acqrared his Master’s degree in Ph>3ical Edocation at Columbia L'ni>-er5it>'. Here he pro-.ed himself a schcJar of no mean ability. The first positioo that “Lil Coach” held was here at our own State Teach ers OJlege. a positioo he filled so well A period of orientatioo from Sep- fcmber 10 throog'i 14 was the begin- ■ins of a new phase of life for mnre than 200 freshmen. The program began wirii an m^iir- ine adffress on the sol^ect; “To Live » jjumuhu ipc — Is to Learn” by President S. D. Wil- it is with deep regret that we see him go. Of c-ooise. we all know that when the “Unde” c^Heth. we liams. Vehna Wall a jonior then spoke oo behalf of the studeot body _ to weicome freahm^ into the CoDe-ge m:ist aniwer. fiiniK'. A guided toor of the cainpns EKiring his short stay here, Ul (oDowed. Coach” woo the admiration and re- On Sunday morning a rehgwoB pro- jpect of alL Tins in itself was no gr^ was coodncted by Mr. C. P. minor accomplishnient. He worked Kellogg assisted by Nlr. A. S. Powe. f Mr. .Albert Martin pave an address oo "TleHgioo and the College Stndeot . In the afternoon a Receptioo was ^en bv President and \Irs. iDiams. I It ’ was an enjoyable affair which wlD smooth-working, hardwood machme be remembered by the new sto- •lents. Following this the .\niioal Can- dlehghtinz Service wa? held in the Smnasinm. It was an impressive pro- fram featuring Nlargia Burden a freshman singing “The Lord's Prayer. Preddent F) WHIum*' Pre-Opening Conference President S. D. Williams For StafiF Members Receives Citation faithfulH with the football team. \Mien football men speak of him. they refer to him as “Lil Coach”. .\s bas ketball coach, he took a group of freshmen and molded them mto a which w as secood ooK- to the “Migh t>- Brooos of Fayetteville.” Champions of the E-I-\.C. i No token of aiipreciatioo grv en "Lil [ Coach” can show what is felt in the hearts of all who know him. We who Placement tests in English were ad- have profited greath' b>' his short stay ■tnistered oo Monday morning, after here wish him “Loads of Lnc-k •hich the d*» was given an intro- while oo his “Uncle’s Mission. We are ^notion to die CbOe^ Library'. Later honored to pay tribute to ooe who in a meeting held in the College .\udi- was not ool>' a “regular gn>' brt •orhnn. upperclassmen representing who established himself as an ath- etganizatioas and acti'Tties on the lete. a chnlar. and a gendemrtrT Onipos talked to freshmen, Registration for all freshmen was in the aftenmoo. and in the esen- ^et a man take time enowdi for a ■ng there was a Get-.Acquainted So- 0^,^ trivial deed, though it be brt oaL the taring of his nails. The bods swefl Activities of Tuesday inc4nded imperceptiblv’, withoot hurry or coo- •seakh examinatioas and talks 00 col- fosioo. as if the d»ort sprine dav’' were hfe bv member^ of the Staff. an etermty,—Thnreau, From September 6 through 9. the ^ Ehzaheth Cit> State Teachers CoOefS* j held a pire-opemng cooferencr^ foe members of the Staff in order to ac- , quaint them with the program of the vear and to plan for the imprmemetit, of instruction in the CoOe|5e. j The opening sessioo begin at 10 o’clock oo September 6 with Presi-; dent Williams presiding. Throosjioat the day, several interestin? phases of the work were di'cwvsed Iw Staff members representing th- rhffrrent departments. On September 7. several edncatiirs from the elementarv- schooL the col lege. and the teaching field in aencral participated in a program designed to reveal the needs of the CoOege in the improvement of teaching. The theme. “Producing the Better Teach er”. was discussed during the even ing sessioo bv- Miss illke NL Jef fries. Snpervisor of Schools in North- amptoD County: Mis Helen Reid. Critic-TeacheT. Bank Street SchooL, EHzaheth City: Mr. Sherman \Mll-1 iams. PrincipaL L. E. TitiK School. Norfolk; and Dr. Eva MitchelL In-! strxKtor of Ednc-atioo. Hamptim In-1 stitute. Hampton. ATiginia. President aitd Mrs, X^llhams enter- tained at a Receptimi for th»- Staff iwi , Friday eveniiig- The Pie-CoDferente closed on Ssit- ; urday momina with general instmi - tions from the Admiiristratkxi Staff to the member' nf the FaiiltA L>urins th«- jiihnMin C. Smith Coot- mencement Even-ises in Jane. Presi dent Sidney- D. ^\'Illiams was aw~arded the boocrarv degree of Doctor of Peda202>-. in revognitioo of his splen- (fid -■T•'^ce^ in the field of teachinz for m er -^O v-ears. The citation called attentioo to the fact that President \MDiams had served in the capacitv- fif prinL-rpal of the high school de partment and director of the stmmer sessioo at Johnson C. Smith I'nrversitv from 14-20 to !«*?). He came to Elhzabrth Qtv' in 1^3I* and w-as imde Dean of Elizabeth Citv- State Te-athers Coflege. In he was elected to the prrsident-v . President \Mlliams K a graduate of .\tlanta Lnrv ersitv-. and has done furth»-r stiidv- at Cninmbia I'niversitv and at th«- I’naversitv- of Chicajsn. The greater part at his t-areer in teaching has been spent in this state where he particfpated in the training of its teachers. Because of his snc- cessfiil work as an educator, he has been associatrtl with «-v-er>- pmgies- sive program of edncation in Vorth Carolina since I9SII. He has served as president of the Xtwtheastem Teacher* AvsiK-iatiofu'the North Car olina Negn> College Conference, and the N«wthe-astem District Schoolmas- tf-Ts Cliih. Il« w-a> secretary of the North Caroliiu Coogn^s of Colored Parents and Teachers for 15 v-e-ars. He rei-efved a 2ild medal for meritarions s» Tvi»f' *rt thi' twgant7afi«w» Teachers Cottages Near Completion Four cijttages. ctnstmcted at appn>\imatel> are soon to be 01- copied bv- nturied instructors of this institution. These attractiv-e. compact hooses consist of five rooms: one bv-ing room, a dinette, two bedroooB. bath ar>r kitchen. They are to be heated b\ electric aiitnnvatic. floor-oil he-aters. There are hardwood flmr^ thitioghoi*. ewpt for the kitchen, and the back pnrches are screened. ■ i- ■ .■ These cottages with white asbestiK siding oio ^nn rpti htimH. ado gmrh to th*- hr-antv nf th*> colkg*

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