Page Four STATE TEACHERS COLLEGE NEWS LETTER ■May, 1955 SORORS ATTEND THE A.K.A. BANQUET Sorors attending banquet are pict ured from left to right: Verline Will iamson; Vivian H. Burke; Anna Mae White; Shirley S t e w a r t; Marva Thoma.s; Marie Sharpless; Sarah Sta ton; Alta P. Markham; Lena Spells; Evangelist Brinson; Dr. Rose B. Brown , speaker: Wynola Davis; He len Hargraves; Doretha Hall. Cornel ius Page; Myrtle O. Johnson; Mrs. Williams; Elsie Sharpe; Carolyn Sharpe; Carolyn Mitchell; Janice Drew; Carlise Hardy; Geraldine Jones; and Yvonne Bland. Other sorors pre sent and not shown are: Mrs. Newby, Mrs. Prather, Mrs. Jackson, and Mrs. White. A. K. A.’S CELEBRATE FOUNDER'S DAY Delta Theta Chapter of the Alplia Kappa Alpha Sorority celebrated an nual Founder’s Day on Sunday, Feb ruary 28 with an open Vesper Service. Guest speaker for the program was Soror Rose Butler Browne, formerly director of the Mid-Atlantic Region of the Sorority, and now Chairman of the Graduate School of Education at North Carolina in Durham. In her own dynamic and engaging way, Dr. Browne held the attention of the audience while she urged students to prepare themselves to be good tea chers, able to teach in a desegregated society. Lasting verities such as love, trutli and responsibility w'ill help stu dents realize this goal, said Dr. Browne. Liimediately following the program, graduate and under graduate sorors assembled in the Fine Arts Building w'here a very dehghtful banquet w’as held. The banquet table was attract ively decorated with pink gladiolus with green fern and pink and green candles. Beulah Carroway, Margaret Coley, Shirley Uzzell, and Virginia Washing ton members of the I\’y Leaf Club served as waitresses for the banquet. The “A.K.A.” spirit then canie forth W'ith songs, and the day was liighly enjoyed by all. —Yvonne Bland Newsletter Is Represented at C.S.P.A. Queenie Ferebee, James Godfrey, Billy Hodge, Elsie Sharpe and Doro thy Smith attended the thirty-first annual meeting of the Columbia Sclio- lastic Press Association held at Col umbia University in New York City on March 10-12. AKA SORORITY ORGANIZES GRAD CHAPTER Mem!x'rs of the Alpha Ka^ipa Alpha Sorority, residing in the area of Eliz abeth City, organized a chapter of the sorority on Saturday, February 5. at the home of Mrs. XL I3.\\’illiam; which w'as beautifully decorated with pink gladioli, palms and ferns. Soror Gracs Mattlicws, newly elected direct or of the Mid-Atlantic Re gion, was present to set up the chapter. This new graduate group is Zcta Kappa Omega Chapter of the Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority. I'ollowing the establishment of the chapter and the installation ceremony, a delicious buf fet supper was served to the new chapter by sorors of Delta Theta, the undergraduate chapter. Officers elected and installed wen-. Basileus, Soror Mamie B. \A'illiams. Anti-Basileus, Soror Irene G. Jackson: Grammateus, Soror Audrey XL Pra- ther; Epistoleus, Soror Louise Harns: T a i o c h u s, Soror XLirgiu'rite E. White; L\ y Leaf Reporter, Soror A. f raucis Gilmer, and Undergraduate Chapter Ach iso-, Soror Alma XL New>- by. Other members of tlie chapter are Sorors: Constance Norman Jones. Cornelius J. Sliarpe, Evelyn A. John son, Bettye Lee Tillerv and XIarv E Tillerv. AT EASTER TIXIE Tlie little fkw'crs came through tlie ground, At Easter time, at Easter time; They raised their heads and looked around, At hapi^y Easter time. And every pretty bud did sa\’, “Good people, bless this lioly da\'. For Christ is risen, the Angels say At happy Easter time!” The pure white lily raised its cup At Easter time, at Easter time; The crocus to the sky looked up At happy Easter time. ‘We’ll Iiear the song of Heaven! they say. Its glory shines on us today. Oh! may it shine on us alway -At holy Easter Time!” Twa.s long and long and long ago. That Easter time, that Easter time. But still tlie pure white lilees blow At happ\' Easter time. And still each little flower dotli sa\'. “Good Christian, bless this holy day. For Christ is risen, the angels sa\' At blessed Easter time!” —Selected CORONATION BALL The Coronation Ball culminating College Day activities w'as held in the Gymnasiuiu on the evening of March 28. Cornonation ceremonies dedicated to the queen, Jean W. Gray, included music, both vocal and instrumental, dancing and a dramatic interpretation. The (jueen, escorted by James D. Greer, led her subjects in tlie first dance of the e\ening. Attending her were: W'ynola Da\ is and Ir\ in Gordy Ernestine Davis and Billy Hodge Chestina I'osque and Robert XIoody Agnes Canada and Raymond Reddriek Greta W'ilkens and Dewey Clark \’ivian Jenkins and Paul W'illiains Emma Hill and Ephriam Green Aiuy llarris and Oscar Blakey l^itsy XIorton and William Liggins Beatrice Keanan and Joe W'ard Sarah Xliller and James Cassell Earlona Da\’is and Landon Xliales Emcee of the affair was Dorothy Smith. Xlusic was furnished by the College Band with Randolph Newbold and Cornelius Troup as guest per formers. —Dorotliv Smith Dean's List Honor a\^erages for the W'intci (luarter of I9.54-.5,5 have been rtJeased. XIar>' Gatling, a senior, lead with a ''3.00 ax'crage. Freshmen — Thomas Hedgebetli 2.00. Sophomores—Geraldine F. Cooper, 2.44; Shirley Uzzell, 2.44; Gleo W'hite. 2.41; Annie XL Riddick, 2.25: XLirva XI. Thomas, 2.2.5; Daisy L. Barclift 2.19; Della E. Harris, 2.19; Dorothy E. Hammonds, 2.0L XLu'garte Cole>. 2.00; Alelia Koonce, 2.00 Juniors—Sarah B. Station, 2.60; Elise Sharpe, 2.40; Anna XI. W’hite. 2.03; Oscar L. Blakey, 2.00; Eula S. Burns, 2.00; XIartha L. Coward. 2.00; Irene Exum, 2.00; Geraldine Jones, 2.00; Vivian G. Wilhams, 2.00. Seniors—Delorice R. Taylor, 2.92; XIarceil G. Brown, 2.80; lane W. Saw'ver, 2.80; Carolyn P. Everett, 2.00; Olethia E. Davis, 2.40; Gilbertine Winslow, 2.40; Estella H. Simons, 2..33; Agnes Shaw, 2.29; Shirley D. XIoore, 2.2.5; Dewildera Pope, 2.20; XIa;ttie Seward, 2.20; Ophelia 11. Broadna.\, 2.00; W'ynola Da\is, 2.00; Queenie E. Ferebee, 2.00; James Johnson, 2.00; Dorothy E. Smith, 2.00; Floretta Sutton, 2.00; Joe Ward, 2.00; X’erline Williamson, 2.00. NOTED LECTURER AND AUTHOR TALKS AT S.T.C. Dr. Sherwood Edd\-, one of t'le most widel\- tra\eled men in America, was guest speaker at the Assembh- on Tuesday, February 22. Dr. Eddy emphasised six points for successful li\ ing; how to li\ e pliysical- K’, rationally, emotionally, socially, happih’, and spiritualh’. He mged hi.s listeners to use their minds. A scdfish lil(‘ means death, con tinued Dr. Edd\'. Organize yom- life around God, for hate, fear, and anxiety are all forms of selfishness. lie recom- nicnded justice for all, stating the cm'Is of slavery. Ila\e love, hope and faith in God, Dr. Eddy said in elosini. The so;i! needs food, air and exercise ju..i. as the bod\. —Curtis Twine THALIA SOROSIS CLUB IN THE NEWS Tile Thalia Sorosis Club entertain, ed at a dance after the ba,sketba|| game with Fayette\Mlle on Febriiarv 19. 1 he party was a glowing success, iiiii the students thoroaghly enjoyed doing the popular dances. Refreshments after the dance H’trc an enjoyable treat. Delorice Taylor was biglily sur prized on XIareli 3. when Ernestinf Davis escorted her into tbc home of XIr. and Xir.v II. L. Thoma.s. The oc casion was party given by the Thali:i So roris Club on the completion of lici work at the College. Records were played for tlic en tertainment of some, while others en joyed cards. W'ynola Da\is, president of the club, presented Delorice a gift from tlie Thalia girls. Delorice in turn expressed her appreciation for the gift and told how well she liad enjoyej being a member of Thalia Sorosii Refreshments were served. XIrs. Thomas, sponsor, and the dnl members wislied her Godspeed. During ;i recent assembly hour the Thalia Sorosis Club gave a two-fold program. The first part con.sisterl of di;- purposes anJ campus acti'ities di,‘:eussed by Queenie Ferebee; tlie second w'as a quiz program in whieli many students participated. I^’iftecn new mcunhers were initiat ed into tlie Thalia Sorosis Club on April f. They are: Daisy Barclift Ophelia Broadnax. Janice Drew, Cath erine Granby, Carlise Hardy, Harris, Xlaxinc Lley, Allene ]effors. Alelia Koonce, Mary Marbley, Alta Xlarkhani, Erlyn Morris, Mane Ril dick, XIary Wise, and E\elyn Wrisby. —Mar\- Spruill EASTER MESSAGE “The Se\ c n Last W'ords from the Cross’” was the theme of the Easter nie.':sage brousht to the College I') seven outstanding local ministers. The first word, “Father forgi'i the m for they know not what tlif) do,” was discussed by the Re\eren^ J. A. Babington-Jolmson; the secon . “Todav shalt thou be with me in para dise,” 'by the Reverend I). ]■ » the third “W'oman, behold thy son “Son behold thy mother,’' The Re', erend J. Jasper Freem;m. Speaking on the fourth word. ■ ) God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me” W'as the Re\'erend 0.^^ Kelb' In gram; the fifth, “I thirst | Re%-erend L. H. Pailhi; the si.xth. is finihed”, the Reverend Jo'" Trotnian; the seventh, thy hands I commend my .spint Reverend W. W'. f inlator. The College Choir rendered E® ^ selections. Soloists were -Miss I "He Xf'e^ W'vnn, a junior, who san,. Said a Mumbling W'ord” , and Xliss Delorise “Surely lie Died on CaKary by .i-lh' The worship ser\'iees "irc ‘ Curtis Twine, a junior. He "" ed by James Williams, a sophon Xh-s Carolyn Payton National Association of U''' Women held April 4 in CW^^ was elected Secretary of ^ of Colleges of Professional r.