THE ^1(^1 \ Scenes From Founders Day Exercises CollGyC Holds70th Founders Day Elizabeth City, N.C. COLLEGE HOLDS ANNUAL SENIOR DAY; OVER 1,000 SENIORS VISIT On February 15, 1961, Elizabeth City State Teachers College held its annual "Hign School Senior Day.” The activities for the day began at y:00 a.m. with the registration of 1,023 high school seniors irom 23 high schools in North Carolina and Virginia. At 10:30 the Assembly began with iviartna j-urvis, president of the Senior Class presiding. She welcomed the seniors and instructors from the many visiting schools. Mr. Joseph C. Daniels, instructor in the Music De partment, played the prelude, and the College Choir under the direction of iviiss £. Johnson rendered a selection. Dr. Walter N. Ridley, President of the college extended greetings to the visting high schools. He informed the seniors about the general opera tion and puipose of the college, and also about the aid that is available to the students who qualifly and need financial help. He introduced the student leaders of State Teachers Col lege; the top ranking freshmen wo man, Lois Gray, Washington, N. C. freshman man, William Slade, Con way, N. C.; the ranking sophomore woman, Alice Myrick, Como, N. C. sophomore man, John Jordan, Eden- StucLent of the Issue ton, N. C.; the most outstanding junior student, Joe Shambley, presi dent of the state chapter of Alpha Kappa Mu Honor Society, Colerain, N. C.; the ranking senior student, and Miss S.T.C., Lula Roberts, Edenton, N. C.; the top ranking student in the Vocational Technical Institute, Norris Allen, Leaksville, N. C.; the most all-around student, Norris Fran cis, Franklin, Virginia; and Vice F’res- ident of the Student Council, James Swimpson, Williamston, N. C. A skit was presented by the Col lege Dramatics Club entitled “Through with Girls.” The charac ters were Tony Ricks, George Simp son, Robert Sharpe, and Marcell For bes. A selection, “Moon-light Vermont,” was presented by Morgan Jackson and Catherine Greene of the College Dance Group. The College Choir gave a second selection entitled, “Great God Almighty.” Mr. Thomas Caldwell, Dean of Men, gave the directjpns for the tour of the campus. Other activities for the afternoon consisted of dinner Lane Hall, a Band Concert and Basketball game between State Teach ers College and St. Paul’s College. Compass Selects Delegates To CSPA Five members of The Compass will attend the 37th annual convention of Columbia Scholastic Press Association on Columbia University campus New York City March 9-11. The members of the staff who to attend are Lois Gray, Clarence Biggs, John Jordan, and Sunny Vick. These representatives from the staff will be seeking experiences that may be valuable in improving the publi cation. Some very good information wa brought back to the staff by last year’ representatives who met students from ;very section of the country, with /hom they shared ideas and problems. A better “Compass” should result Tom the attendance of these students it the CSPA. HENRY BELL PICKETT, JR. Henry Bell Picket, Jr., a senior, has been named the Student of the Issue. He was chosen by the Compas Staff who believe that he is an out standing student deserving this title. Pickett, who is from Morehead City, North CaroUna, is president of the Sigma Rho Sigma Honor Society, Editor-in-Chief of the “Compass,” president of YMCA, Basileus of the Omega Psi Phi Lambda Chapter and Student assistant to the Dean of Men. In addition to this, he was selected to appear in Who’s Who in American Colleges and Universities for 1960- 1961. From the above, one can see that Pickett excells in scholarship, leader ship, ability and contributions to the life and growth of the college. Pickett is now doing his practice teaching at the Pasquotank Elemen tary School, Elizabeth City. He plans after graduation and armed services to do further study in the Social Sciences. The Compas Staff in union with the rest of the college family extend congratulations to Henry Pickett for his rewarding achievements. Honors Convocation To Be Held March. 15 Elizabeth City State Teachers Col lege will hold its annual “Honors Day Progiam” on Wednesday even ing, March 15, at 8:00 p.m. in Moore Hall Auditorium. The purpose of “Honors Day” is to honor the students who have ex celled in scholarship, and to inform and inspire all students to work to the maximum of their ability. The speaker for this occasion will be Dr. John W. Davis, special di rector of the NAACP’s Legal Defense and Educational Fund of New York City, and president emeritus of West Virginia State College. Dr. Charles Lyons, Dean of the college, will present the awards, and recognitions and congratulations will be cited by the president, Dr. Walter N. Ridley. One of the many awards will be the Davis Cup /^ward, which will be given in honor of Mr. Junions W. Davis, Sr., who was a trustee of the college from 1949-54. Upon thi death of Mrs. Battle, he was elected Chairman of the board of trustees where he served with distinction and (Contiaued on Page 4) Deans List and Honor Roll Released—Fall '60-'61 The Deans List and Honor Roll for the first semester of the school year 1960-61 was recently released by the Dean of the college, Dr. Charles Lyons. The names are list ed below: DEANS LIST Freshmen Allen, Norris Richard; Slade, Vv'il- iiam'T^ola, Sophomores Jordan, John Wesley, Myrick, Alice; Slade, Leonard Juniors None Seniors Bro vn, Rubye; Puryear, Mary HONOR ROLL Freshmen Forbes, Marcell Elizabeth; Frances, Norris Earl; Garris, Viola; Gray, Lois; Hodges, Bobby; Lea, Annie; Magee, Louvenia; Melton, Carlton Cecil; Mills, Eugene Deloris; Ma- Kisset, Thelma; Palmer, Bess Gar- celia; Register, Selma; T r o t m a n, Davis; Watson, Lillian Miester Sophomores Baker, Robert; Barclift, John Al bert; Barnes, Streata; Cooks, Florence; Duren, Patricia; Grey, Dorothy; John son, Edmund; Johnson, Sanford; Jones, Alice B.; Manley, Jimmie; Maye, Robert Earl; Patterson, George; Ransom, Jeanette; Vick, Sunny Ste wart; Williams, James E.; Lewis, Matthew, Jr. Juniors James, David; Jones, A d r o n; Moore, Margaret; Shambley, Joe Willie; Welch, Joyce Seniors Barclift, Velma S.; Branch, Caro lyn; Brothers, Jean; Bunch, Wilson; Congleton, Donna; Everett, Charles; Finch, Lendora; Gause, Snowree; Gould, Yvonne; Hocutt, Carlton Jones, Inez; Kitchen, George; Knight, Robert; Lennon, Ina Jane; Purvis, Martha; Roberts, Lula; Ste wart, Delores; Winfield, Shirley Typewriting Contest Held at E.C.S.T. College The Annual Northeastern District Typewriting Contest was held at Elizabeth City State Teachers College February 16. Students from many of the high schools in North Carolina participated. Winners according to the best performance were: First place—First Semester, Charles K. Rnodes of Washington County Union School, Plymouth, N.C.; First place—Second Semester, Helen Jones of Booker T. Washington High School, Rocky u n t, N.C.; First place—^Third Semester, Nelda C. Ormond of South Ayden High School, Ayden, N.C.; Second place—First Semester, Gwen dolyn Tweedy of Booker T. Washing ton High School, Rocky Mount, N.C.; Second place—Second Semester, Mil dred Joyner of Booker T. Washington High School, Rocky Mount, N.C.; Second place—Third Semester, Wray E. Pash of Booker T. Washington High School, Rocky Mount, N.C.; Third place—First Semester, Cleva- land Harris of Nash Central High School, Nashville, N.C.; Third place —Second Semester, Josie Brown of Booker T. Washington High School Rocky Mount, N.C.; Third place Third Semester, Dorothy Baker of Booker T. Washington High School, Rocky Mount, N.C. Among the high rating Seniors were Cleveland Harris of Nash Cen tral High School, Nashville, N.C.; Josie Brown of Booker T. Washing ton High School, Rocky Mount, N.C.; Dorothy Baker of Booker T. Wash ington High School, Rocky Mount, N.C. and Barbara Lathers of P. W. Moore High School, Elizabeth City, N.C. (Continued on Page 4) Founders Day exercises, celebrating the Seventieth Anniversary of the establishment of the Elizabeth City State Teachers College, were held in Moore Hall on Sunday, February 26. The Reverend Shelby Rooks, Alum nus, and Pastor of the Saint James Presbyterian Church in New York City delivered the Founders Day Ad dress. The program began at 3:30 in the afternoon with music by the College Choir and devotions by Dr. James A. Eaton, Director of Personnel. Greetings from the Alumni were given by the Reverend R. R. Purnell; and from the Student Body by Mr. George Kitchen, president of the Student Council. Introduced by Dr. W. N. Ridley. President of the College, the Rever end Rooks spoke on “Faith of the Founders.” He began by greatly em phasizing how Hugh Cale, Peter Moore and other Founders had made possible “the sentimental journey” which had been taken by those who had returned to the College for the celebration of its seventy years. As the speaker continued, he told how the foundation for education of a host of young men and women had been laid by these Founders who had Faith—who believed in the Negro race, the idea of democracy, in Ameri ca and in life itself. He further de clare that only the Faith of such men as these is sufficient for the times in which we live. Concluding his address, he said, “Let us have Faith in one another, for the Founding Fathers had great Faith in each other, and they also believed in GOD.” Pilgrimage to Founders Graves At 2:30 p.m. on February 26, Alumni, friends, and members of the College Staff and Student Body made pilgrimage to Oak Grove Cemetery. There are buried Hugh Cale who in troduced the bill establishing the school. Dr. Peter W. Moore and the late president J. H. Bias. There was a brief ceremony after which wreaths were placed on the graves of Hugh Cale, Dr. Moore and Mr. Bias by Mrs. Alice Morgan, Mrs. Ruth M Bethea and Mrs. Bernice Brandon respectively. Fine Arts Festival May 2-7 1961 First-Time Freshman Enroll For 2nd Semester With the ending of the first semes ter at State Teachers College, there were many new and old faces seen on and about the campus. These were the faces of new and former students who had planned to enroll at this in stitution. There were 24 first-time freshmen women; 10 first-time fresh man men; 2 transfer women; 2 trans fer men; 12 former women; and 8 former men to enroll for the spring semester 1961—a total of 58 students. Theme: Art as Expression ■ 2 Lecture, Dr. Phillip Butcher, Division of Humanities, Mor gan State College, Moore Hall Conversation with Dr. Butcher, Lighthouse Play Exhibit —The Night of January Sixteenth, Moore Hall ' 3 Art Exhibit, Clifford Jackson, Dept, of Art, Virginia State College, Lighthouse Allen Brown, Pianist, Moore Hall Reception for Mr. Brown, Light house I Music Student Recital, Moore Hall Student Art Exhibit, Library College Band Concert, Williams Hall Dance Recital, Moore Hall Debate, Lighthouse Art Film, Moore Hall Student Panel — World Liter ature, Lighthouse College Choir Concert, Moore Hall