may, 1965 THE COMPASS PAGE FIVE Do We Cherish Our Nation? By Ella M. Ivory Several times in recent months, the Chief Executive of our nation has felt the need to assure his fellow-Americans that this country is constantly striving for peace, that America is a great nation, and its leaders arc i'mong the most qualified in the world. As I listened to President Johr- son on television (he was s"e.ikip: on the Dominican crisis), and as I watched the expressions of sin cerity and earnesty on his solemn features, my heart just swelled with pride. Yes, I was proud be cause of the realization that America has a strong leader, that j America is a great and prosperous | nation, and that we as citizens, re 1 wealthy just because we are Ameri- j cans. I During these few moments of' intense "meditation." several thoughts came to me: Do we re member to be patriotic by even re- ' calling the sweet lines “O beautiful for spacious skies, for amber waves of grain—F o r purple mountain ’ majesties above the fruited pl iins"? ' Do we think of the symbol of the ' American flag and hope so Ion" may it wave not only over the land of the free and the home of i the brave, but over all peoples who ; believe in liberty? Now. as we go about our pe"-- sonal tasks, let us stop to be grate- ' ful for the “wealth” that is our in- j heritance because We are Amcri- ' cans. Yes, “As we raise our voices in a solemn prayer, let u>^ all be grateful for a world that is fair." Let us cherish our great nation, i Let us as citizens strive to make Annual College Day Observed Each year, the faculty, staff, and administration of ECSC honor eraduating seniors by allowing them to share a pood deal of their responsibilities for a day. On the thirteenth of April, this privii.’gc w'.is given to the graduating class of 1965. To have looked into the faces of the majority of our seniors on s\ich an auspici.nis occasion, one would have thought it was '.he long-awaited “D" Day. (Diplo ma Day.) They were given individual posi tions ranging from the president's swivel-chair to clock-punchcr in the dining hall. For some reason most classes that day reported full attend mce records! When ask ed about his experience one senic replied. “It was neat.” Another responded, “I enjoyed it because it let us see how it was like on the ther side of the desk ... It should be continued.” Panel Discussion Held Recently By Cclestine T. Ashe Puri'ig a series of programs T'kinned by the Women’s Govern- ;iiLnt Association was a Panel Dis- Lu-.sion, the sccond in the series. M.iy 1. 1965 :d 1:30 P.M. Mr. Reuben A. Braxton, Director Student Personnel; Mr. Moses Walker, Instructor, Business Educa tion and Mr. Otha Sydnor, Presi dent of Student Council joined six pancli-ts, Horace Chapman, Mary Herring, Nellie Johnson, Melvin Powell, Geraldine Respass, and Arzie Sutton, in discussing “The Effective Role of Women in a '"h 'nging Society." Several of the male panel members felt that very soon we will have our first woman presi Jei\t. The women students readily agreed to this. The panel expressed themselves by siiying the woman's place is no lorqer in the kitchen. The general agreement among i ^'ut in the v'orld doing more con- the seniors is the fa.’t that holding tni t;ve thinj;s than cooking, 'ome office position and teaching '1 :o!lti:e 'iri'vidi's evon gre it’r opportunity to learn than that which is acquired through the nine- week student-teaching course. The pron 1 wa. then entertained b; re:'larks from Dr. William E. Am'j' un. Dean of the College. Co'^c ' lour followed with the re idents of Symera Hall hostesses. as WHO'S WHO For 65' - 66' student Council President Vernon Perry Vice-presidcnt Mary Sl.ade Sv’crelary Peggy Avent C orresponding secretary Evelyn Sutton Tre:ssarer Evelyn Dixon Members-at-l.arge: Celestine Ashe, Willie Cooke, William Ruffin, Elizabeth Strickland THE ROVING SPORTS EYE JETHRO WILLIAMS, Reporter Bobby Mitchell Speaks At Athletic Banquet America an even greater nation for Women's Government A.ssociation men of freedom and good will President Evelyn Dixon everywhere, by being imaaes of Vice-president Joycelyn Berry LBJ and “White House” leaders .Secretary Arlease Salley Treasurer Helen Johnson Reporter Ingrid I I'shthouse College CcnJer I’re'ident Jo.tii Smith Vi.e-prcsident Bcltie Ashe I Sjcretary Annie Toler The art exhibit was off to a Assistant good start after opening one day , «t’renry Doris Duggins late on April 28, 1965 at 8 o'clock : Parlimentarian Hedy Pugh P M. in the Lighthouse. The thre.- | Compass Staff exhibitors were Belinda Carroll. ‘ Editor-in- Betty Lou Wilkins and Lorrine chief Jethro C. Williams Walker. A'sociate „ , ■ Editor Barbara Fearing One of the main purposes of Ihe; ga^t in our immediate surroundings Art Exhibition Off To Good Start New AKA Members art exhibit was to show the works ■ p -f „ ■ . . " Treasurer Vivian Thornton 01 senior art majors, completed during their four academic years. There were many styles of paintings displayed. Among the many styles were abstract-impres- sionism. non-objective portrait and the latest style “Pop Art.” Carvings were done in two main materials: plaster and marble Omega Psi Plii Nu's The members of the Omega Psi 1 Phi Fraternity welcomed two new brothers into "Greekland" on Sat urday, May 1. Neophytes “crossing the sands" were Phillip T. Flood. ■ n Elementary Education major from Jersey City, New Jersey; and Robert l.ocu t. an Industrial Arts major from Weldon, North Caro lina. Lampodas Club Recently, 15 “Little Brothers" initiated into the Lampodas C hib of Omega Psi Phi. The pled- ceev' officers are Ervin Francis P' si lent; M.irvin Spaulding. Vice p;'; id-’nt; William Settle. Secre , ir. : i roy l ompkins, Tre:isurer I? ' il(' ILrrin". Reporter; Grove ' ids. P.irliamentarian; an d V.'lley Vi’e^ch, Sergeant-at-Arms. CMhcr members of the Pledge Chib are Albert Whitley, Willie Hap;ins. General Shoulars, Prymas Tabron, Charlie Haggard, Ralph R amson, J imes Dickerson, and Jamps Powell. The Omejas and Lamps are an ticipating a “year of interesting activities" for the coming school term. Woghin:*ton Redsklrs' Flanker Back. Bobby Mitchell, takes time out to give pointers to three future proiessional football players. The three seniors are Irom leit to right. Claudie Mackey oi Englehard, N.C.; (Mitchell wearing dark glasses); Jethro Pugh of Windsor, N.C.; and Argle Whitfield of Portsmouth, Va. The annual All-Sports Banquet of Elizabeth City State College on Monday, May 10, 1965, featured Bobby Mitchell, star halfback of the Washington Redskins. Mitchell has been one of the leading pass receivers in the Na- lional Football League for the past three seasons. The star flanker back who came to the Redskins from Cleveland in a trade which involved the great Ernie Davis is I veteran on the football field and at the Banquet table. Like his former teammate, Jim^ Brown, Bob by works with Pepsi—Cola as a public relations assistant in ad dition to his pass catching chores for the Redskins. Mitchell met face to face for the first, but perhaps not the last, time with Jethro Pugh and Claudie Mackey, two of the local college athletes who have signed professional foot ball contracts with the Dallas Cow boys. Viking" Netters End Season With 12-2 Record Graduate Program (Continued from Puife I) The first course—June 18, to July I. from two to five daily, is Education 334G, Home—School— Community Relations, Dr. Frank ■Atwood, pmfessor. The second course—Juh’ 5, to July 16, from nine to twelve noon, is Education On April 24, 1965, the Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority inducted nineteen members into the Ivy l.eiif Club. T!i2 members are: Doris Cherry, Bettie Davis. In grid Ea t, Patricia Forbes, Carolyn The most outstanding carving dis- ILdI, Florence Holley, Willie llol- Played in the art show was "The i ley, Nellie Johnson, Elizabeth _ , . . _ ,. head of a woman." done by each .Strickland, Tyree Wilkins, Patricia j . . Of the artists Jones, Doris Lawrence, Vinnia! ' professor. The third As for f r . ^ NichoLson, Angcnette Ruffin, Bes-ischedu'ed from July 26 sculLlwb ^7.‘’‘’‘*:sie Ruffin, Arlease Salley. Peggy August 6, will be announced disS d ' Si Doris Stanley, Myrtle displayed. Among the items were-p sculptures of book ends, salt and T)pnr^r. . ' 1 he officers are: pepper shakers, ash trays and , • i ^ . various other items President, Ingrid East; vice-prcsi- I dent. Myrtle Turner; secretary. The Work shown by Belinda ■ Arlease Salley; assistant secretary, arroll, Betty Lou Wilkins and 'Florence Holley; treasurer, Bettie -orrine Walker showed quite a Davis; reporter, Peggy Simmons; of talent and cre:itiveness. parliamentarian, Vinnia Nicholson. Sphinx Club News Clarence Thomas, Willie Peele, ' President is Williairvs, Thomas Grover Eure, Robert White, i is .secretary and Eure is treasurer. George Mason, and Jethro Wil- ' forward to big | above amount for each course. later. The fee for each course is $27.00. A minimum of twenty stu dents must be registered in order for the courses to be offered. Per sons attending classes may arrange for room and board on campus. The total cost for tuition, board, lodging and fees for the three courses will be $186.00. Non- boardiniT students will pay $81.00 tuition for the three courses. An inilividual may register for one or more courses in which case all fees will be one-third of the liams make ; things as they serve their appren- | ...X, -w , 1 All inquiries should be made up the roster of the Alpha, in preparation to the Director of the S’lmmcr energetic new Sphinx Club to , ^laking a go.od contribution to Session, Elizubelh City State Col- ^Pha Phi Alpha Fraternity on I the Frat—IF THEY MAKE IT U-RC, Elizabeth City, North Caro- campus. (and they hope they do). i Una. Having cornpleted his first year !S a varsity coach. Coach Jacob K. Bentley has turned in a fine c -aching performance. In regular season the team finished with a ! record of 12 wins and only 2 I losses. Coach Bentley believes that , hard work, understanding of per- I sonel, and drill on fundamentals j are the keys to victory. Much of the team's success must go to individuals A1 Richards. James Jones, Ralph Roland, Claude Clark, and Eugene Thompson. ,\l Richards, a junior, compiled an overall record of 13-2. With so many wins under his belt, he was topseeded in the CIAA tour ney. The success of the team has rested heavily upon his shoulders. James Jones ended the season with with 11 wins and 4 losses. He is also a junior and has gained recognition as a fine tennis player. Jones offers great promise for the coming season. Ralph Roland, the only senior on the team, was seeded fourth in the tournament. Ralph is not a graduating senior and coach Bentley hopes that he will have Ralph’s services in the season to come. With an 11-4 record, Claude Clark, a junior has done a great job with the team thus far. At times he appears to be better than his record. There is much to be seen of Clark in the future. Leo Hill, a newcomer to the tennis team and a junior, finished the season with a 10-3 record. He is looking forward to the new season in hopes of bettering his record and the team’s. Eugene Thompson has acted as team captain and despite a knee injury was able to turn in a 3-3 record. He missed the greater part of the season and is looking for ward to bigger and better things in the season he has remaining. CIAA Tourney Singles In the annual CIAA tennis tournament held at Hampton In stitute, Ralph Roland (No. 3 player) advanced to the semi finals before being defeated by Al Poe of NCC. Roland defeated Mealey of Union (6-0; 6-30) and Faucette of A & T (12-10; 6-3). Clark (No. 4) defeated Jackson of Delaware State (6-4; 6-3) in the opening round, but was defeated by Hickman of Union in the quarters. Doubles Al Richards and James Jones were runner-up champs of the CIAA. They lost to Hanley and Lewis of Hampton (6-0; 6-4). They both received trophies for their fine efforts. Clark and Thompson defeated Johnson C. Smith’s No. 3 doubles team to advance to the semi-finals. They lost to Hall and Ratcliff of Hampton in the semi-finals. Coach B'entley states, “Disap pointing single performances from Al Richards, who was top seeded, James Jones, Cleo Hill, and Eu gene Thompson, kept the team from making a much better show ing in total team points. Total team points were 12.’’ TENNIS BOX SCORES Elizabeth City 1 Elizabeth City 7 Elizabeth City 5 Elizabeth City 0 Elizabeth City 7 Hampton 8 Fayetteville 0 Morgan State 2 Hampton 9 Livingstone 0 There is nothing so easy but that i it becomes difficult when you do ' it with reluctance.