SEPTEMBER .26, 1969 THE COMPASS PAGE 3 ? by Javon Brothers Note: Prose article con tinued from August 11th edition of Compass. “Well, my dear, some times things just bees that way” he said and laughed. “One thing I’ll say you sure aren’t conceited, ”mr. Roy, look for it tomorrow,” she said sar- casticly. “Tell me something, does he do this often ... invite people in and all?” “Roy that kid has a mul tiplicity of problems. Why he’s practically on his own. I think the last char acter he brought here was an addict. That nigger did all sorts of things, he was sniffing, popping, you name it, he did it. And the time befoe that, I think it was Christmas time, it was a pimp. That joker had a house full of whores, phags and I don’t knowwhat all. It happened that Uncle Link came home luckily and kicked all of them out.” “Tell me what’s his pro blem? He seems to want blem? He seems to want a little affection. Appears to be a nice kid though.” “Oh he is, too nice. His problem didn’t just begin today or yesterday or even last year. It began the day he was born. His no good old man didn’t give a damn about noth ing absolutely nothing but a fix. He was on the ne edle also and so was his wife. Their habit got so bad until they both lost contact vnth anything real or even alive. Junior was just a baby. And as fate has it to happen, he went to pimping and she to the street to support the habit. One day in January it '■m JOSEPH STANLEY WHO WHAT. . WHERE Joseph Lee Stanley, a graduate of ECSU (June 1969) and a native of Kin ston, North Carolina ma jored in Social Science here. He has recently been granted admission to Indiana University Graduate School to work toward his Ph. D. degree in the field of Govern ment. happened. They brought Junior to my aunt’s house and left him. The next morning they were both found frozen to death in an alley, the moss still in their hands. The under taker said they died of an over dosage. “Damn, that’s tragic,” he said sadly. Roy sat up and lit a cigarette, looking blankly into spaces as he listened to her words, thinking to himself and wondering just what it was like to have to go through life really alone and unloved, as Junior had not affection or sympathy or empathy but love, something Junior evidently had never known.” ‘‘What’s wrong?” she asked inquisitively. “Oh nothing, I was just thinking . . . about what it s like for him . . Junior. 1 mean,” “I’ve thought about it too but nobody’ll ever know except him, I guess. Your breakfast is going to get cold if you don’t come and eat.” “How about stepping in the next room, I don’t wear pajamas” . “I’ll turn my head. “I don’t want your toast to burn, besides I’ve seen a man in his drawers before,” she said and smiled. “Well, I’m not going to ask who”, Roy grabbed his pants slipped them on, picked up his shaving kit and made a quick dash for the bathroom. Through the cracked door he couldn’t but help admire what an attractive woman Jo was as she moved gracefully, almost as if to a rhythm. Her skin was dark smooth and brown that served as an envelope for a near per fect body. “Tell me something, what do you do?” he shouted from the bath room. “I’m a model part time, really I’m just a student I guess.” “Do you like being a model?” he asked, “Love it, only thing it’s so hard to find work.” “You must be joking, you’ve got a lot going for you, you’re intelligent very attractive, and have a beautiful body, you shouldn’t have any trouble finding work.” “Now, just how do you know?” she asked, “I just told you, what else is there?” “I don’t know, but what else it is I must not have it.” she replied. “Tell me something else, how old are you?” “Now you know a woman never tells her age and why do you ask?” “I want to make sure I don’t contribute great ly towards the delinquen cy of a minor.” “I’ve just met you and already your mind is in the gutter. All you men are just alike.” “No, I wasn’t thinking of that in the sense that you took it.” “What other way is there to take it! . . . what you said is self explana tory. 1 might make it clear that I’m not some woman you can pick up on the street.” “I apologize but what I really wanted to say was, would you like to go to the museum today?” JAVON BROTHERS, PROSE WRITER “I don’t know if your apology is accepted or not. Maybe for the time being as long as you don’t ask about my age. By the way, let me reverse the question, how old are you? “I’m 26 and would you believe is still a virgin.” “You might be 26 but I definitely don’t believe that last statement. “Oh, yeah! Oh, yeah!” he blured out jokingly. Stop acting foolish Roy, you’re just as nutty as you can be. Seriously now, would you like to go to the museum today around 1:00. I’ve got something special to show you. “I’d love it,” she replied. "Have you ever been in here before?” he asked. “Now why would you ask a question like that?” (continued) CHANGES IN SERVICES AND COURSES ECSU CAMPUS CAMP The appreciation of na ture and the conservation of natural resources were among the most important aspects of the local Girl Scouts’ day camp adven ture on the University's campus. Brownie, Junior and Cadette troops assem bled on the campus with an enormous amount of enthusiasm. Junior troop 729 began their camp ex- ENGLISH 50 IS DROPPED The Department of Modem Languages wish es to announce changes in services and courses offered by the Depart ment. These changes, to be effective this semes ter, are the outcome of a set of recommendations made by the Department to the President and the Dean of the University this past semester and approved by them late this summer. Subsequent steps were taken to re ceive the approval of the Curriculum Committee where such approval was required. It is the sin cere hope of the Depart ment that these changes will improve the quality and effectiveness of its services and programs and that the needs of the students will be more closely met. 1. Courses dropped: a. English 50, Com munications Skills, 0 se mester hrs., required of students who failed to attain at least the mini mum score required on the English Expression Placement Test for the Freshmen. b. English 70, Funda mentals of English, 0 se mester hrs., required of students who failed to at tain at least the minimum score required on the standardized test portion of the English Proficiency Examination. 2. Courses added: A. English 3—(number to be determined by the Registrar). B. Traditional Gram mar, 3 semester hours. To be offered as an elective for any student who has successfully completed Freshman En glish (101,102); recom mended for students de siring intensive study of functional grammar for personal growth and/or preparation for the EPE, NTE, or Student Teach ing; also recommended for staff members andin- service teachers. 3, Changes in the Labo ratories and their ser vices; A. The Laboratories now include: 1. Reading labora tory - Director: Mrs. Spellman 2. Skills & Writing Laboratory - Director: Mr. Sugg 3. Speech Labora tory - Director: Mrs. H. Caldwell B. The Laboratories will be coordinated by Mr. Watson. C. Members of the Ba sic Education Staff will participate in the practice aspects of the Laborator ies and in tutorial rela tionships with the stu dents enrolled in the Laboratories. 4. The Department has relinquished its role in the Placement Testing of ■ Freshmen in English Ex pression and Reading, in the placement of Fresh men in English 101 and the Learning Laborator ies (Reading, Skills,and Speech), and in the English Proficiency Ex amination. All of the lat ter responsibilities will now be assumed by the Testing and Counseling Staff and by the Testing Committee, as determin ed by the Administrative Staff. The Department will service the Testing and Counseling Staff in the areas of Speech Profi ciency and the Writing Sample for tfie Placement Testing and the EPE. SITE FOR DAY periences with the mile hike to camp site, hap pily singing their hike song “Swing Along”, while Cadette troop 758 rode their bikes. Both activities are a part of the requirements neces sary for earning some of the camp badges. The activities of this experience for the girls included the opening of each day with the flag ceremony, followed by the court of honor meet ing. The court of honor is the heart of the camp, the governing body. It is made up of a respresen- tative of each camp unit. Out of door activities be gan after each represen tative reported back to their unit. The week terminated with a campfire for par ents and friends. At tending the campfire from headquarters were Mrs, Barbara Mettler, Girl Scout Region Director, and Mrs. Grace Van Derveer, Girl Scout Camp Coordinator. (Continued on page 4) 5. The Reading and the Skills Laboratories will offer sessions twice weekly, per section;the student may choose his practice hour on Friday between 8 A.M. and 5 P. M. It is the hope of the staff of both Laboratories to keep enrollment in each section to a maximum of 20 students wherever possible, although all stu dents will be serviced who seek to enroll. The daily hours of the Laborator ies ( 8 or 9 A.M. to 5 P.M.) will facilitate both.