THE COMPASS U. S. Postmge Non-Profit OrgMizatioo PAID Elizabeth City, N.C. Permit No. 5 VOLUME 31 ELIZABETH CITY. N. C 0CT0BER14.1969 NUMBER 2 UNIVERSITY PLAYERS EMPHASIZE BLACK THEATER k! Beginning this season the University Players are going to present plays by and for black people. This is in response to students request, and a lot of people of Eliza beth City State Univer sity, also in previous years they have present ed plays to get the stu dents to participate and come to see the produc tions. The first produc tion will be given Octo ber 17 and 18. It will consist of a new play by a black author, a scene from an old play by a black author and a play about Negroes by a white author. The first, “Day of Absence”, a satire a- bout racial condition in the South by Douglas Tur ner Ward. This play is unique that Negroes portray white charac ters, The second offering will be a scene for the Standard Negro play. probably “A Raisin in the Sun”, LorraineHans- berry. Thirdly, the play will be a one act com edy, “The No’Count Boy” by that well known white North Carolina play writ er Paul Green, author of the “Lost Colony”. Although the plays haven’t been picked for future productions, Mr. B. L. Peterson Jr. stat ed that selections will be made from among the more militant play- writers, Leroy Jones, James Baldwin, and Lon- ne Elder, as writers some of the older and some of the less militant authors. An announcement of the entire schedule for the coming season will ap pear in a future edition of the Compass. Persons who wish to join contact Mr. Peter son in the Little Thea ter, SGA Prexy Briefs Students Jimmy Sutton, Presi dent of the Student Gov ernment Association at Elizabeth City State Uni versity, briefed the stu dent body on the recent “President to Presidents Conference,” in Wash ington, D,C,, which heat- tended, The senior art major gave his impres sions of the conference which was designed by President Richard M. Nixon and Association of Student Governments “to seek the answers toge ther,” Other than meeting in private with student lead ers from predominantly Black institutions in or der to establish unity and map strategy, Sutton at tended at least five sche duled sessions during the three - day conference. Those sessions revealed significant trends in high er education dealing with college-community rela tions, federal funds, the selective service, and ef forts by HEW to assist the nation’s colleges and universities, Sutton reported that Black student leaders and college presidents were disturbed over the follow ing trends:(1) the estab lishment of community colleges in the vicinity where there Is a predom inantly Negro institution; (2) the small amount of funds which Negro insti tutions receive in com parison with the amounts received by already well- established and presti gious colleges and uni versities; and (3) the high percentage of young Ne groes drafted as compar ed with that of whites. Sutton reported that he met and spoke briefly with President Nixon in the East Room of the White House. He joined W. C, Witherspoon, Director of Student Personnel, in a- greement that, because of continued progress, EC SU was faring much bet ter than many other in stitutions. The popular student council president asked his fellow students to “Keep their cool, and not to destroy their own,” BLACK GETSUNC POST CHAPEL HILL - The Un iversity of North Caro lina has hired a Negro as a full professor for the first time in the his tory of the school. Dr, Blyden Jackson,59, will assume the post of professor of English at UNC this fall. Other Negroes have held posts as instructors or associate professors, the UNC News Bureau said, but Dr, Jackson is the first Negro to hold a full professorship. Dr, Jackson will serve as an instructor in black literature in the Depart ment of English and in Afro-American subjects, A native of Paducah, Ky., Dr, Jackson receiv ed his A.B. degree from Wilberforce University in Ohio, and M, A. and Ph, D. degrees from the Uni versity of Michigan, Sonny, one so blue. Specialist Sixth Class Bob Throne adds soul to concert. SOLDIERS CHORUS GIVES CONCERT The appearance of the famous Soldiers’ Chorus of the United States Army Field Band of Washing ton, D,C,, at Elizabeth City State University,was one which deserved and got a long, standing ova tion, A capacity crowd filled Moore Hall Audi torium to hear the 20- voice chorus give a one hour concert. Following the entrance and singing of the song of the infantry, “Follow Me,” Dr, Marlon D. Thorpe, President of EC SU, introduced the group and its director. Sergeant Major Gene Coughlin, The Soldiers’ Chorus, known throughout the na tion and world sang two arrangements of songs by Fenno Heath: “My Lord What a Morning” and “This Train”. Other lighter selections were sung before, between, and after the spirituals. Solos by Specialist Fifth Class Jeff May, described as a folk singer, preceded selections by the chorus’ barbershop quartet. The ECSU audience reached a peak in live liness when specialist Sixth Class Bob Throne added “soul” to the con cert with his singing of “Sonny” and “I Think I’m Going Out of My Head,” A special ar rangement of ‘America The Beautiful” concluded the concert. Sergeant Coughlin’s versatile and harmonious singers performed later that evening in joint con cert with the U, S, Army Field Band, at the S, L, Sheep School Auditorium, HARLEM FESTIVAL “Harlem Festival” was presented as a one-hour special in color on CBS Monday, July 28 (10-11 p.m,). It reflected an imposing achievement of community involvement and personal dedication of one man. The special was taped earlier this summer at the first of six outdoor concerts comprising the third annual Harlem Cul tural Festival, all of them staged on Sunday after noons in Mt. Morris Park in the heart of New York City’s Harlem, from THE VOICE Lovely Campus Queen, Miss Margaret Gregory, relaxes. G.F. WILDS IN NEW POSITION Mrs, Gertie F, Wilds was recently appointed Director of the Curricu lum Laboratory which is located on the 2nd floor of the G, R, Little Li brary. The Laboratory serves the teacher education majors as a practical training center. Its pur pose is to make theoret ical concepts gained by pre-service teachers in methods courses become motivational devices for producing educational growth In public school pupils Another purpose is to provide both pre- service and in-service teachers with additional skills in test-taking, by providing seminars and workshops at stated in tervals. Activities will be de signated as course work planned for a scheduled period during the day. It is hoped that the laboratory will raise the level of performance on the part of students at our University, The philosophy of the laboratory follows John Dewey’s concept of “learning to do by do- ing , Teachers and students alike will find “service with a smile” when they visit our curriculum la boratory. Education: Mrs, Wilds holds the B.S,, L. S., M. E,, and Professional Degrees from Fayetteville State and North Carolina Cen tral Universities, re spectively. Experience: Her experience in cludes public school teacher, principal, a sys tem supervisor, and sup ervisor of student teach ers here at Elizabeth City State College. Mrs. Wilds looks for ward to assisting the clientelle of the labora tory by arranging many opportunities for learn ing.