THE COMPASS...MARCH/APRIL, 1971...PAGF7 Hail The Mishty Viking BASKETBALL PLAYERS Atliletics WRESTLERS Members of the Basketball Team'. We salute you Members of the Wrestling Team'. We salute you VIKINGS ARE ALWAYS WINNERS Remember, only skk people need drugs! ^For information write : f BUREAU OF NARCOTICS^ DANGEROUS DRUGS 5 U.S. Department of Justice ?Washington, DC Tornadoes Six hundred and fifty tornadoes struck the United States in 1970. killing 72 persons. The toUls show 1 slight increase over the previ ous year of 604 of the storms claimed 66 lives. Thin Strip Copper can be rolled into sheets less than 1/500th of an inch thick. Catching Up Air Defense Command (ADC) was renamed Aerospace Defense Command in 1968 to reflect ite growing role as the U.S. Air Force’s arm in space defense. More Trade Jamaica’s trade with other member nations of the Caribbean Free Trade Association increased almost 50 per cent in 1969, the first full year of the Association’s existence. Much Meat Experts predict that 138 mil lion metric tons of meat will be consumed by man world-wide in 1980. That’s a 58 per cent in crease over the 1965 figure. ITEM: Glass fiber repels soil and water and it is this quality that makes these fabrics easy to wash and quick to dry. However, it is advisable to wash glass fibers by hand. Large, heavy draperies should be sent to a commercial laundry; TV glee \/yeAM TOLp COMPUMENTEPy her iT WAS VtXJR WIFEfV -rvig PEST M£AL. SHE EVER OPENEP