I OIomijaHa JUjuiuitti Elizabeth City State University April 1983 Vol. 44 No. 4 SGA Officers CDCO Signing Out .... ‘To my Vikings Brothers and Sisters” “ As this long, but memorable school year comes to its close I’d like to express both my happiness in having helped our outgoing SGA, the best in years, and my sadness in seeing it all come to an end. It is a known fact that had it not been for the active par ticipation of all of you, the Student Body, this Student Government could not have had the great year that we had. So tip your hats off to yourself. Mighty Vikings. In closing let me say that it was a pleasure working with my fellow Viking students and administrators as well as our instructors. In the following years to come I ask that students continue to support our SGA and make Vikingland better than ever.” Yours truly, Steve E. Bly Treasurer SGA 1982-83 m M Mr. Belcher and Mr. Sanders, ‘relaxing ‘I ask that students continue to support SGA and make Vikingland better than ever. ” —Steve Bly Dear Vikings, To my Fellow Vikings “ At the end of every rainbow there is a pot of gold.” At the end of our SGA term 1982-83 I’ve realized that this position has had a major impact on my life. I’ve sweat in meetings and threatened my collegues. I’ve begged for more money and had to find other ways. Sometimes it appeared as though I was playing for myself in an opera house full of critics. However, every now and then you would shake my hand or even tell me to smile and you never even knew that you sometimes made my day. To all my fellow Viking family and friends I would like to say Thank You for a successful year. “ Fare the well, 10-4, Rodger, Good daddies and mommies, over and out!!!!! With Vikingly Love, Charlenzo V. Belcher President Student Government Association 1982-83 Sometimes it appeared as though I was playing for myself in an opera- house full of critics. ” —Charlenzo Belcher “I hope that my fellow Vikings will continue to progress and not regress. ” — Tommy Sanders Inside Tahira Hafiz 2 Editoral 4 “ Let me first of all state that it has been an honor and a privilege to have served as Vice-President of the Student Government Association for the 1982-83 school year. My statement to the Student Body is to. continue vmited in your efforts to acquire a higher education at this institution. There is strengh in numbers, a true statement when there is organization within those numbers. To know what you want and how to obtain it is much better than trying to obtain something and not knowing how. In closing I hope that you,‘ My Fellow Vikings,’ will continue to progress and not regress.” Sincerely Yours, Tommy J. Sanders Through it all tve were together and tried to get the job done. —Renee Anderson To the University Family “ In leaving the office of Recording Secretary of the SGA I would like to say that I appreciate the experience I have gained in all areas of Student Government. There have been some great times and some not so great times. Through it all we were together and tried to get the job done. Hopefully, I will be involved in the SGA next year. Take care.” With the Viking Spirit, Renee Anderson Literary 8,9 Science ' * * •' 10 The Arts 7 7 J17 Sports 15, 19 Politics , O Opinions