m S' i The Compass Elizabetti Cityi State University- 11 m m m m m m m m Walter: A close friend wishes you a Happy Valentine’s Day Love Kim To S.S. Kids- Roses are red, Violets are blue. You may be rotten, But I love you. SHM Pam, I Love You. Happy Valentine’s Day. Kenny To the Department of Social Sciences Faculty and Staff. Happy Valentine’s Day. Dr. Murphy Happy Valentine’s Day to all mychildren. Lady Lewis To: “Tennis Shoes Di” Happy Valentine’s Day to the speediest gal on Campus! Yours Truly To the University Family Happy Valentine’s Day. Helen Mercer Happy Valentine’sDay to my Sister Brenda Sawyer. Helen Mercer Happy Valentine’s Day to the ECSU Family. The Financial Aid Staff To Gary S.’ If I could give you presents for Valentine’s Day they would be an AP Style Book, a dictionary, an ink pen, and loose-leaf notebook paper. But due to budgetary restrictions (right Dr. White?), all I can afford is a wish that this day will be a nice one for you. The Editor who survives the without money! j foJihiiiohertsod: 1 Glad I met you! Anonymous Happy Valentine’s Day My Loves Bill, Billy, Tricia, Tony and Terri. Valentine’s Day This day my love is meant for you. A Love so pure- a heart so true. Mr. Glendell Moore to wife Audrey Moore Happy Valentine’s Day to Mr. Roger McLean and the Fiscal Affairs Office Staff. B. Overton To Tony P. Happy Valentine’s Day From: Karen S. Wishing The University Family a Happy Valentine’s Day. . The Art Department^ Valentine Greetings to the Faculty and Students in Biology. Dr.T ToAlgie- isendthisl Across the miles, I greeting test fo'! '“’^SdaysVasiietol'^l 50U0i>«"S° ' !or| i is '>*3 dearly- .;«cerity and^^ I senttoyouwxtl^sin remember ^t'^eeaus To the Madonnas: If onlv you knew what its like to be real. Your acting is absurd and very tasteless. The famous leaf rules still; But despite our differences- we all are the best! With a grand Happy Valentine’s Day, Burgundy Ariette Vonette Montage Happy Valentine’s Day to all my children:' Floyd, Joy, -BUliciaPatrick^Oky m Slia Siia, ^K^zijtfJ^^and Aliison^: v. Happy Valentine’s Day to the Compass and Viking staffs! with Love and All Good Things — AMH To the M.L. Majors, Kisses, hugs, and other good things! The Godmother To Vickie, —LlQxe ymiJ— the guy next door To all the real girls at ECSU, I hope your Valentine’s Day will be full of trade! the^^ueen Happy Valentine’s Day To My Students in Philosophy and Foundation Classes-HJ G Happy Valentine’s Day to all the members of Society! Burgundy Happy Valentine’s Day To members of the Pre-Alumni Association and General Alumni ..Association. From the^ Alurp-ai-v Office. i m m m m m m Happy Valentine’s Day to my old man. Your Wife Happy Valentine’s Day to the ECSU family-students, faculty and staff! Mildred Allen To the Ladies on the Cheering Squad and The Lady Vikings Luv you all. Happy Valentine’s Day Coach Vaughan Happy Valentine’s Day to the UniversityFamily- Don’t forget your sweethearts. Ruth Lewis To: K.M.P. “Love is not only loving but being loved, for if you feel that you are being loved your love becomes stronger.” Eu Te Amo! Happy Valentine’s Day WLT To The Ladies of Student Affairs; I will Always Be Your Valentine-Whether You Like it or not! Happy Valentine’s Day to all the Cluster Members and Officers. Ron Lewis HAPPY VALENTINE’S DAY TO THE LOVELY LADIES OF GREEK SORORITIES THE COMPUTING CENTER Our love for you Is like a Red Rose Happy Valentine’s Day Mr. Hoggard From your Co-Workers To The Compass Staff: I could say some things that would really shadow you, but I will just say Happy Valentine’s Day! The Editor-in-Chief ' Alesia G, To' wish a special lady with a lot of class, a very Happy i I The Department of Modern Languages wishes Chancellor Jimmy R. Jenkins and The Entire Elizabeth City State University Family happiness and love on Valentine ’s Day and everyday throughout the year!