SPORTS Can Mackey «cook ap» a championship? —page 6 INSIDE Music in her Heart: ECSU's First Female Drum Major —page 3 Corti^aiion 1990-1991: Ahjnchmted evening —page 4 Havpu # !Ho[icCcwsl ^ rr-/ ^ ^ / THE COMPASS Vol. 52, No. 2 Tirculation 2000 ELIZABETH CITY STATE UNIVERSITY Elizabeth City, N.C. Friday, December 7,1990 Middle East crisis hits home at ECSU By Kimberley Robinson The crisis in the Middle East is already touching the lives of ECSU students. At least two students have been called to serve in the Gulf, and more may follow. Senior Rick Brumsey left for Sau- dia Arabia Nov. 23, after being called up on Wednesday. Brumsey, a Marine Reservist from Currituck, said he didn’t mind going. “I know it’s my duty to go,” he said, pointing out that he has taken the oath, “that I would serve my country.” Senior Darryl Brown received notice Nov. 23 from his Company Commander that his unit was being moblized to go to Saudia Arabia. "All I could do was stare," said Brown. "I just wanted to sit in the comer and think. "I'm not going to lie," Brown added. "My heart is pumping sludge." Brown said he felt prepared for the hardships of the desert, however. "For the last few months this is what we have been training for. We've been preparing for chemical attacks and desert nagivation and survival.” Another ECSU student, Kelvin Jones, is on call and could leave for the Middle East any minute. He is a lieutenant in the Army Reserves. Still other students are dealing with the stress and tension of having family members already serving in the Gulf. Senior Robert Peele, a newly commissioned second lieutenant in the Army, said he has a sister and a brother in Saudia Arabia, both mem bers of the Army Reserves. His brother and sister have a total of three chil dren, 11,6, and 4 months. “There’s a lot of tension in the family,” said Peele.’There’s sadness and anger, too. Everytime I’m home my mother wishes they hadn’t gone into the Army. “We often wonder what’s going to happen or what we’re going to do.” Peele said his school work has declined because his sister has two children, and “I have to spend time keeping a check on them. My mind is always on them.” Although Peele said he doesn’t think war is the answer to solve the problems in the Middle East, he added, “If duty calls, I will go.” Jones also said he was ready to go, if called. “While I hope a peaceful resolu tion will be reached,” he added, “I think the President acted in the best interest of this country by immedi ately dispatching troops to Saudia Arabia,” he said. Jones said the crisis, “is not just about oil, it’s about Iraq’s aggression which is not just a chdlenge to the security of other nations in the Gulf, but to the better world that we all hope to build in the Post Cold War era. Aggression such as this should not be tolerated in this day and time. “I’m a commissioned officer. I have taken an oath to be so. This is the profession and the occupation that I have chosen. It is my responsibility to readily go if called.” Jones said his family was “a htde apprehensive” about the possibility of his going to war. “I have a lot of friends who I have grown up with aheady over there, and I’m praying for them to come back safely,” he added. Jones said he didn’tthink the crisis had built to where students should have to drop out of school to serve in the Gulf. Other recent ECSU graduates who are already serving in the Middle East; Lt. Jemete Smith, Lt. Edward Dean, Lt. Donnell Shaw, Lt. Tracy Win- boume, and LL Washington Lyons. Dr. Leon White, Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs, said he could not reveal the actual number of students who had withdrawn to serve in the Middle East without the students’ permission. White did, however, explain how he handled the problem. “First we sit down and counsel the student If more than 50% of the semester has gone by, we try to sal vage the semester, and let them re ceive I’s, and make up the work. If it’s the beginning of the semester, they can withdraw from school. “Students can aR)ly for an exten sion,” he said. Photo by Jackie Rountree Education called 'key to survival' by Howard University president By Kimberley Robinson ‘The U.S. is in the middle of a silent war,” Dr. Franklyn G. Jenifer told the ECSU family during the American Education Week Assembly held Nov. 15 in Moore Hall Audito rium. Jenifer, President of Howard Uni versity in Washington, D.C., was guest speaker at the event. Pointing out that the U.S. is on the verge of a war in the Middle East, Jenifer said, “We should also know we are in another war. We don’t see the dead bodies coming home, butthis war is just as deadly for Americans as the war we are about to get in.” The war, said Jenifer, involves the struggle of people to survive in a soci ety that has shifted from “one based on muscle to one based on brain.” Once, the nation was based on manufacturing, said Jenifer, but today it is based on intelligence and service. “Our industrial society has gone to an information society,” he contin ued. “ People who are poor and unedu cated will remain that way if they do not seek help through education. Education is the window of opportu nity. “For us to surviye it is essential that we train all of our people. We must do what we do best and do it in a grand fashion. As you look at corporate America, things are changing. We must step through the window. We have great music, but no jobs. Be chal lenged ECSU, to step forward with the right soldiers.” The information society has a much weaker economic base, said Jenifer, who pointed out that in 1980 the na tion “was the largest creditor nation in the world” with a budget balance of $120 billion. Six years later, however, “we were the largest debtor nation, owing the rest of the world $240 billion.” If you divide up the country’s defi cit, said Jenifer, that means each per son owes $35,000. Jones said demographic trends also made it increasingly important for minority members to improve their status. After 1964 the birth rate of middle class white women began declining, he said; however, the birth rates of B lack and Hispanic women increased. “We know what the world is going to look like in the future,” he said. “And let me tell you what it’s going to look like: by the year 2064 half of America is going to be black and brown.” The long term trend puts the nation “in a difficult problem,” said Jennifer. “Because we aren’t talking about morality anymore. We’re talking about survival.” During the Assembly, Dr. Helen Caldwell, Vice Chancellor for Aca demic Affairs delivered the welcome. Other speakers included Dr. James please see WEEK p.5 I Dr. FranklynG. Jenifer gesturestomakeapoint during his Nov. 15 speech in Moore Hall. Jenifer, President of Howard University, was guest speaker for the American Education Week Assembly. Jenifer told the ECSU family the U.S. is involved in a "silent war," which involves people's struggle to sua-ive in a society that has "shifted from one based on muscle to one based on brain." New GA mandates to change enrollment By Mark Morris University officials are having a tougher time recruiting new students as a result of General Administra tion’s new admission requirements for freshmen entering schools in the UNC system. In the fall of 1990, the University turned away about 200 students who normally would have been admitted to the school, as a result of the require ments. The requirements, which took full effect in the fall of 1990, mandate that all entering freshmen must have taken “core courses” in high school, includ ing four units of English, three units of math, three units of science. Students must also have a high school grade point average of 2.0 or above, and a minimum SAT score of 600. “The pool of students eligible for college coming out of high school is declining,” said Chancellor Dr. Jimmy Jenkins, “which makes recruitment competition harder.” ECSU officials have pointed out that since white students tend to be more on track in high school as far as core courses are concerned, the effect of the new requirements has been to shrink the available pool of black students. This, along with the effect of the Incentive Scholarship Program, has resulted in an increased number of white students coming to the school. The long-term trend is shifting the school away from being a tradition ally black school to a multi-racial University. Approximately a third of this year’s freshman class is “non Black,” ac cording to Dr. Gerald McCants, Di rector of the University’s Academic Development Plan. Although Jenkins admitted the new requirements “may have a negative impact on black students,” he added, “the requirements aren’t intended to prevent blacks or lower income stu dents from entering the school.” McCants said many people who fin \ the directives discriminatory are “co ispiracy theorists,” who thmk there’s a concerted effort to turn ECSU “into an all-white school. “I’ve heard of some people who would like to keep white students out,” said McCants. “But these people want to go backward in history. People struggled so that the races could go to college together.” Despite the tougher time in recruit ing, this year’s enrollment of 1800 students is the highest in the history of the school. The high enrollment is a result of a higher rate of retention, officials say. In an effort to compete more effec tively for available students, the Uni versity has financed a $30,000 video marketing the school. The video has been distributed to high schools throughout the state. The school has also hired a full time employee, Carmento Edwards, to serve as a liason between the school and high school guidance counselors, Jenkins said. Despite the University’s high- powered recruitment campaign, offi cials say word about the requirements is not getting out to all of the high school students in the 16-county re gion served by the University. Again, officials say this tends to result in a shrinking pool of black applicants. “This information about the new requirements has been published,” said Thomas Clark, Assistant Director of Admissions at ECSU, “so if there s any reason the students don t know about it, it’s due to a lack of commu nication between the student and his counselor, or because the student did not take it seriously.” “The requirements are not unfair, said William Byrd, Director of Ad missions. “What’s unfair is that the information is not provided in a way // Soul Man' Photos by Jackie Rountree Donald "Terrell" Powell, sings during the ECSU Gospel Choir's Fall Concert, held Nov. 29 in Moore Hall. Powell is Director of the Gospel Choir. In student court: Students 'regret' fights; two put on probation that some parents and students under stand.” Orlando Dobbins, head guidance counselor at Bertie High School in Windsor, N.C. feels it is wrong to single out guidance counselors as the culprits. “We tell students what courses they need but we cannot make them take the courses.” said Dobbins. He said that principals, teachers and other people also possess the same information. “I think parents need to get more involved.” Byrd pointed out that the directives don’t just affect black students, but low-income students as well. ^ “These students either don’t know anyone who graduated from college, or they may have a neighbor who attended college for three years and is now working at a local gas station. Therefore, they don’t see a need to take Algebra II because they don’t see a connection between Algebra II and success.” McCants also said he supports the new requirements. “They are not discriminatoty,” he said, “but are a helpful ingredient in order for high schools to get their programs on track.” Chancellor Jenkins said hebelieves that some high school programs could stand adjustments. “One thing high schools should do is devise a system that will allow a student to correct a mistake such as summer school or evening classes,” said Jenkins. “What they also need to do is better inform students and par ents about the requ ired courses so they will not make mistakes such as taking consumer math instead of algebra.” By Kenneth A. Valentine, Jr. Although three fights have been reported on campus since the semes ter began, no students have been sent home for this semester, according to Dr. Leon White, Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs. White said he felt good about the low number of fights this semester, adding, “Out of 1800 students this number is very low.” He also praised students’ behavior. “When you have well behaved students from good families, they know how to behave. The students’ first priority here is to get a good education, instead of fighting.” The first reported fight, between two male students, was not prosecuted in student court The second fight occurred October 10 in Bedell Hall between two female students. Both students were sus pended until the student court date, three days later. In student court the suspension was lifted and both women were put on probation. Each student had to write apology letters to each other, and to work twenty hours of community service. White said. When interviewed by The Com pass, the students said they regretted the fight. One student said, however, that since she didn’t start the fight, she didn’t feel the punishment was en tirely fair. “I don’t think you should be sent home for something you didn’t start,” she said. Earlier this year. White had said that students found fighting would be sent home “if you cannot prove you are a victim.” Another fight that broke out in the New Complex also involved female students. The fight started after a group of female students had a disagreement at a dance held in Williams Hall. One student was put on probation, and another student was suspended for the spring semester. When asked to explain why the male students were not prosecuted. White insisted on putting his response in a letter and sending it to The Com pass. That letter stated, in part, “A uni versity official is prohibited from revealing judicial information con cerning a student as the university is bound to abide by the Family Rights and Privacy Act (usually referred to as the Buckley Amendment) of 1974.” Dr. White continued, “I havereser- vations about the legal ramifications. If it is the intent of The Compass to undergrid students’ adherence to the no fighting rule by discussing cases, I am in full accord with the idea. “Yet, as with any concept open to inteipretation, I am concerned that eventually there is going to be an error in the receipt of the message or in sending it.” Members of student court are: Dr. Willie B. Spence, Assistant Vice Chancellor of Student Affairs; a rep resentative from SG A; any other called upon personnel; and the investigating officer for the particular case involved. During a hearing the chairperson of the court instructs the accusor to make an opening statement. The ac cused is then instructed to make an answering statement, and then wit nesses are called for each side. Once the issue is defined then questions are clarified, and board members decide the issue by majority vote. On Homecoming weekend one person was arrested for disorderly conduct, and another was arrested for asaul t on a female, according to George Mountain, Chief of ECSU security.