The Compass Friday, Novembers, 1995 9 Trenace Fayton assumes throne... New Miss ECSU crowned in “An Evening at the Savoy‘ by Sonya Holley Traditionally the theme of ECSU's coronation centers around the queen herself, but this year's coronation took a journey into the past—to the famous Savoy Ballroom of the 1930's. Trenace Fayton, Miss ECSU for 1995- 96- based her theme, "An Evening at the Savoy, on the 1930's Savoy Ball room, a famous jazz club in Harlem, NY known for its big band sounds. The gym was decorated in the style of the Savoy BaUroom with a large chandelier centered in front. Black col umns cormected by red streamers sur- roimded the gym's walls. To further enhance the exotic mood, four dancers, wearing costxmies from the 1930's, performed a ballroom dance while the University band performed hits from the same period. The men of the Royal Coiut hailed Miss ECSU as she entered the gym dressed in her radiant white gown. "I am humbled, honored, and almost without words because of tonight's ac tivities" she said. In her words of acknowledgments, the newly crowned queen did not re flect upon herself. "I could spend my time talking about me or my upcoming reign, but what I would rather do is say thank you to aU those who have been with me before, during, and after my run," she said. "Even before I decided to run, to be queen of the University, there was a group of people constantly reminding me that I was already a queen. It makes a difference in a young person's life to know that there are people who care and expect you to do your very best." Miss ECSU singled out her family for special thanks, including her mother, Gloria Johnson. "My family constantly reminds me by their actions not just their words that no matter how successful I be come, or how far I go, family ties will never be broken," she said. "They are always here, even when they are not particularly present." She thanked her supporters in the University family, including her choir director Billy Hines, and former chan cellor Jimmy Jenkins, both of whom she described as "two men who have shovm me how a real man treats his family, conducts his business and acts as a mentor." Before crovming Fayton as the new queen, outgoing queen Lynetta Jordan spoke to the audience. "It is truly an honor to stand before you tonight to say that I have reigned majestically as the queen of a beautiful and glorious institution of higher learn ing, ECSU," she said. Jordan said that she was giving her farewell speech "with tears, but only tears of joy. "I have enjoyed every minute of my serving you because I knew I came to serve," she said. "I only pray that I allowed my light to shine so Aat you have seen ^e light within me." After thanking Jordan for her reign. Interim Chancellor Dr. Mickey Bumim then made his charge to Fayton. "Tonight marks the official beginning of the reign of Miss ECSU for 1995-96," he said. "The young woman who holds this honored office for 95-96 will con tinue the long tradition of representa tion and service. Indeed, Miss ECSU has already begim that representation in grand style." Ehiring the program jazz saxophon ist Vincent Priester performed three selections. Those making tributes to the new queen included the ECSU w Mias BCSU 1995-96, Trenace Nicole Fayton (left), accepts bouquet of roses from Lynetta Jordan, the retiring monarch. Photo by Jamie Jordan University choir, the University Play ers, and the members of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. The queen's first and second atten dants were Aquita Robinson, and Nikita Sutton. Marcus Croom and Tresha Griffin served as master and mistress of ceremonies. Special guests of the queen's court included I>. and Mrs. Mickey Burrum, The Rev. Clifton Davis, and Dr. and Mrs. Kermit E. White. The coronation ended with a "Lights Out at the Savoy" dance performed by the ladies of the Royal Court. ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ X ♦ ♦ X ♦ ♦ X ♦ xxx>6xxx>cxxxx>c>^^ DIAMOND My pnecious DiAMONd, shimMeMsq And shiNiNq wirk SplCNdoK. Whh rme yovR vAlue Quickly qttows And joy to ms It KSNdeRS. You've beeN TliRovqit Mvch, bur in This is youR bcAVTy- IkopeToshAReMANyNATVRAlAfidspiRiTVAl eXploRATtONS WITh you, tUat foR A liferiMe you will bRiNq many hAppy And movinq mcMORies. ^ Misvsedf Abused, TAkeft foR qRAMTedf Aftd rhR^M Aside, evcN stHI fV Hasn't dAMpcNed tUat MesMCRiziNq spARklc IN youR Rich, bROWN eyes. TRuly I do believe ThAT you arc an uNpRecedeNTed qifr To me, TO chcRish, RespecT, carc For, ANd if NecessARy, pROTeCT. You ARC my pRecious diAMONd ANd A woNdeR TO exploRe, I'm TAkeN by youR fiNesse ANd wiHi you I Irope to be foReveRMORe.