6 THE COMPASS - SPRING 2008 CAMPUS CONNECTIONS Recapture Freedom of the Dream Bv Seretha Clark Why not listen to the echoes of the lash of blood that my ancestors stained op'freeJom stripes'7 Can \vc rccapture the Drcam:‘THAT Ail, MES ARE CREATED EQllAi?" Does it blemish your heart that a block man deserves rights/ Why not listen to the tears of mammj as the Master smothers her ix omb ivith pleasure and pride? Why not rune in your ears lo the strugijlc that tightened the rope around that "Master boy’s' neck? Did Freedom come withjear? Did Freedom come with pain? Did Freedom eome with Hope? Why not listen to the hvwns of the“\'egro slaves"? II In nor listen to the speech, to the“Drcam oj the King’7 Hold your pain, but release and let Freedom ring. To bejree and not to be free often comes up over and over again But whether you're black.green, red. or white .... a part oj the Dream of the fighl:"THAT ALL MEN ARE CREATED EQll\L" let Freedom Ring!!! wishful Thinking By RDMACK If I yvere a Butterfly If I could just touch the Sky Then I would fiv aitui' (I n il! fly jMui J If I had the months of spring If I had a ni’ir song to sing Then I could sing all day (I can sing all day) ifi were like the sun. Golden If I were so Bnghi and Bold Then I would \hine like stars (I will shine like Superstars) If I could reach Mounraintops If I could just va‘i’ them out Fhen I nould be okay (Everything will be okay) l ife is life on this Life's Journej Searching Life is strife, and it hurts me Rainboi^ s seem so invi’X, so I follow After pots of complete. Fool's Gold Oi’i’. I am bold) (So. I am toldi I wish that I were the Sky I wish that I could just fiy I wish that ihngs would get better Reality 's still a lie I just nant to fh Interruptions Bv Caniron Gorham Interrupiions Keep occurring and They 're Blurring Up My 17- .vjon, Heavy Thim^s On My Mind Hard For Me To Pay Aiieniion. Did I .l/t-nr/c>n Tm Having To Make Decisions And Provisions, And It Seems Like E\ervihjng I Do Runs Into Collisions, I'm Giving Out Good Karma But Getting Soihing But Bad. They SayYou Got to LiveWhhom But llif/i Me I \ever tlad.ylnd The Sad Thing About It Is I Used To BeThe Man, In My Head Ln Aly FJeari Forever Thinking Of M\ Dad. My Diiily Snuggles Mir ror The Hard Mori And Tough Times. I Know It’s \oi J Given People But Read Bemeen The Lines. And I'm Fitu'Uell At Least I'd Like To Think That I'm Fine, But The Same Things Seem To Occur Time After Time, I 'm Like A Mime So One Hears Me Walk On iio Bout )t>uf Buxines'!. I'm Glad I'm BIc':sed And Highly Fa vored Cause lyThe LORD I Seek Forgiveness.AndTheWord Says HeUoni (jjifK)u More ThanYou Can Bear. I'm Trying To Bear All Of This B'ui I'm Scared. I'm Scared OjlVhat l\ ill Happen irhi’n I Fail AndW hen I finalh Succeed. So Many Speed Bumps Tm (lOing (her How Can I E^er Take The Lead. Depression \o Aggre^^ion Leaxe.^ A Alan Like Me Conjessmg. (hi .l/v A'ncv'-' HanJ Together For A l^iiei Do^e (y Fra\ er. Think . Ihour Whar Life T- Vrci. The Top Bu.k On The Ba^.cr. I’m A sLncr OfllorJy. Well / U^cd To be until S'uncihing Moved In Me. Bui That 's An other Stor\, I IhedTf lla\e Inspiration anJ DediLaaon Ihrough Peispiraiion and J/i Ajjuiiuion Down L‘ Earih Ih'tghed With ITea\ V (/All tiJiu-n, Ciood Things Cowc T,> 1 hose tl /i.> II j/t Bui Tie Be.nUairing And Fri Mv Friend.- G>.\1 Things I lave Been Cominq. .Seems Like I'm' Running A \evcr ending Raie, Seier CoingTolVin. But Somehow From Somewhere I Pull Some Faith Together Again, SO Interruptions Keep Occurring And If They’re Blurring Up My Vision, I Guess Til HaveTo Reali/.eThat's Just Aly Purpose For Living What If... Bv Casaiincira Scellato What if... What If I w as uglv What w ould I do What if I was mean I would have no clue What if ! don't understand I would need some advice What ij I had anything and everything Something's t would have to sacrifice I Vhat if... What iJ I Huy poor God ivould still be on my side What if I was beautiful I would have nothing to hide What ij I HUi smart I would get evciyihing right What if I H US scared I w ould hide from fear hidefromjright What ij ... What if the sky h im green and the grass w as blue What i/ It was the dog who moo's Whai if the walls were able to talk What if a newborn baby could walk What if.., Since I am alive I thank god every day There are .so many things to thank himjor So many things to .-.i/r But sometimes the question pops out in my head And L{uietlv in our head is said !l7){/r if... Reunions BvTalisha Askew Let 's do what ivc love to do best Pass time hv and dress up our mess We'll hug, kiss, repeat stories of old II hisper, “She s fat" In hopes our girdles will hold But all things will unjold When past, present loves meet How funny the heart What tvt’ feel, tvc’ dare not speak So slip di« Ji'. doing our dance Gallop to the left then right for three ,1 run for toilets re.\t H't’ could catch Who ha/ed the stalls with yvecd Time has passed by. » c' Ve messed up our dress Repeating hugs and kisses Remember the days of thy youth For'ti second time around isn 't .. .promised. The Place That Time Forgot O Bv Cindv H.nes Beyond the neighborhoods and farms is a place that beckons me a pni ate, unpaved road that passes an enormous cypress tree and goes through the fields that lead into a forested canopy I trod guietly into this nook that means so much to me .4 secret niche that fills /nr soul, captitates and transports me back to the simple days of old ihat somehow set me free .-!> / cross the rock-hriek bridge, the creek chuckles below fireplace, all ihai remains of someone's home from long ago I hear the clip-clop of the hooves, and the .sgueak of wagons near I greet mv neighbor 's ancestors as they suddenly appear The farmer tips his hat at me, his wife smiles and udiVi- They both are dressed siiangely in the clothes of i esterdav I blink and rub mv noi believing whai I hy Then I hear children giggling on the other side of the trees I curiously turn ihe corner n here the basehall field should he (tirh in bonnets and dresses are pUning happily and link- bois in bnuhes ar-‘ roi-ling in ihe kwes I siare u ah mv mouih open, but ihe\ do not sec me I turn and cross the rock-hnck bridge smiling as I !ea\e and walk back into mi life, ou; through the canopy Know ing the place that time lorgot n ill al\u!\s be there for me THAT FAMILIAR BEAT By Von Southerland All u see if darkness... all you hear is silence... you want to open your eyes, bui are afraid at w hat you may see... and as you calm your nerves.you hear ajamiliar beat heartbeats)... Sow you know for sure that you are, alive// and with this reliej, you noil hold the strength to open your eves// and you blink 2 'or 3 oJ times until your focus is steady/ / but what you see before your face,you weren't ready// as you look harder, looking up from the ground//you are staring dow n the barrel oJgun, and once more,you bear theJamiliar sound (S heartbeats)... So non , ert’n though your eyes arc w ide open, you still see dark ness/ / cu/you are staring down the barrel cj a gun, and don't know the purpose// you try to speak, but you Jeel the blood gurgling inyour lungs// and rhejeeling of it, just numbs you tongue// so now uir deductive reasoning.you are able to con jure that you have been shot//you never heard u hang, but you look up again, and notice the silencer on his glock// once again there’s silence, as you hear that Jamiliar beat and the‘‘tick-tock tick-rock", from your, 200 dollar Jacob wrist watch// So obviously this wasn't a robbery// so your still looking down the barrel of this gun// itsfelt like S minutes has gone by. when in reality ii's only been aboui 2 oseconds / / and the gun, is going to fire again you reckon/ / so rou cry out to the gun. speakincf into its barrel// “/ don’t know what I did, or didn't do. but please don’t shoot me again / please man. I'm sorry!'/ / and the gun doesn't move, it’s still staring back at rou like the reflection of a ray of the sun// and you cjose your eyes and pray to the L.ord.“Lord! I!shall I do?/ for I don't know what I did. or what I didn’t do. but please Lord just tell this man to not shoot me again. Plea.se Lord! I Pray ToYou! '// For a second you hear that, familiar beat (S heartbeats)/ / and ^ou say,"lisien OK man, Tm sorry, I'll give vou whate\er you want! What do you want from me?"/ / io rou reach inio your right pocket with your left hand to grab your wallet, lo get ■some moiTey// and just as voa get the wallet out, you hear the GLOCK, COCK!!// and suddenly you’re terrified and canjeel the weight of death bearing upon your shoulders// lou can hear the breathing paiiern oJ the glock, which is identical to jours// or maybe ii's just an echo, cuj'you notice the glock is truly dormant with sleep// then you begin putting your wallet back into your pockn, when you see the gun FLISCH! / / and it nearly mirrors your countenance as it gets closer to your face// lb’lou close your eves once more, your heart starts to pace (fast heartbeats)/ / And rou open your eves and cry out once more// “Tm Sorry!!, just don't shoot me again, I don't know what I did or didn't do// but if you don 't shoot me again I'll do whatever, please man. Tm Sorry!!"/ / and the gun rises slightly/ / so you figure you can get up and forger this ever happened// >'o vou. lift your head up nearly hitting your head on the tip of the glock, ro(/ began to rise// then the gunman says‘'S10P!!"/ / and vou try to hurry to your feet, be he shoots you again, and you close your I’vt’i and hear that Jamiliar beat (S heartbeats)// And as that familiar beat is drowned our by the sound of foot steps and the slamming of a car door, to your surpri.se, you open your eyes once more// only to-see a man with a familiar glock begin to climb into a. policeman's car// And as the blood qushes profusely oui ^j'you.you wail/ "PLEASE MISTER OFFICER. HELP ME!!"/ / the officer turns around and gives an evil stare to you lying there helplessly on the ground/ / The ojficer rushes over and screams and shouts// "WHYWOST YOU fUST STAY THE HELL DOWS, DOS'T GET BACK UP ASD DOS'T ALIKE ASOTHER .MOTHER FREAKISG SOUSDH’7/ he continues and yelps "IM GOSNA LEAVE YOU HERETO DIE ASDYOU BETTA SOT.ASK ME FOR SO HELP!"// Is he walks away, w ith his gun still in his band.you know you 're going to die anyway// so.roi/ swallow the blood that irus wad ing in your throat and you call the police officer out// you say.nOV AIS SOTHISG BUT A PUSK!// SHOOTIS ME FOR \0 REASOS, ASD .^5 THEY SAY,WHITE POLICE .MAS CAS'T JUMP// YOU SISSY POIICEMAS// WHY 00\T YOU JUST Kill ME SOW?//YOU GCJTTHE GUS ISYO HiSD!"// So the officer gi\es another evil stare and fires the gun. 3 rniFS! rriMFS! STnirS’ // amlyells out"IS THATWAT YOUWWTED. Mh LO SHOOfYOU IS)OUR .^PISE?"//and as the police officer lays his qun. bv vour side, he climbs into /j/v car. and awav he / The.Lht thing vr-u hciir, besides ihe sirens of his ridt.' / is the familiar hear ( 3 hearrbeats). ended off, by voar final sigh Conversation of Souls Bv Katori Ea.son “Mine eyes blinded by sirens seeking solitude, scorchJor the truth inyour words yh, as the sun awakened I could only see the muses of my past in your eyes . \nd fearing the pains oJmy heart I .silenced my dream oJyou Only to awaken to your face smiling upon me in clear r/cni; but untouchable Through ma/e and mystery I searched From the shadows oj my mind to the light oJmy heart I dwelled in longing The longing to once more jeel your kiss .^nJ the warmth of your body 5o now looking into the purity (jyour soul through your eyes so mesmcri/.ing I ask Is it you my love? Have I found vou? I waited in wonder And as our eyes met a distant feeling arose Bewitching me as it did the day I first met love And as she glanced at me I smiled for I knew shejeh the same Bui her reply begged ro differ in disdain In u moments lime she said You believeyoujoundyour destiny )c’f, / am just a familiar stranger that peaks the interests of the weak hearted One w ord from my lips can entrapyou into a ga?e cj unconceiv able interest So here you stand at the crossroads of wanting Conflictions of the mind binding you to a stand still II hy do voj/ seek in an hour what takes others a day to find? Why is it you believe your heart.s desire is the nourishment held within my soul? Love is not found in a single rotation oJthe sun and moon Though you may he a noble explorer my heart is a land For which, only mv rrut* love can tread My mind a novel of script For which, only my true love can decipher .\nd my soul a undiscovered fruit For which, only my irue love can smell, touch, taste and be fulfilled" I Hold On To You Bv Lamont Dozier Like a parasite I hold on 10 you Like a promise ring I hold on loyou Like a Jirsi impression 1 hold on to vou Like an engagement ring I hold on to vou Like a wedding hand I hold on to vou Like a tight kiss on the lips I hold on ro vou Like a prolonged stare I hold on to you Like a leash on u dog I hold on ro you Like ti clenched fist I hold on to you Like a pair oj handcij^fs I hold on to rou Like a neck brace I hold on to vou Like an unnerving yell I hold on to you Like an aivkivard silence I hold on to vou Like an inkling of regret I to you I holJ c Like an old. faded picture I hold on to you Like the earth's i I hold on to rou / hold on to rou i- gravity Vote for your favorite poems and/or stories. The entry that receives the most votes will ii in a small pri/.e to be deter mined. On the lines, nrite voiir choices for first, second, and third place. Put this ballot in the box in the Language. Literature and Communication department office in Johnson Hall Photocopies will not be counted. 1 3.