She Ncuj# Ariptts, VOLUME 2, NO. 3 WINSTON-SALEM STATE COLLEGE, WINSTON-SALEM, N. C. DECEMBER, 1963 Scholars Needed, Dr. Williams Says New Counselor Gives Her Ideas Carolyn Reeves Dr. Kenneth R. Williams, pres ident of the Winston-Salem State College, stated to the journalism class that the role of a college student was not just to get a college degree but to become a scholar. The president said, “There is a difference between a college graduate and a scholar.” “Not all students or graduates are schol ars.” “A scholar is one who has mastered the broad concepts to broad living.” He also stated that a scholar is one who reads good books, and keeps up with current events. “A scholar should con tribute to the field of learning; he should master a field so well that he can contribute,” he said. “A scholar is concerned about his college and plays an impor tant role in his community. He is one that is aware of his re sponsibilities. “A college graduate knows a little about a lot of things and nothing about everything,” stat ed the president. He stated that (integration may mean a loss of Negro teachers. He said also that Winston-Salem State College has had much success with its grad uates and there isn’t a state where its graduates aren’t able to get jobs.” “Our graduates are short on Ph.D degrees,” stated the president. When asked about quality ed ucation, Williams said that all education is quality education. He said that this type of educa tion was based on fundamentals that equip the individual for a useful life, a productive life and develops in him or her an aware ness that goes to make good manhood or womanhood. The curriculum at Winston- Salem Sate College is good enough for one to get a good teacher education because for the last two years the staff has worked on the college curricu lum. ‘Guidance is a very pervasive thing, and everybody who works with students can contribute to a successful program of student guidance and welfare because everybody has a unique contri bution to make,” Mrs. Christine K. Hedgley, Director of Guid ance and Student Welfare of Winston-Salem State College, stated in a recent interview. Mrs. Hedgley’s talk centered around her job here, in relation to the guidance of the students. She stated that her job consists of co-ordinating work of two deans and working with stu dents individually and in groups, wherever the needs indicate. “I also work with faculty groups, but my main duty is that of working with the students,” Mrs. Hedgley stated. She tries to help the students get adjusted to college life here at State College, help them to know what they are best fitted for and tries to help them with little problems which might de velop. Mrs. Hedgley stated that most of the students who come to her do not come to her with per sonal problems, or problems in relation to their studies. “Most of them are not problems, just miscellaneous things. They come when they have good news to share or just desire to talk to someone,” Mrs. Hedgley ex claimed. She stated that there is no problem in getting the stu dents to avail themselves to her services. “They come readily.” Some come because they are re ferred by others and some refer themselve s,” Mrs. Hedgley stated. Mrs. Hedgley said that every body has a unique contribution that he can make to the guid ance of the students here. The janitor, teachers, and everybody who works with the students can help to make this program a more successful one. (Continued on Pape Four) S HaERRV CHRISTMAS From the News Argus Staff to the campus family. '/J- Future Plans For Library Being Made Lorena M. Grier I “The library at Winston-Salem State College is greatly over crowded; seating only 25% of the student body,” Mrs. Lucy H. Bradshaw, the librarian stated in an interview. The librarian feels that the demands placed on the library enrollment create a need for additional staff mem bers. The library resources are growing so rapidly that an addi tional stack area was recently acquired because of the lack of available shelve space, however, it gives only temporary relief stated, Mrs. Bradshaw. The librarian feels that the library has a well-rounded col lection of books and periodicals being over 50,000. These books and periodicals, she stated, serve the needs of the students and the faculty. Mrs. Bradshaw also stated that “with the change in the curriculum, there will have to be an increase in the number of books in subject areas, and more current books and periodi cals will have to be ordered.” The library Statistical Infor mation is as follows; Total number of books (bound) in the library as of June 30, 1963, 52,060; total num ber of books added 1962-63, 3,101; magazines taken regularly, 275, and number of newspapers taken regularly: daily newspa pers, 7, and weekly newspapers, 12. Mrs. Bradshaw stated that Winston-Salem State College needs a new library for many reasons. The library needs ad ditional work areas. The ar rangement and the design of the library presents a supervision Humphrey Is New Dean of A4en Mr. Jefferson L. Humprey, Dean of Men at Winston-Salem State College said, “If we want to be thrown into the main stream of American life as citi zens of the United States, we must, here at State College, be first class aspirants and perpet- uators of first class standards and ideas,” in a recent interview. In order to make his program successful he is asking all male ' JEFFERSON L. HUMPHREY students of State College to: 1. Realize where they are and what they are trying to do; 2. Make the most of every per son and faculty here at the col lege, and 3. Co-ordinate, integrate, and correlate all opportunities an^ experiences with the idea that their work might take them any where on the face of the earth of the heavens surrounding it. Some of Humphrey’s duties as Dean of Men at State College are: he confers with the presi dent and other college officials on matters; serves as general ad visor to students; co-operates with Deans of Registrar in all academic matters; keeps person al records of each student and furnishes records when request ed. Works to provide programs of educational, recreation and so cial i#ilues to resident students, and works cooperatively with faculty committee on discipline. Mr. Humphrey is a native of Winston-Salem, N. C. and a prod uct of the public schools of Win ston-Salem. He is a graduate of Winston-Salem State College, and New York University. —Nathaniel Tollison problem. The children’s room and the curriculum material center need a larger area. The I reserve room and the reference i room need to be larger, and the library needs a room to display various materials. The college has been granted $295,000 for a new library. Mrs. Bradshaw stated that according to the plans for expansion, the library will be located across the street from the Administration Building. The library will have all new furniture that will meet up to the library standards. The librarian stated that if the new library has an open stack, it would have to depend upon the help of the students to keep it that way. Future plans for the new' li brary will go into effect within the next 24 or 30 months. Women's Week Plans Are Told Syvilla Thompson “New objectvies are being add ed to Women’s Week,” Mrs. lola Dobson, Dean of Women at Win ston-Salem State College said recently in an interview. Winston-Salem State College will present its second annual' “Women’s Week” this year. “The same pattern will be followed this year as last year, except a few changes will be made,” she said. “The girls with ‘B’ averages and above will be recognized.” The annual Wo men’s Week will be held during March instead of February.” The officers of Women’s Week are the officers of each dormitory and the officers of the Day Stu dents’ Organization. There is less trouble with the campus girls since new privi leges have been granted,” Mrs. Dobson said. Coming Events On Dec. 20, 1963, Christmas re cess begins. It ends on Jan. 6, 11964. Upon our return from the j Christmas holidays we \vill be I preparing for the final examina tions which will be from Jan. 17- 22. At the end of the final ex aminations, semester break will begin. This lasts from Jan. 22-29. Registration for the second semester is taking a new form next year. All freshmen and new Campus "Who's Who" Betty Rountree The following students w’ere appointed by the administrative council to serve on the following committees with the faculty members for the year 1963-64: Academic Standards, Lillie Carver, Bernice Bigelow: Admin istrative Council, Donald Ben son, Gearldine Pete; Commence ment Committee, Robert Hoov er, Charles Tennant: Homecom ing, Mary Wells. Emmett Robin son; Intercollegiate Athletics, Roland Penn. Yvonne Jackson; Calendar, Joyce Love, Haywood Sims; Curriculum, Nathaniel Tollison. Dollye Kendall; Health, Clementine Davis, Edith Russell; L i I) r a r y, Jeanette Richardson, Beatrice Riggs; Lyceum and So cial. Barbara Carter, W’^illiam Waters; Public Relations, Mary Roseboro, James Mack; Traffic, Winslow Lowery, Charles Mar tin. students will have an orienta tion period on Jan. 27th and 29th. Freshmen and sophomores will register Jan. 29th for the second semester. Junior and sen iors will-register Jan. 30th for the second semester. Classes will begin Jan. 31st., 1964 at 8:00 a.m.