SJ|c VOL. V, NO. 5 WINSTON-SALEM STATE COLLEGE, WINSTON-SALEM, N. C. SUMMER, 1967 Three 'A' Students Lead the Dean's List For Spring Semester College Set For 75th Year lit W: Si-'SS^S^* ' Three students earned “A” averages during the spring se mester at Winston-Salem State College to top a list of 173 stu dents making the Dean’s List, it was announced last week by Mrs. Frances R. Coble, college registrar. A total of 90 seniors, 41 jun iors, 28 sophomores, 12 fresh men and two special students made the list. Earning “A” averages were Patricia Johnson, a junior from Tobaccoville; William Gay, a sophomore from Rocky Mount, and Ruth Riley, a special stu dent from Mui'physboro, Illinois, and Southern Illinois Univer sity. Jacqueline Davis, a senior from Durham and Barbara Ship- mon, a freshman from Wilming ton, topped the list for their ^ classes. : . 1 I v Other students on the Dean’s ,.««5 List were: SENIORS — Betty J, Acey. Peggy J, Aldridge, Dianna J. Bailey, Juanita D. Beasley, Bren da Chambers, Willietta H. Cun ningham, Dorothy Davis, Ethel Dubose, Peggy Dulin, Deitra D. Eaton, Estella E. Evans, Laura E. Ford, Andrea T. Garner, An gela Jarrett, Arthur Jarrett, Dorothy Kimbrough, Ruth Little, and Shelia McCorkle. Also James McMillian, Betty jcjuini' Campbell and Ernestine Walker loaded with books descend stairs in the C. G. O’Kelly Li- Manning, Susie Nance, Joseph i„.ary. E. O’Pharrow, Wilma Peoples, Sandra Phillips, William Poun- cey, Barbara Puryear, Tommie M, Robinson, Yvonne Shields, Kathleen B. Shipp, Elizabeth Tanner, Sandra Thomas, Ernest Thompson, Clarthria E. Wherry a “great event” is taking place and Sandra Wilder, all from on the campus of Winston-Salem Winston-Salem. State College. Books are begin- From other North Carolina cit- ning to stroll — by carrier, hu- ies: Eutrilla Byers of Charlotte, man and machine — from the Sonja Alston of Pittsboro, Jac- old library to the new C. G. queline Parker, Sandra Jones, O’Kelly Library, pending the ar- Patricia Walker, and Virginia rival of furniture and depending Watson of Durham. Catherine on the weather. Mrs. Lucy Brad- Streeter of Greenville, Mamie shaw, head librarian (since Day of Scotland Neck. Susie Si- 1963), is busy planning just how ler of Greensboro, Biffy Watt this will be done, and Nannie P’oster of Reidsville, “The opening date for the C. G. Ella B. Belle of Carthage, Mar- O'Kelly Library has been set ten- ion Alston and Mary Whitaker tatively for Sept, 1,” Mrs. Brad- of Enfield, Marva James of shaw said. “Just how the mov- Jamesville, and Claudia Cherry ing process will be done is not of Sharixsburg. known.” (Continued on Page Three) (Continued on Page Four) Library to Move To New Building I5y Dollye Evans Mrs. Lucy Bradshaw, librarian, works in her new oilue. V X \ Tresident Kenneth K. Williams talks with senior ninsinf building. student Marian Greene in front of new W-S State to Hold Special Programs During 1967-68 Winston-Salem State College will observe its 75th Anniversary this 1967-68 School Year. A va riety of events is planned. Each month of the school year will be highlighted with a con cert, dance recital, speaker or dedication service. The highlights of this school year will begin with Opening Convocation (Founder’s Day) September 24. 1967 at 3 p.m. in Fries Auditorium. Dr. Francis L. Atkins, former president of Win ston-Salem State College, will be the speaker. Tentatively set for Oct, 11, 1967 is a visiting scholar from the Piedmont University Center. Dr. Thomas K. Cureton will speak Oct. 23, 1967. Tentative plans have been made for an other visiting scholar from the Piedmont University Center, Dr. Howard Eves. The annual homecoming fes tivities are scheduled for the 27th and 28th of October with the Alumni Ball, parade, football game and Victorv Dance. October 29, 1967, the C." G. O’Kelly Li brary will be dedicated at 3 p.m. in Fries Auditorium. The speak er will De Watts Hill, Jr., chair man of the North Carolina State Board of Higher Education. “Lost in the Stars,” a Broad way dramatic presentation, will be presented Nov, 7 or 8, 1967 at 8 p.m. in Fries Auditorium. Dec. 5, 1967 a concert featur ing Simon Estes, bass baritone, has been tentatively planned for 8 p.m. in Fries Auditorium. The Annual Christmas Concert is scheduled for Dec. 10, 1967, at 5 p.m. in Fries Auditorium. Tentatively planned for Jan uary, 1968 is a concert by the Chicago Little Symphony Or chestra in Fries Auditorium. February (or March 1. 1968 in Fries Auditorium is a concert presented by the Play Bach Trio. On the 28th of February, Dr. Louise Bates Ames, Gessel Institute of Child Development, New Haven, Conn., has been ten tatively scheduled to speak. The new classroom building will be dedicated in :March. Exact date is to be announced at a later time. The annual Unity Dinner-Dance sponsored by the Alumni Association, will be held March 16, 1968. From the University of Penn- A new classroom building will sylvania. Dr, John Snell, a visit- open at the beginning of the scholar of Piedmont Univer- school term in September. It will git\- Center, is scheduled to be officially dedicated on cam- speak March 28. 196S. This pro pus in March. gram is tentatively set. The building will be for all The Annual Parents Day Pro education classes. Currently gram is April 7. 196S. Tentative- most education classes are held ly planned to speak April 25, in Carolina Hall with others in 1968 is Dr. Northrop Frye from Eller Hall and Hill Hall. The the Victoria University, Toronto, faculty offices are scattei-ed in Canada. various places. All the faculty The Annual Awards Day is offices will be in the new build- scheduled for May 1. 1968. The ing. exact time will be announced One room will be a special lab- later. Sunday, May 26, 1968, oratory for reading. baccaluaureate services will be The building will have 16 held in Fries Auditorium. Tues- classrooms and 30 faculty of- day, Jvlay 28, commencement ex- fices. ercises will be held. “There will be no new sub- Alumni, students and friends jects added to the curriculum,” are cordially invited to attend said President Kenneth R. Wil- the events scheduled for this liams. anniversary year. —Dollye Evans —Polly Goolsby New Plant to House Classrooms and Offices Of Education Dept.