VOL. VI, NO. 4 WINSTON-SALEM STATE COLLEGE, WINSTON-SALEM, N. C. FEBRUARY, 1968 Art Classes Hold Exhibit The art (lepartment held its annual Public School Art Exhi- l)it on January 18-25. The exhibit was a project of the students of pul>lic school art. The public school art course consists of thi'ee classes, all taught bj" Roland S. Watts. The nature of this course lies in the understanding of the child’s natural development in art. This is essential to the suc cessful guidance of children. Creativity is develo])ed through a program of learning experi ences based on child growth in visual expression. The course has been designed because it is believed that all children have within themselves ideas waiting to be expressed. This course is the answer to the need voiced by mothers, by classroom teachers, and l)v stu dents for a comprehensive and practical program which applies directly to the teaching of art in the primary grades. Watts said. The aim is to supply con crete assistance to the untrained teacher in art, so that the stu dent concludes, "This is not hard to do; I can do it.” The course is simply i^lanned to help teachers who will not have supervisory assistance in art. Guidance is given for plan ning experiences in terms of growth and developmental learn ing of the young child. The objectives of the coursc arc: To provide theoretical knowledge that each teacher needs to be eciuipped with; to create an atmosphere for the growth of self-expression; to in- ti-oduce and provide experiences in different art media; to en courage students to explore free ly in a variety of subjects for expression; to develop creative thinking: to familiai'ize students with their exact contemporary purposes in teaching art in pub lic schools. The course is divided into two parts. Part one presents theoreti cal information for the teacher so that he may develop his i)ro- fessional background before he enters the classroom. Part two suggests actual classroom activi ties in art. The exhibits were composed of paper bag masks, paper sculp ture, puppets, papier mache bowls, scrap projects, and box animals. Outstanding creations in each area were made by Mrs. Agnes Gay, an elementary education major and a resident of Winston- Salem. Some of the exhibits will lie given to the Head Start Program a n d underprivileged kinder gartens. Others will remain in the art department. —Carrie Alston (!) exhibit. adniii'os (iiaiicMio Pa vloi paper BLACK POWER LEADER TO APPEAR AT WSSC FEB. 13 The Afro-American League held its regular meeting Wednes day, January 17. The League plans to invite students from several black colleges here on February 10 and 11. The stu dents are representatives of the G.A.S. They represent such col leges as A and T University and North Carolina College. The Grass Roots Association for students is dedicated to working in the black community to help solve some of the basic problems of black people. The Afro-American League is affili ated with G.A.S. A program is planned for 8:00 p.m., Tuesday, February 13 in J. S. Hill Hall. Howard Fuller, a black power advocate, will speak. The Afro-American League is planning to address itself to two areas. One is creation of a dia logue concerning curriculum re form at Winston-Salem State. The other area of concern is voter education and registration in the black communities of Winston-Salem. —Charles Thornton Varied Activities Planned The Stutlent Council is plan ning many activities this semes ter that it feels the student body will enjoy. For health enrichment there will be films shown (time and place to be announced). These films deal with such complex subject.s as S e x. Problems of Abortions, Birth Control, Deliv ery of a I?aby, L.S.D.. Marijuana, and various other health subj ects. The Council hopes these films will encourage student dialogue after the films are shown. Lewis Turner, president, said he will work endlessly to acti vate more thoroughly a tutorial lirogram which he believes is greatly needed. This type of pro gram has won wide acclaim on neighboring college campuses, lie said. ‘'There is no reason why this college and its students should not benefit from such a program,” he said. For recrcation and social ac tivity, Turner would like to have the lounge open every Saturday afternoon. The students who use the loimge have been commend ed for their conduct by the Guidance Department and mem bers of the Atlministrative Coun cil, he said. Here are a few of the activi ties t h e Student Council has planned for the spring semester: Several semi-formal dances fea- tiu'ing such bands as Gore and the Upsetters and the Versatiles. Daddy-O will be guest dis- jockey. Before May a recording (time and titles to be announc ed). Turner said that the student body has been delightful to work with. "Of course we need to improve ourselves in many ways,” he said. "I, as President, gladly say ■ I am proud to work with our ; students. May you continue to improve those areas that need SGA to Sponsor Sweetheart Ball The Student Government As sociation will sponsor the Sweet- ' heart Ball at 8:00 p.m., Saturday, I February 10 in Whitaker Gym. I There will be live music by ' the Versatiles. Young men are encouraged to wear sport jackets ; and young ladies, Sunday attire. ; —The Student Government artist or a group will appear on : improvement and benefit to the campus in concert. Motion pic-: fullest, intellectually, scholastic- tures will be shown on Sundav ally, and socially. Why does day break before night falls, and why does night fall before day breaks? Question: Why does white milk make yellow butter? Whv is the blackberry blue? Shoo Fly! No, It's Fruit Fly Enrollment Increases Approximately 140 students are expected to join the Win ston-Salem State College family the spring semester. Mrs. Fannie Williams, the ad missions officer, estimated that there will be from 75 to 100 re turning students, about ,35 new freshmen (by the way a major ity of these will be young men), and a limited number of transfer students. Rabbi to Speak The Jewish Chautaugua So ciety will be the host at chapel, Wednesday, February 14. This organization supplies Rabbis to speak on college campuses on a variety of subjects. Pre\’iously the Rabbis have discussed topics popularly re quested such as the synagogue — its history and character, the Hebrew Prophets, w’hat we Jews believe, w hat every Christian should know about Judaism, music of the synagogue and many more selected topics. On Valentine’s Day the Society- wili send a Rabbi to speak on the attitude toward war and peace. Most persons swat flies. Miss' Cynthia E. Wells, a biology | niajor at Winston-Salem State College, breeds and studies them. Miss Wells, a senior at the college, is studying a special type of fly, the fruit fly. She is in vestigating the effects of radia tion on the eye color of normal fruit flies, those with red eyes, a n d mutant fruit flies, those with white eyes. The project is supported by a grant from the Research Com mittee of the North Carolina .Vcademy of Science. The results of the study will be presented in a paper which Miss Wells will prepare and i-ead to the Academy when it meets in May at the University of North Carolina in Greensboro. Miss Wells is a graduate of Sedalia High School a n d the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ber nard Mitchell of Sedalia. She is a member of the Collegiate Academy of the North Carolina Academy of Science and was re cently elected to Who’s Who Among Students in American Colleges and Universities. It was at one of the meetings of the Academy that Miss Wells was inspired to do research on the fruit fly. ! a paper before a learned society. In addition to learning some- i Miss Wells’ hobbies are read- thing about the effects of radia-' ing, tennis and swimming. She tion on eye color, this project plans a career in medicine. She will acquaint Miss Wells with the experimental methods of scientists and give her experi ence in writing and presenting a career ni is being advised by Dr. Jacque line R. Shepperson, Chairman of the Science Department and Mr. W. C. Jordan, biologj- professor. Cynthia Wells experiments.