&ht Atm0 ^tnren to lcaitw. pc^n to tinvi^ Vol. XI, No. 1 WINSTON-SALEM STATE UNIVERSITY WINSTON-SALEM, NORTH CAROLINA October, 1977 Sophisticated Ladies Reign Over Ramsland Valeria Clark - Miss Homecoming 1977 Deborah Gibbs - Miss WSSU 1977 Valeria Lynette Clark is a native of Winston-Salem, NC. She is known to her friends as "Lybbie” and “Puinpkin”. She is a graduate of East P'orsyth Senior High School and attained her AAS (Associate in Applied Science) Degree in 1975 from Forsvlh Technical Institute in Early Childhood Specialist. Valeria will reign as Miss Homecoming for the year 1977-78 and highlight the festivities of Homecoming. She is a Senior at Winston-Salem State working on her B.S. (Bachelor of Science) Degree in Early Childhood F^ducation - Teacher Certificate. Since her enrollment at WSSU, she has become an active member of several clubs and organizations. She serves as President of the Student National Education Association. She organized the University Ushers in 1976, to which she is now Student Advisor. Other affiliations are Sigma Gamma Hho Sorority, Inc.; Kappa Omicron Tau Undergraduate Chapter of the National Sorority of Phi Delta Kappa; Student Alumni Relations Association; and The North Carolina Association for the Education of The Young Child. She was the recepient of the Willa Wallace Scholarship of Phi Delta Kappa in 1976 and the Alpha Mu Sigma Chapter of Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority Scholarship award in 1977. She received two Honor certificates for outstanding leadership and service at the end of the last school term. This summer she had the opportunity to be a contestant in the Miss Black America of North Carolina Beauty Pageant sponsored by the Phi Omega Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha, which ‘‘I found to be a most rewarding experience and an adventure to be remembered and treasured”, says Val. Aside from all her school affiliations, she is an active member in church and also enjoys sports, sewing, cooking, making friends and working for and with young children. Valeria is a person of hard work because she believes in getting the job done even if it means doing it herself, which is partly the reason she has recently been appointed to serve on the North .Carolina Advisory Council for Teacher Education in Raleigh, NC. She is one out of two students recommended by the SNCAE and Mr. Craig Phillips, Superintendent of Public Instruction. Upon graduation, she hopes to secure a job related to the up building of the Teacher Education Program or pursue working on her Master’s Degree in a related field of Education. “To all fellow rams, faculty and administration, I cordially thank you for your nourishment and added sunshine that made it possible for me to bloom where I am planted. If it were not for you — ‘'Roots of Excellence” would be impossible. Have a JOYOUS HOMECOMING!!!! We are a long way from knowing who Ms. Winston-Salem State University will be next year. Whoever she will be, she'll have her work cut out for her, if she plans to be as active as the now reigning Ms. Winston-Salem State University, Deborah Gibbs. Deborah was born in Brookhn, New York under the sign of Aquarius. Even her high school days were filled with much involvement. She was a member of Phi Delta Kappa’s Theta Xinos, which is a National Sorority of educators. Her Senior year in high school, she was a member of the National Honor Society, runner-up in the Phi Delta Kappa’s Debutante Ball, member of the Afro Dance Group, secretary of the senior class, member of the English Society and member of the Stenographers Honor Society. Her time spent at the university has been equally as colorful. Though she was not Ms. Freshman, she ran and was the first runner-up. She pledged and went over into Tan Phi Cocoa Social Sorority Inc. Since the Psychology Club was started this semester, she has been an active member of the club and is presently a member of the New Day Student Government Association. She reigned as Ms. Pegram Hall in 1975-76 and now reigns as one of the lovliest queens that Ramland has ever taown. As President of the Student Government Association, I attended the coronation of Ms. NCCU and Ms. FSU with her. I was surely astonished as she and her escort Joseph (Poochie) Amado held the audience in complete awe as they floated gracefully dowTi the isle in Red and White. We at the University should be honored that she has been asked to participate in the Cystic Fibrosis Benefit, which will be held in November. See LADIES, p. 4 “Roots of Excellence ” COURSE CANCELLED Homecoming ’77 at WSSU Winston-Salem State University’s Homecoming Week activities began Sunday, October 23 and will continue through Saturday, October 29. The Homecoming theme, “Roots of Excellence”, stresses the importance of examining and drawing on the institution’s rich heritage while maintaining and further developing its standards of excellence. The Alumni’s theme, “Together and On to New Heights”, holds a similar message. Highlights of the week include the “WSSU Gong Show” on Monday, October 24. Students, faculty and staff members, and alumni presented their “best acts” in competition for a “grand” SGA prize. Admission was a donation of fifty cents which will benefit the SGA’s Brother to Brother - Sister to Sister Program. On Friday, October 28 the Day Student Association will sponsor Red & White Day with the Annual Campus Mini-Parade at 12 noon. Member of the campus community are encouraged to wear red and white in a show of See HOMECOMING, p. 8 To The As of July 1. 1978 the teaching degree program in biology will be cancelled at WSSU. Presently only two people are enrolled in the biology-education program. The biology department itself is in no danger and the decision to eliminate the teaching major will have little to no effect on the department as a whole. The decision to eliminate the education program in biology was made on the basis of a study done by the Board of Governors. The conunittee was headed by Donald J. Stedman. The study showed that at least 20 percent of the teachers educated at 15 North Carolina universities cannot find work. The study reviewed various programs on several campuses and rated them in three categories; high quality, review for possible elimination and elimination. The Board of See COURSE C VNCXLLED. p. 6 ^^Cqming Home Greatest Love^^