Page 8, The News Argus, April, 1982 Students View Consent Decree Unfair By Dwight Jones Winston-Salem State University, along with 15 other universities in the University of North Carolina system, has had to revise its 1981-83 catalog, and audio visual production to reflect the consent decree’s minority presence policy. This policy has drawn much criticism on WSSU’s campus. The catalog and audio visual presentation had to be revised to contain more pictures of minority students. A minority student at WSSU is a white student. “The catalog makes ‘State’ look like a white university, and it’s not fair to our black university’s image,” stated junior Ellen Harris. The catalog consists of class re quirements, student life on campus and pictures of other campus activities. “A white female living on campus is ab surd,” stated junior Isiaette McArn. She also commented that there is a white male living on campus and the catalog photographers should have chosen him to represent the facts. According to Felecia Jones, assistant public relations director, General Ad ministration selected the pages where white students were featured. The audio visual production was established during the ’70s as part of WSSU’s general recruitment efforts. This presentation was revised to imple ment a racial balance among students photographed. According to Marilyn Roseboro, university director of public relations, the audio visual presentation delivers a more accurate image of life on WSSU’s campus. The audio visual presentation is basically a film script production of life on WSSU’s campus and, as of this date, WSSU has 22 cassettes of the production. They are distributed to North Carolina high schools that have an enrollment greater than 500 students. The production cost for the audio visual presentation was estimated at $13,000-514,000. An addi tional maintenance fee of $591.75 will be assessed WSSU for each nine-month high school year. Another item from the consent decree included the Minority Presence Grant Program. The purpose of the Minority Presence Grant Program is to attract white students to WSSU. Mr. Clifton Graves, university affirmative action officer, stated, “The university Minority Presence Grant Program at WSSU must be continued indefinite ly.” He also commented that by 1986, there must be 17 percent white enroll ment on WSSU’s campus. Other universities that had to revise their catalog and audio visual presenta tion included: Fayetteville State University, Pembroke State Universi ty, and North Carolina A&T State University. These universities, like WSSU, had to have some pictures revised so that they contained a racial balance among students. All in all, the integration policy of the consent decree is a legally binding document for the 16 universities. “Our office will do its best to maintain the heritage of our traditionally black university,” stated Mr. Graves. Lyceum Events Fine Arts Series Begins April 13 Or. ANNOUNCING n NORTH CAROLINAS i FIRST PUBLIC DI5C GOLF COURSE (GOLF PLAYED WITH A FIHSBEE INSTEAD OF A BALL) Located at HORIZONS PARK 10 miles north of downtown Winston-Salem OPEN EVERY DAY ALL YEAR AROUND FROM 7:30 am TILL DARK AND IT'S FREE / FOR MORE INFO: CALL 727-2946 SPONSORED BY THE FORSYTH CGUNn PARKS and RECREATION DEPARTMENT IHECeST OF UVMG. GIVE TO THE AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY. THIS SPACE CONTRIBUTED AS A PU8L 0 SERVICE.