Happy Valentine’s Day life Heuijs Ar0«0 Volume 20, No. 3 Winston-Salem State University February, 1987 Joyce Standfield, WSNC’s New Station Manager. Photo by Tuttle Station Manager Standfield talks to staff members. Photo by Tuttle WSSU Student Participates In Annual Rose Bowl Parade by Yolando Jones, Staff Writer How would you like to march to the same beat of an Aggie of A&T State University, or an Eagle of North Carolina Central Univer sity, or even a E>eacon of Wake Forest University. Well, Craig Mills, a music major here at Winston-Salem State University had the op portunity to march along with not only the Aggies, Eagles, or the Deacons, but with 207 other students from universities across the nation when he participated in the Annual Rose Bowl Parade held in Pasadena, California on New Year’s Day. This combination of 210 students from several universities was a first time endeavor for the Rose Bowl Parade, and ac cording to Mills, they practiced long hours in order to endure the 4'^ minute song they played and the seven mile march. Mills, a sophomore from Kinston, N.C. was chosen by band directors Charles Bates and Dr. LaPointe Davis. His trip was fund ed by the United Way. Mills stated that he was surprised by be ing selected to represent WSSU in the parade, and it was a thrilling experience that he will never forget. Standfield Chosen As New Student Station Manager by Hershela Washinf'toii, Staff Writer As the voice of the Rams returns, WSNC 90.5 FM has selected Joyce Standfield as the new student station manager. As always, when selecting someone to fill a position one must first have the qualities to do so. Joyce Standfield, a WSSU senior from Milton, N.C., was chosen because of her familiarity with the radio station, her experience and she has also worked for the station longer than anyone else available. Standfield’s career goal since high school has been to establish a career in the field of Mass Communications. She has par ticipated on the campus radio station since her sophomore year, either dee-jaying, supervising other students or just helping the radio station in any way poss^ible. When asked how she felt about being the student station manager and if there were any pressures she screamed. “I love it, I love it.” Joyce says she loves working with the radio station but it has pressures like any job. Standfield emphasizes that she is work ing to make WSNC number one. Sonja Williams, general station manager and Don Moore, studio engineer, work beside Joyce so they can make the radio station the best one on the air. According to Standfield “For the station to be the best you need the cooperation of all those involved and I feel we have the best team the station has had in a while." Changes and new ideas take place when a new position is filled. For the first time the Rams basketball games will be broadcast over the air. The station now has 125 watts but it is in the process of getting 3000 watts so that it will be received extremely well in Forsyth County and surrounding areas. Mark “M-Ski" Smith, a freshman from Brooklyn, NY who is a member and a DJ of (he radio staff is happy with the new student manager. He feels that she's an initative person who helps out when needed and even when she’s not. Smith said, “Joyce will be a valuable asset to WSNC.” RJR/Nabisco Will Continue To Support WSSU by Kenneth Raymond, Staff Writer Although Winston-Salem State receives annual scholarship money from RJR Nabisco, Chancellor Cleon Thompson said that the Atlanta move is nothing for the school to worry about. “The move has shocked and dismayed a lot of people in the community,” said Thompson. “But the school doesn't have anything to worry about as far as loosing in coming annual revenue.” A large percentage of money donated to WSSU comes from RJR Nabisco. The cor poration donated $1 million dollars towards the construction of the new business building three years ago. Cleveland Cockerham, WSSU Foundation Business Manager, could not comment as to the exact amount the corporation donates or the percentage of annual income is given by them. “It’s a large percentage,” Cockerham said. “But large corporations are very sen sitive about revealing what they give to in stitutions.” RJR Nabisco has verbally agreed to con tinue to support WSSU. “We carry a positive relationship with their corporate leaders,” said Thomp son. “We’ve been talking with them about the matter and they've agreed to continue their annual support of our school" Although RJR Nabisco has agreed to con tinue their support, WSSU will suffer loss from individuals in executive positions who donated freely. “The loss will come from the individual contributions," Thompson said. "A lot of their executives donated to us and hopefully the remaining will also." Discussions have been opened with them about investing into the future of the univer sity. “We talked with them about helping with the physical plant development." Thomp son said. “Help from them will allow us fo build around campus as we would like to.” Thompson is also talking with the cor poration atx>ut helping the school to develop a distinguished faculty chair. “If we had enough money to pay highly capable people what they are actually worth, we could ask someone like the head of IBM's accounting department to teach accounting here,” he said. “We would have very high quality faculty.” Also when asked how he fell about RJR s decision (o leave Wake Forest their world headquarters building Thompson replied. "It costs about 2 million dollars a year to run the building, which would have drained us." See KJK Conlinurd on Page 8