PAGE 10 The News Argus Febmary 1989 ‘J^eatures It's Influenza Time Here's some advice about how to fighit the flu bug By Arnetta Hauser, RN A.H. RAY HEALTH CENTER, WSSU Being away from home and separated from loved ones can be traumatic whenev er it occurs. However, there is something about going away to college which fosters feelings of independence, maturity and self assuredness which is truly invigorating! Resting upon one's laurels as class valedictorian or salutatorian, star athlete, cheerleader, or homecoming queen one eagerly embraces the feeling of being "your own boss" so to speak. With no one to tell you which nights you can go out, what time to be in or even when to get up in the mornings, it's easy to feel mature. This euphoric ecstasy keeps you buoyantly floating on air, until your bal loon bursts. Reality shock sends you plummeting from lofty heights as the first twinges of a sore throat or sniffles of a head cold reverts you to pre-adolescent tendencies. "There must be cure from this cold, I started taking this medicine yester day, and I'm not feeling better!. "That cough medicine didn't stop my cough!" "Just give me a shot for this cold and I'll be alright." These are statements the health center staff hears at least eight to 10 times a day. Contrary to popular beliefs, there is no cure for the common cold. That scratchy throat, nagging cough and runny nose are signals that a cold is eminent. A "common cold" can be caused by many viruses. There are at least 200 different known types of these viruses. They usual ly attack the nose or throat and are spread through droplets when someone sneezes or coughs. The cold virus can survive on inanimate objects such as doorknobs, books, paper, etc. They can travel through the air, or, on the hands of the infected per son. It usually takes from one to three days for symptoms to develop. Therefore, you can spread your cold before you know you have one. There are many myths associated with the so called cure for a cold: • You can stop a cold from coming on • A shot of Penicillin will "knock" out a Eric Newland named WSSU's new campus rep' for Anheuser-Busch Photo by Tuttle Eric Newland By Bryon Tinnin EDITOR-IN-CfflEF Winston-Salem State University has a new Anheuser-Busch campus representative. Eric Newland, a senior Business Administration major from Charlotte, has been hired as the "new campus rep" by the local Anheuser-Busch Beer distributor, R.H. Barringer. What exactly does being "campus rep" mean? Well, first and foremost, he or she must represent Anheuser- Busch and promote programs spon sored by Budweiser. \ major pro gram being promoted on college cam puses is Alcohol Awareness. The "Know When to Say When" and the "Buddy System" programs stress two important messages: first, don't drive if you have had too much to drink, and second, drink responsibly. Newland is responsible for pre senting these Alcohol Awareness pro grams at WSSU and making sure that WSSU students are familiar with them. These programs will be present ed later this semester. Newland is one of the four reps from surrounding uni versities, including Wake Forest, Elon College, UNC-Greensboro and North Carolina A&T. "I look at it as a learning experi ence and an opportunity to leam more about the marketing aspects of busi ness," he said. Last simimer Newland was sent to St. Louis, Mo., for four days to attend a training program. One hundred sev enty reps from across the nation attended this program, and he was one of five blacks attending. When asked how he felt about being a "campus rep," he said, "I get a chance to meet a lot of important peo ple and sell myself to them, so it may be helpful when I enter the business field." cold • You should starve a cold • Cold weather will give you a cold The fact is there are ways to avoid catching a cold: • Stay healthy: eat properly, be sure to include vegetables, fruits, and whole grains in your diet. • Plenty of sleep and exercise will help keep body defenses up. • Too dry air indoors during the winter dries out the mucous membrane lining of your nose. Therefore, the hair like cilia in the nasal passages can't fight colds effec tively. • Avoid crowds during cold and fiu out breaks. • Don't smoke because smoking has the same effect on the mucous lining of the nasal passages as air that is too dry. Smok ing lowers our resistance to all respiratory diseases. Once you catch a cold, and consider ing the circumstances in most residence halls and classrooms, there are some guidelines you should follow: • Get plenty of rest. • Eat and drink sensibly-drink plenty of fruit juices and hot liquids. • Use only mild medication-antibiotics and anti-histamines will not affect a "common cold". • Use only mild medication. Tylenol may help relieve a cold's aches and fever. Gar gle with salt dissolved in water. Most physicians will recommend a cough suppressant under dire circum stances, such as a prolonged nighttime cough. Coughing associated with the com mon cold helps to clear the lungs of mucous. Practice good hygiene. Wash your hands with warm water and use plenty of soap. Use paper towels and tissues and dispose of them properly. If you are in general good health, most colds will last for about a week, whether you treat it or not Arnetta Hauser is the head nurse of the AH. Ray Health Center on the WSSU campus. Summer School is for you. Let us know what you need! The Summer School Office. Anderson Continuing Education Center, has additional course request forms. Let us know what you need. Come over as soon as you can! Friday, JUNE 2. Registration for first 4-week term, 6 & 8 weeks to: Monday, JUNE 5. First 4-week term, 6 & 8 weeks classes begin Friday, JUNE 30. First 4-week term ends Friday, JULY 7. Registration for second 4-week term Friday, JULY 21. 6-week term ends Friday, AUGUST 4. Second 4 week & 8 week classes end Students who are enrolled for the 1989 Spring Semester do not need to file a Summer School application! Not aU classes requested wUl be available, due to budget and availability of faculty, but we will try to meet your needs SUMMEM SCHOOL