9{ews ^wus IT1B6*!Bn?Fni VOL. 9 WINSTON-SALEM STATE UNIVERSITY May 1990 Students' Protest Teacher's Dismissal By Chuck Hanes Approximately 50 WSSU students marched out of the R.J. Reynolds Business Building, carrying signs that said, “ listen to the students “ and “ keep the teachers that want to teach “, on March 30 at noon. The march was targeted at the administration for not rehir ing Alfred McDonald Jr., assis tant professor of accounting. McDonald has taught at WSSU for two years and students have grown to respect and admire him for his teaching abilities. Many students feel that because he didn’t have a Ph.d., he was treated unfairly by the admini stration. They also feel that he can teach better than some of his colleagues that have higher de grees. The students were also dem onstrating because they fee they have no “ say-so " when it comes to academics and school prob lems. One example includes the sudden rise in tuition. The uni versity system raised the tuition. Students claim if tuition goes up, some of them can’t afford it. ’S. Sign held by student expresses feelings of many students. Photo: Hanes On April 2, a second march for students rights was held. It began at Blair Hall and circled the campus and returned to Blair Hall where campus police were stationed. It be gan with 30 students, but the crowd grew to 80 by noon. Students were chanting, campus power ," and " fight the power." Chancellor Cleon Th ompson came outside to ad dress the students. Students felt that now they would get some answers. When asked about what was being done about the issues, Chancellor Thompson replied, “ the ad ministration has reviewed some of the complaints and will be looking into them fur ther “. The students didn’t be lieve the Chancellor and started shouting that nothing has been done. So, where does this leave WSSU students? Some feel that the protest did accom^jlish the goal of standing up and being heard. Other meetings have been arranged for stu dents to talk with Chancellor Thompson and the administra tion. Johnson Responds To Students' Protest By Kim Copeland “It reminds me that student input is essential if we expect to strengthen Winston-Salem State University,” according to Dr. Alex Johnson, Vice chan cellor of academic affairs in an interview held April 11. Students launched protests on March 30, 1990 and April 2, 1990 to express their con cerns about the conditions of the cafeteria, the dorms, and the dismissal of faculty mem bers among other concerns. Students feel that their needs both socially and academi cally are being overlooked by administration, and that a stu dent march would ensure them the recognition they wanted. “Peaceful demonstrations have a significant heritage in this country, particularly when individuals are striving for civil and social equality. I have no problems with dem onstrations, but I feel however in the end you’ve got to have an agreement between the par ties involved so the demonstra tions don’t become confronta tional," explained Johnson. Stu dents have expressed the need to be part of the decision mak ing process and would also like to be better informed. The stu dents would like to know what is going on around campus be fore it gets the media’s atten tion. They would like to know first hand. Dr. Johnson says that there are channels for stu dents to voice their concems, and that this could be done through a committee structure, the Chancellor’s Student Ad visory Committee, or by talk ing with specific staff mem bers, but it must be dealt with through the statutes. As far as the expelling of students who did not return to class Dr. Johnson said,”I See Johnson page 4