PAGE 2 The News Argus May 1990 Public Education: My Views By Laurence De Shields One of the most serious tragedies of life in black Amer ica is the dismal record of per formance of our children in the public school system around the country. Every year, pub lished test scores inform us with maddening regularity that black children are falling fur ther and further behind educa tionally. This is at a time when the demand for the skilled and the educated continues un abated. Stories exist about the high school graduates who are being shoved out of the sys tem barely able to read, write and lacking any real compre hension of what it takes to function in today’s society. A basic education is no longer an option, it is a necessity. If the present trend in education per sists, implications for the fu- Editor: Joanie Tuttle Entertainment Editor: John Poindexter Advertising Editors; Patrice A. Gibson Kimberly O. Copeland Greek Editor: Connie Malone Photographers: Chuck Hanes Joanie Tuttle Chairman: Department of Mass ComiHiiicatioiis Dr. Maurice S. Odine Faculty Advisor: Dr. Valerie Saddler ture will be devastating. Thou sands of young people will have consigned themselves to the backwaters of American life, their futures foreclosed by a system designed to liberate them to a cycle of dependency, but one which has failed them. The search for the villains in this scenario are endless. There is blame enough for ev eryone. Yet, it is our society which must shoulder most of the blame because of its insti tutional racism which brands blacks children interior from birth. One of the first lessons black children leam as they seek an integrated quality edu cation is that they are not wanted. This fact of life is rein forced consciously and uncon sciously by school teachers who have low expectancy levels of black and minority students. Reporters; Georgellen Brown Natasha Carlton Karen Reming Chuck Hanes Lene Hunter Linda McKnight Mattie Morrison Emest Simpson Laurence De Shields If you have any questions or [etters to the editor, lurite to 318 9-(a(C-Tatterson WSSZl Campus 750^2527 Teachers are encumbered by unreasonable fears of their pupils whom they label dis ruptive and uneducable, thus transferring the responsibility of the students’ lack of accom plishment from themselves to the pupils. Of course there are good and bad teachers with that great majority of average teachers in between. I sus pect that teachers have looked upon their profession simply for the security of it all and the pupils are really secon dary. After years of being un derpaid teachers have become more organized, but their hard-won gains seem to have outstripped their concem for their pupils. In a sense there is a lack of accountabiUty with the children who are not being educated being the real losers. Education has alwavs been viewed as a way out. A good Letter to the Editor It has come to our attention that in the spring semester of 1990, articles that have been sub mitted have not been published in the Greek Comer. The most recent article was submitted for the March Issue. In order to express concerns about publication in the News Argus, we would like to know the guidelines by which articles are chosen for publication. We would like the article that was submitted for the March Is sue to be published in the April Issue. Thank you for your coopera tion. The Women of Gamma Lambda Chapter, Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. education is not an option, it is absolutely necessary if one is to achieve anything. “School is a place to leam-not simply to be taught.” It is not enough for students to go to school to be fed with knowl edge. The sad irony of our pres ent situation is that for centu ries it was a crime for blacks to be able to read and write. This was sanctioned by a soci ety bent upon reducing us to "nobodies". Today we seem bent upon allowing ourselves to be imposed with a substance which our ancestors fought so desperately to lift. The public school system has failed us in many palpable ways, but the fact is that parents have pri mary responsibility for seeing that their children are taught. Education is the key. But it is not the system that will free us, it will have to be our selves. Best Wishes Ciass of 1990 !