The News Argus November 1995 Page 2 Queyana Woods - Editor DeVona McPhatter - News Editor Keisha Butler - Entertainmektt Editor William Horton, Jr. - Sports Editor Dr.Valerie s. Saddler — Advisor Black Men Do we as Black women know how blessed we are to have a strong Black male in our possession? Well sometimes I’m not sure if we realize the importance of this God-given creature. We, including myself, are quick to judge him by making stereotypical remarks , regarding his animal magnetism. In other words, some of us call them “dogs,” at one time or another. Guess what ladies? When we do this we are only hurting ourselves. We are also making them respond to the term. They have acquired more than a taste for other dishes of all nationalities. Because of this, many sisters are left lonely and dateless. We try to say, “ the reason I don’t have somebody is because all the good men are dead, in jail, married or gay.” Can someone please help me out, with a quick high-five? Well I know better than that because I have used this as an excuse myself. In actuality if we just allow them, our brothers, to be themselves and not be judgmental then maybe that right person for us will come into our lives. He will be able to give that love that we secretly yet openly desire and we will be much happier. Sisters not only do these men possess strength, endurance, patience and determination , they also possess forgiveness. They have tlie strength of ten horses, and the endurance to bear the trials of slaveiy vThh forgiveness. They have possessed the patience of waiting for the Million Man March to prove the determination of all these characteristics. As Black women, let’s stand up and give them that deserving ovation. HOORAY! HOORAY! I know a black man is my-reason for being, along with my Heavenly Father and I am grateful. I have never had the desire to search beyond my race to find true happiness. I truly know that my happiness lies in my race with a strong Black male. But that’s another story! Sisters, we must be kind to our black brothers. We must encourage them when they are down; stop nagging them; but most of all RESPECT THEM. On- the-other- hand, brothers, heed the message and treat the sisters the way you want to be treated. - XtmberCy Co//ey The News 'Argni is a stndert\*News^p^r,St Winston-Sakm State University we welcome ydar views on any public i^ue.JFaculty, ^dministratbis,, staff^'studcnts*iand lEInmrtrare'^cl5tira|& lb share their ideas and opinions. Letters should be type . written and no more than 200 words iitjfi^gth. The writer must'clearly sign the letter givln^Their nainie, telephone number and depending on the content of the letter,’ proof of identity may be requestedi-The editcHial staff reserves the'jright to edirmalcrid for grammar, taste and clarity. .The News Arguis office is located in 318 Hall Patterson, 750-2327.^^ . ■ ISSUES G anSWERS ARGUS MAILBAG At The Library I enter with a determined look about me. My muscles tensed as I pulled at the wrong door and found myself barred from entry until I can figure out the pattern of working entry ways here. Finally inside, I walked past the check out counter towards the reference section. I nodded in the direction of the librarians at the check out desk. "Good afternoon!" I smiled. She smiled back, but I hardly noticed. I was on a mission. I headed directly to the Progquest computer area. Drat! Both terminals were busy! I'd have to contend with the NewsBank, or go bust. No, wait, I considered. There are still BOOKS. "I’ll try that. Maybe, just maybe there is something written down on paper about this!" It was a long shot, I was thinking, but worth trying. I cautiously approached the COLUMNIST Terry Britton computer terminal in which the computerized catalog of books resided. It LOOKED like any other terminal....maybe wouldn't be so hard, after all. I pressed the "K" key for a keyboard search. Then, I pondered for a moment what keyboards might this share in common with the other computer resources I'd used in the past. I tried one. The screen went blank for just a moment, then...nothing. It came up empty! I couldn't believe it, but somehow retained my composure long enough to realize 1 needed help. I looked around the library floor, and there behind the computer terminals was a desk with the words. "Reference Desk" emblazoned over it in huge letters. A human sat there, and she actually saved the day. Just amazing! I I Know? by AL ^ ^ BOTTLB OF WH/SKY kVMCf/ tS MARKeD "70 ^PROOP " cofl/rAf/vs ABOUT 3S% PUK£ ALCOHOL. TMe tVAY A vseo TO BE ’'PROh'PP" IV/iS TO POVJ? /r ON TO &ONPOWOE/; ANP THEN IGNtTB IT IP IT auRl\f£P £yeA/LY IT conta/nep sox pofie alcohol ANP WAS OeSMEP foo^p/eoop the KOALA BEAR lll^ES W THE EUCALYPTUS TREES OF AUSTRAL/A AA/O THUS GIVES OFF A POtVERFOL ODOUR OF EUCALYPTUS OH. /yiAIVY KOALAS kVERE KILLED BY HUNTERS FOR THE/R SKINS BUT THEY ARE NOiV A PROTECTEP SPECIES. THE eARLIESrr KNOtnlN PRINTEP "BOOK "/S A /6 /^OOT LONG SCROLL CALLEP TNE "P/AMOND SUTRA"WHfCH WAS pfseoyeRED w /9oo in TURKESTAN. ITS TEXT ANP ILLUSTRATION OF BUPPHA weRe PRINTED PROM WOODCUTS IN THE YEAR 868/4.0. Staff WRiTd*js> ♦ /■ - .'f (' I, Terry britt(5n/ i John burton; jR Douglas Clark Kimberly Coffey^ Enrico Lea^ craven martin KENYETTA RICHMOND Meko Taylob Marcus Manuel - Office Manager Monica Alexander - Advertising Manager TKe WSSU Choir presents its iAnnuoL CR-ristmas Concert December 2 & 3,1995 at 4 p.n. in tfve DtUarcC >^ucCitorium i»^ncCerson Center