The News Argus May 1996- Page 5 CAMPUS HAPPENINGS Poetry Corner UNCONDITIONAL LOVE Dedicated to RLB Jr. I’ve finally found a peace of mind Place to rest, my moment in time, the perfect diamond, an Ebony Prince. Sweet beads of Sweat, a listening ear, a strong caress, soft lips to kiss, witti a smile that makes a cloudy day clear. YOU have given ME sc much, and YOU’VE wiped so many tears. YOU HAVE given Me the best of YOU, and YOU’VE done it UNCONDITIONALLY For so long I’VE PRAYED for GOD to send SOMEONE to give me the THINGS I TRULY NEEDED. HE sent HIS LOVE that filled me SPIRITUALLY. Then I meet YOU and YOUR LOVE filled the empty space and now I feel COMPLETED. I THANK GOD for BLESSING ME with HIS GRACE and YOUR LOVE. Cause now I feel I have a PLACE TO SHARE THIS GIFT OF UNCONDITIONAL LOVE. Tonya n. Arnold BLACK PRINCE, BLACK LORDS, BLACK KNIGHTS, BLACK MEN. A product of rules, Victims of forced immigration, slaves to a corrupt system, bonded by color with chains created by ignorance. You have risen like the phoenix from the ashes of despair. An endangered species in a concrete jungle, As rare as the panther, as precious as jewels. You represent; What was What should be and shall be once again. You have given hope to hearts that felt that being Black ain’t where it’s at. Making a man s dream possible by any means necessary. When I think about the many that didn’t make it at all, some shot down without a reason, dying without cause, then I Look at you and how you have strived to stay alive, the tears I cry are not in vain but tears of joy and pride. Finding beauty in every Black Woman’s eye Alston Will Be SGA Vice - President BY QUEYANA C. WOODS Editor “I am very excited about my senior year and look forward to working with the SGA and other cabinet members. As SGA vice-president, I aim to serve the school to the best of my ability and make it successful as well as memorable, said Jeffrey Alston. Alston, a junior from Louisburg, wants to see more unity among the student body and get continuous support from the chancellor, the community and the alumni. “I look forward to working with Chancellor Schexnider, getting to knew him and sharing some of his ideas and views,” said Alston. “ I will be a su-ong backbone for the students when it comes 10 addressing student concerns with him.” He and SGA President-elect Veronica Alexander will begin their term of office on June 1. He plans to implement a program that will get and keep freshmen interested in WSSU throughout their years here. “I want the freshmen to come in and get the same amount of pride about the university as 1 did as a freshman. There was a closeness here a couple of years ago that must be regained through the Class of 2000,” he explained. “ As freshmen, they should always know what’s going on bccause they are the next generation of Rams to pass on our motto. Enter to Learn, Depart to Serve.” Alston a Business Management major, has been Sophomore Class President; has worked closely with the SGA for three years; has been active in the Big Brothers/Big Sisters program, Peer Advisors and Campus Pals organizations. “I would like to see the SGA work more closely with the W-S Chapter of the NAACP, the Urban League as well as be a positive voice in the East Winston community;” he said. “The SGA should participate in one or two community service projects a month. Since the SGA is looked at as the organization mostly responsible for the activities here on campus, it should have a continuous communication flow with the student body,” he said. has made us stronger Black Women that stand behind and by you as an equal, wilTing to bend to knee and adore you. Rare Black Men with your righteous minds, mighty hands, and courageous heart will crush the injustice that keeps you from getting what you have deserved for over 400 years, RESPECT. BLACK PRINCES, BLACK LORDS, BLACK KNIGHTS, BLACK MEN, YOU shall once again be GREAT ! Dedicated In Honor of the Brothers of Beta Epsilon Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. Tonya Tt. ^rnofct