WSSU Students back Jena Six Page 4 “Trey Day” hits WSSU Page 3 The News Argus Soccer at WSSU? Page 5 Winston-Salem State University’s Student Newspaper Oct. 1,2007 Why buy a decal if you can’t find a parl(ing space? Taresh IWoore and Demetria Davis ARGUS STAFF Enrollment at Winston Salem State University has now reached nearly 6,000 stu dents. With the increased enroll ment, however, comes a scramble among commuting students to find available parking spaces. Four weeks into the fall semes ter, some students were frustrated with the parking situation. Many students who have parking decals are having trouble finding proper parking spaces and result is they park illegally. Whether they have decals or not, cars parked illegally are being ticketed or towed. The lack of parking spaces and mounting parking tickets has many students upset and doubting whether the purchase of a parking decal has any meaning. "You cannot sell a service that you can't render. There are more students, faculty, and staff than there are parking spaces," said Antonio Caldwell, a senior. NIany students are ^\iestior\irvg whether or not buying decals is necessary since it does not guaran tee a parking spot. "Student parking is not fair, and if the school is not going to construct more parking spaces, then they should not ticket people who they accuse of parking ille gally," said senior Marcus Gill. "If they want to issue tickets, they should provide efficient and effective parking services," said Photos by Garrett Garms ABOVE: Campus police scan the parking lot for parking violators. RIGHT: Some students who have purchased decals continue to receive parking tickets because of a lack of spaces on campus. sophomore Desmond Alson. "I have a decal and I continue to receive tickets for parking in the wrong area even when there is no set designated parking facility for us." Students are not the only ones fed u.p witH tlrve lacl^ of parVcing spaces. "There is no excuse for the facul ty to be out of a park[ing spot) upon arrival to campus," said one person who asked to remain anonymous. "We work here and in order to make this university an effective learning institute, we must be able to arrive to classes and meetings promptly." An emaU sent out to faculty, staff and students from the Campus Police on Friday, Sept. 7, said that WSSU Ram Shuttles would be run continuously from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. One shuttle will extend its hours until 10 pm. Michael Johnson, a sophomore commuter student, said that he Inas parked every day at Bowmain Gray stadium but has yet to see a shuttle. "The main problem," said Officer Norris Gullick, " is that students are not purchasing park ing decals." According to campus police, there are around 2,000 parking spaces across the campus. Student decals are $120 and will continue to go up as tuition and enrollment rise. •. -ft. yy, iya.v Refund checks could be given out after drop-add dates in near future Trygeania Dowell ARGUS STAFF Recently, Winston-Salem State University has made a number of changes such as Donald Julian Reaves being named as the new chancellor in February and the completion of Foundation Heights resi dence hall this fall. The financial aid office also had a change about a year ago when Dr. Raymond Solomon became the new financial aid director. Solomon, who has 13 years of experience working with financial aid, suggests changes need to be made in the financial aid office, changes such as adding new space and more staff. The other change that is in review by Vice Chancellor of Student Affairs, Dr. Melody C. Pierce, Solomon and other administrators is the tim ing of financial aid refunds. There has been a preliminary meeting con cerning whether or not to change the disbursement of refunds from the first day of school to the date when students can drop and add classes. According to Pierce and Solomon, students have been known to apply for college just to get the refund, and once the refund is disbursed the students don't come back to class. It is also a burden on the financial aid office when students receive their refunds before the days to drop and add classes. The reason being that checks for refunds are written on Monday but not disbursed until Friday and between that time stu dents can add or drop classes. The financial aid department has to manu ally check all refunds before the drop and add deadline. For example, if a check is disbursed Monday and a student drops a class, that student will end up receiving more than what he or she was supposed to, and if a student adds a class, that student will be underpaid. This demands a manual process that is "extremely cumbersome and burdensome Solomon said. Ten years ago the Thompson Center was built for several offices and one of them being the financial aid office. Back then there were approxi mately 2,500 students at WSSU, and now the col lege is growing with approximately 6,000. Solomon requested for money in the budget for more staff and more space. Pierce said he will be receiving the extra space he needs for the financial aid office. However as far as funds, she said funding is not available at this time for the extra staff. WSSU is state funded so in order for the financial aid department to receive the finances it needs to hire more staff, the request for extra money has to be a year in advance. Meanwhile, the financial aid office will expand to the conference room across the hall. In the near future, after the under graduate admissions suite of offices is redesigned, the financial aid offices will be redesigned. This will enable financial aid staff to have private offices for confidentiality reasons. Vacant positions in the financial aid office are being filled slowly. The financial aid office has hired four temporary staff positions. Tips for timely refunds: □ File FAFSA as early as January every year. □ Submit all necessary documents well before the June deadline; t Income Tax forms > W-2 forms I verification sheets □ Write your name and banner i.D. on top of all forms. □ Make sure all documents, includ ing electronic, are signed. □ Confirm birthdates and Social Security numbers. □ Re-check application □ Apply 1 year early for scholar ships. It is important that if students have siblings who are going to college, that paperwork is started early so that it is submitted on time. Source; Dr. Melody Pierce To learn more about financial aid and apply for scholarships, students and parents can go to http://www. WSSU. edu/WSSU/About/ Administration/Division+of+Student +Affairs/Financial+Aid Some students benefited more than others from recent career fair Gabrielle Leonard ARGUS STAFF ^'^n Thursday, September 13, m W approximately 20 companies came to the Anderson Center looking for fresh talent amongst the student body at Winston-Salem State University. The Career Fair was hosted by Career Services. Senior Danny Harris said that this year his profession really wasn't represented by the companies pres ent at this year's fair. "1 want to do physical therapy, and I don't feel that the Maryland Police Department or Kroger can help me achieve that. However, I do feel that other majors were better represented at this fair," he said. The purpose of this career fair was to give students looking for jobs and internships the chance to hear just what the companies at the fair had to offer. It also allowed students to see what opportunities may lie ahead for them once they graduate. This year, there were plenty of companies to choose from, includ ing Target and Thurgood Marshall Fund. Candrice Nolan, a senior, econom ics/finance major, said that she would have loved to go and is sorry that she missed out on the fair. "I won't be here due to a business conference, but 1 would have loved to attend," Nolan said. "The career fairs at WSSU are always some of the best because there is always a large amount of companies to choose from."