ifc ■■■„■*» irf. ..A-■■..-;•■* J,. .».->4L. - * .. ,..*- ■* *- SuHtMt&i Sclieo£ ScIiediiEe IME COURSE AND NUMBER CREDIT TIME COURSE AND NUMBER CREDIT 00-9:00 a.m. 11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Financial Mathematics 161 3hrs. Principles of Accounting 141 4 hrs. General Psychology 201 3hrs. Fundamentals of Mathematics 102 3 hrs. Religion 101 3hrs. General Biology 101 4 hrs. Plane Trigonometry 105 3 hrs. American Literature 203 3 hrs. Biology 111 4hrs. Western Civilization 101 3 hrs. English literature 201 3 hrs. Marriage and the Family 207 ‘3 hrs. Teletypesetter 6 3 hrs. Music Appreciation 161 3 hrs. U.S. History 201 3 hrs. Photography 101 4 hrs. 00-10:10 a.m. 1:30-2:30 p.m. Spanish 101-102 6 hrs. Principles of Accounting 141 Lab Ohrs. 10-10:10 a.m. Business Communications 202 3 hrs. Religion 102 3 hrs. 1:30-4:30 p.m. Sociology 205 3 hrs. Biology 101 Lab (MW) Ohrs. Voice and Diction 210 3 hrs. Biology 111 Lab (TT) Ohrs. College Algebra 103 3 hrs. Chemistry 102 Lab (TT) Ohrs. Hygiene 101 3 hrs. Chemistry 103 Lab (MW) Ohrs. General Chemistry 103 4 hrs. 2:00-3:00 p.m. English Composition 101 3 hrs. Physical Education 101 and 151 (MTTh) • 1 hr. Teletypesetter 6 Lab Ohrs. 1:20-11:20 a.m. Principles of Economics 3 hrs. Introduction to Philosophy 201 3 hrs. World Geography 151 3 hrs. Fundamentals of Mathematics 101 3 hrs. General Chemistry 102 4 hrs. English Composition 102 3 hrs. Western Civilization 102 3 hrs. Art Appreciation 161 3 hrs. Summ&t Hand. Ta Find? ? ? ?Ewt Afietul (o% Gtadmim Cmiden Sumt&i Sciufd al Chmm