/moK« /icnnL/ Volume 7—Number 7 Wednesday, January 28, 1976 1 Sociology Club Announces Winners of Christmas Drawing The Chowan Sociology Club had it’s drawing to establish the winners for the free meals at the College Inn and Whitley’s. The dub raised $143.00, excluding the meals, that went to CADA in Murfreesboro. For those of you wiio do not know what CADA stands for, it is the Chowan Area Development Association and is a non-profit organization. They aid poverty level families In this area and were more than pleased to receive the money especially Valerie Jones draws winning ticket from Or. Gosnell, while Louis Saunders and (right) and Burnell Riddick (left) look on. 1 Secretary Melanie Chamberlain gives the money from the Sociology drawing to a CADA representative. Your Opinions Are Valuable That's because Smoke Signals is your newspaper. We need your opinions so we can give information and ideas of even more value and greater usefulness to you. So use the brief questionnaire in the next Issue to express your opinions of what you'd like to see in future issues. We'll do more than listen to them. We'll actually follow them. Chowan Students Participate In 1976 Bicentennial Debates Chowan College was represented by three sophomores in the Bicentennial Youth Debates District Contest for college age participants Wed nesday at East Carolina University. Miss Anna Belle Crouch, local college coordinator, said the discussion focused on the American form of government. She said the purpose is to en courage students to examine American history and values through forensic efforts. Dr. Bruce E. Whitaker, president of Chowan College, has presented each representative with a commemorative BYD certificate. They will be com peting for medals at the district meeting and have the opportunity to enter the sectional and regional competition where educational awards and scholarships will be presented to outstanding participants. Michael L. Hillis of Wilmington, Del., participated in the Lincoln-Douglas Debate: “Resolved: That American political parties have been dominated by socioeconomic elites.” Each participant in the competition was required to be prepared for both sides of the debate question which used the constructive, cross-examination, and rebuttal format. Trudy P. Cloyd, of Mur freesboro, participated in the Persuasive Speaking com petition. “Is Federalism Ob solete?” was the general topic area for the participants in this event. The speeches were to be original in content and ten- minutes in length. These students were assisted in their preparation by members of the Social Science department, English department, and Library. Their fellow class members were involved with oral questions and critiques. Robert L. Walker wa^ the Extemporaneous Sp right before Christmas. Con sidering that this area has 40 percent of its families living in poverty the money was just a drop in the bucket but it was surely a smile on a few kids faces at a time when so few are getting so much. Now for those of you who bought tickets, the winners of the two $5,00 meals at College Inn are: 1st place — Jeanette Saunders 2nd place — Steve C. Nelson The winners of the two dinners at Whitleys are: 3rd place — Pete CJianey 4th place — Michelle Bowling and Cathy Lyon Congradualations to the win ners and please pick up your tickets from Dr. GosneU in Marks Hall. Also, congradulations to Valorie Jones who won a free dinner for selling 50 tickets. For all Sociology Club members and potential members the next meeting wUl be on Jan 26, 8:00 p.m. which is a Monday night in Marks Hall. Thanks again to all who bought tickets and keep up the good spirits. Valerie Jones shown with Mr. Pete Winstead, Manager of the College Inn, won a free meal for selling the most tickets for the Sociology Club during their Christmas project helping CADA. participant. He was prepared to give a seven minute speech on any one of fourteen specific questions on the broad area “Is Congress Assembled. . . . Representative Legislature.” fakers in this event drew their specific topics thirty minutes prior to giving their speeches. Bicentennial Youth Debates is a project of the Speech Com munication Association, the largest association of professional speech educators in the nation. BYD is supported by grant funds from the National Endowment for the Humanities, a federal agency created by Congress to support research, education, and publications in the humanities. Students participated from East Carolina University, Atlantic Christian College, Beaufort County Technical In stitute, and Chowan College. Dr. Amrut Nahkre, associate {Tofessor of Social Sciences at Atlantic Christian College, is the district coordinator for the BYD. »- V Chowan College's three representatives in the Bicentennial Youth Debates, Trudy Cloyd of Murfreesboro, Robert Walker, standing left, of Virginia Beach, and Michael Hillis of Wilmi' , Dei., recieved commemorative BYD certificates from Chowan President Bruce E. Whitaker. Their topics center on the American fo- ■; /ernment.