...TO ONE AND TO ALL! Volume 15 Number4 Chowan College, Murfreesboro, North Carolina 27855 November 18, 1983 r i AtL IN FAVOR, RAISE YOUR HANDS Anthony Hill (88) agrees with Referee John Letts that Eddie McDuffie (34) has scored against Ferrum's Panthers. Waiting to agree are Todd Andrews (14) and an unidentified Ferrum player. PLAYERS, PULCHRITUDE, AND THE PRESIDENT....Players Anthony Hill (88) and Paul Smith (27) assist Dr. Bruce E. Whitaker during Homecoming Festivities by escorting Queen Tammy Taylor and Princess Laura Churchill off the field following the coronation. Simons Hall, Turner Auditorium Dedicated Founder's Day was cplebrated at Chowan College Monday, October 10 with a convocation in the Helms Center followed by the naming and rededication of two campus facilities. Dr. Alton H. McE^chem, pastor, First Baptist Church, Greensboro, delivered the Founder’s Day address. He centered his remarks on the virtues of two deceased supporters of Christian higher education and Chowan College- Walter Leroy “Roy” Simons, Jr. of Ahoskie and Dr. J. Clyde Turner. Simons was a Chowan trustee and member of the Board of Advisors. Dr. McEachem stated, “Roy supported Chowan generously during his lifetime and remembered the school in his will. Today we honor his family with the dedication of ‘Simons Hall' on the campus.” Beginning in 1910, Dr. Turner served as pastor of the First Baptist Church of Greensboro for 38 years. He served four terms as president of the N.C. Baptist State Convention and was a trustee of Wake Forest College for 25 years. “Dr. Turner contributed to Chowan and remembered the college in his will. These funds were used as seed money for the renovation of the “J. Clyde Turner Auditorium,” McEachern remarked. “Roy Simons and J. Clyde Turner were different men, yet great men. They had no children but helped provide and insure the education of future generations.” Continued McEachern, “A.N. Whitehead has given us a vivid definition of greatness. He said, ‘The great man is he who plants trees whose shade he will never sit under.’ Roy Simons and J. Clyde Turner had neither children nor grandchildren. Yet they supported Chowan College. And thus they planted trees they never sat under. They helped make possible something they would never personally enjoy or profit from. They invested in generations yet unborn.” The musical part of the program was provided by the Chowan College Choir under the direction of Dr. James Chamblee and the College-Community Wind Ensemble directed by Bob Brown. Dr. Hargus Taylor presented the prayer and scripture and Dr. Bruce E. Whitaker recognized the family members present. The Turner family was represented by his niece, Mrs. cieryl Hart, and her daughter, Mrs. Charles Warner, who unveiled the plaque at the entrance to Turner Auditorium within McDowell Columns. At Simons Hall, a sister of Roy Simons, Miss Agnes Simons, unveiled the plaque dedicating the men’s residence hall formerly known as East in memory of Roy Simons’ mother, Bettie Valentine Simons, and in honor of his cousin, Melton E. Valentine of Raleigh. Also participating were two other sisters of Roy Simons, Mrs. T.R. Tunstall and Mrs. R. Stewart Roberson, and members of their families; and Valentine family members to include Mrs. M.E. Valentine and his three sisters, Mrs. Vernon Baker, Mrs. W.H. McGee, and Mrs. F.G. Kroncke. I I Chowan's Players entertolned audiences during their Foil presentation of The Rainmaker. Providing the theatrical touches in this scene are from left, Thomas Cole, Thomas Gale, Laura Crum, and Chaplain Hargus Taylor. See Review on Page 2. A PROUD DAY FOR A FAMILY....Members of the Simons family take time out during Founder's Day activities for this portrait in front of the newly named Simon Hall. The dorm is named for the late Roy Simons, Jr.