NORTH CAROLINA SCHOOL OF THE ARTS STUDENT NEWSPAPER ANTHONY FRAGOLA, ANTHONY SENTER, Advisor Editor A POLICY FOR THE N.C. ESSAY NEWSPAPER (Note: The follcnjiing suggeetiona are presented here for disaussion and amendment.) I. THE STRUCTUBE OF THE NEWSPAPER A. The N.C. Essay as the student newspaper of the North Carolina School of the Arts will be published weekly by the students. B. "Extra" Issues of the Essay will be published when news of concern to the students should be released immediately. C. A literary magazine will be sponsored by the Essay and will be published biannually. D. An advisor for the newspaper shall be the responsibility of the aca demic department and shall be appointed by that department. E. An advisory board shall be set up for the paper and shall consist of The Editor, The Advisor, The President of the School, The Academic Dean, the Dean of Students, and at least one member of the Board of Trustees. This committee shall meet at least once a year to evaluate the paper and to nominate the Editor for the following year. F. A single copy of every issue during the year shall be compiled and hard-bound for future reference. G. The News Bureau of the School shall make every effort to keep the newspaper informed and shall notify the Essay as soon as possible of all urgent news such as the resignation and appointment of faculty mem bers. H. Ten members of the technical staff of the newspaper shall be employees of the work-study program.