All juniors will t&ke PSAT Saturday, October 22, Room 320. V, James B. L. Rug to Speak in Girls' Dorm Wednesday, 8:30 p.m. Vol. I, No. 2 North Carolina School of the Arts October 18, 1966 CARNES, P ARE FINALIS Debbie Carnes and Anne Peacock have been selected as National Merit Semi-Finalists. Debbie and Anne were among the 804,468 students from 17,494 secondary high schools who took the National Merit Scholarship Quali PSAT SET FOR OCl 22 All high school juniors are required to take the Preliminary Scholastic Aptitude Test which will be administered here Saturday, October 22. Miss Dorethea Bell and Mrs. Forbes will monitor the test which will begin at 8:45 a.m. in room 320. The PSAT can provide information early in the year which will help students in choosing appropriate colleges. The PSAT cannot replace the SAT and is not intended as an admissions test; however, being a timed multiple- choice test, the PSAT can prepare the student for the SAT and achievement tests. Students are reminded that they are not required to fill out any preliminary application to take the test. dancers TO ATTEND BALLET CONCERT On Thursday, October 20, the NCSA dance department will attend the performance of the American Ballet Theatre, under the auspices of the Winston-Salem Civic Music Association series. The dancers traveled to Durham on October 14 to see the Martha Graham Company perform at Duke University. Earlier in the afternoon, modern dance students Marie Berry, Ellen Baxter, Lee Harper, Georgiana Holmes, Kathy Wheeler, David Ray, Mannie Rowe, and Leland Schwantes took a master class given by David Wood, teacher at the School of Performing Arts in New York City and performer with the Graham group. The dance department is now in rehearsal for " The Nutcracker " to be produced in December in conjunction with the activities planned, to celebrate the 200*^ anniversary of Winston-Salem. Harper Elected to Student Government Dinny Harper, dance student, was recently elected by fellow dancers to fill the vacancy in the student government. She will also serve on the fying Tests last February 26 or March 1. From these students approximately 14,000 top-scoring persons were named semi finalists. The number of semi-finalists in the state is less than one percent of the graduating seniors in the state. Never have the number of semifinalists to attain finalist status fallen below 97 percent. All of the high school juniors took the NMSQT last year, and Mr. Kimzey announced that the test will be administ ered to all high school juniors this year. Debbie, a modern dance student, is from Carboro, North Carolina. Anne, a piano student of Mr. Howard Aibel, is from Raleigh, North Carolina. RUSH TO SPEAK WED. Mr. James B.L. Rush, assistant to Dr. Giannini in the administration of the school and Director of Planning and Devel opment, will be the featured speaker on October 19 at 8:30 in the girls' dorm. He will speak on the administrative aspects of the school. After having received his A.B. from Williams College and his M.S. from Columbia University, Mr. Rush worked on New York State newspapers until the out break of World War II. He served in the Glider Troops and on the staff of General Patton's Third U.S. Army in the European Theatre during the war, achieving the rank of major. After the war Mr. Rush's interest revolved around teaching English and journalism at Colby College in Maine. In 1947, he joined the Winston-Salem Journal staff as copy editor. Before accepting his position at NCSA, Mr. Rush was Associate Editor of the Journal and Sentinel . " Oklahoma " To Be Presented ******** The movie " Oklahoma " will be shown at NCSA on the evening of November 5. The selection was made at a recent meeting of the film committee. The large dance studio will be converte^d into a movie theatre, and students may bring blankets on which to sit. The film committee requests that there be no smoking. Hall board in her new capacity.