The N.C. Essay Page 5 DRnCGRS RUUflRDED SCHOLARSHIPS 'Aprif 14, 1970 WEDNESDAY Rabbi David H. Rose of Temple Em manuel in Winston-Salem, North Car olina, will represent the Jewish Chautauqua Society as lecturer at the North Carolina School of the Arts on Wednesday, April 15, 1970. The Rabbi lectures on college campuses under the auspices of the Jewish Chautauqua Society, an organ ization which creates better under standing of Jews and Judaism through education. The Jewish Chautauqua Society is sponsored by the National Federation of Temple Brother hoods. Rabbi Rose will speak on the topic "The Jewish Doctrine of Man" in the Drama Theatre of the school, at 1:30 p.m. Wednesday. Rabbi Rose received his B.A. degree form the University of Cincinnati and was ordained a rabbi at Hebrew Union College in Cincin nati in 1955, receiving his M.H.L. Degree. Rabbi Rose previously served as assistant rabbi at Congregation Rodeph Shalom in Philadelphi, Penn. He served as a chaplain in the Uni ted States Air Force for two years. Rabbi Rose teaches as resi dent lectureship, sponsored by the Jewish Chautauqua Society, at Wake Forest University. EDITOR-Tonv SenTGR miCK FERGUSOn smov uuLLinms KfiTHV FITZGERRLD GIUEP, SPERR SRrn BRRCELOnfl EDITORIAL ( from page 3) "To involve students more signif icantly in the democratic process is to allow them to live democratically as students now...The educational institution cannot survive as a lofty place where abstractions re sound and experience is hallow. Students are asking to be democrat ically involved in every phase of the institution — in the classroom, in the administration, in the extra curricular—wherever their lives as students take them. To improve communications we should begin at home, then seek a democratic medium. The hour is late. For us to ignore this opportunity for giving students a real and lasting educational ex perience would be a mistake, per haps one of our last." The School of American Ballet has officially announced the reci pients of scholarships to the New York School. Patti Campbell was selected to receive a scholarship to NCSA for next year and also a scholarship to the summer session in New York. Receving the same scholarship for the second conse cutive year is Vic Barbee. Also summer scholarships to the School of American Ballet were given to Jane Parker, Lee Provancha, and Chris Spizzo, Susan McKee, and Jan Horn. The boys were Dale Tal ley, Rick McCullough and Jimmy LETTER TO THE (aon't from don't feel compelled to go into details, but will gladly explain what actually happened to anyone really interested. I can say this, simply - the statements made about me, with the exception of the fact that I foot-noted Mr. Fragola's review - were not true. In so may words, Mr. Fragola called me a thief - and I can only say to him with all my heart, and without anger: I thank you. After five years of laughter, devotion, hard work and some failure, it was going to be very hard for me to consider leaving this place. It's sheltered*me and taught me so much for so long that I was beginning to wonder how I'd ever make the break. Now I know I can. What recently occured has hurt a great deal - deep inside where it doesn't show so readily - but what matters most is the (aon’t from} The news release tells it all. As students, we need only know the "essential facts." We need not know how our administrators went about getting what they wanted. Come on. don't we deserve any honesty? The matter of contention here is not the competence of ex-dean Carlson, but the underhanded tactics which were used to replace him. He was a man who seemed to care about the students (as a footnote, he spoke to - and seemed sympathetic toward - a group of students who were active in the Moratoriums). But apparently he was not the kind of administrator who fit into the scheme of things around here. Carlson seemed to be an honest man. For those who insist on talking about incompetence, there are those who are citing the rejected lower-middle-upper division plan as Carlson's. Sorry, but credit for that bomb belongs elsewhere. Carlson has made a statement. He told the Sentinel: "I put two years of hard work at that school. I felt frustrated many times when I suggested plans for a unified student body (does that tell you anything) and for the excellence of Boyd. These dancers were selected after a visit by Violette Verdy, principal dancer of the New York City Ballet, and Mme. Eugenie Our- oussow, director of the School of American Ballet. They observed classes and stated that many of the NCSA dancers impressed them. Besides studying in New York this summer, many of the dancers will be going to Jacob's Billow and will be the NCSA tour of Italy. EDITOR pg.2) valuable lesson I learned: the value of a strength to endure the harsh realities of life. The question; is not what a man can scorn, or disparage, or find fault with, but what he can love, and value and appreciate. It's easy to be bitter, but it's hard to have the strength to endure that bitterness, still seeing a lesson - a beautiful lesson - to be learned. The strings are cut now. I feel free to leave when I graduate this Spring, and not look back. Someone once said: "Success is to be measured not so much by the position that one has reached in life as by the obstacles he has overcome while trying to succeed." Either way I measure it now I feel con fidence. I can face the harsh realities easier now. Though it was a painful lesson - it was a valuable one - and one which I am thankful for. DAVID WOQ^:^ page 4) the whole program at the school. He also mentioned lack of faculty recognition in decision-making; lack of organization and communi cation; and a failure to recognize proper priorities at the school. Thus, by hiding these facts from us, the administration creates rumor, anger, and event ually, reaction. By being dishonest, they are proven as such. Certainly, it seems, that paranoia strikes deep. SMITH FLAW RACEMANIBOFF (aon’t from page 4) full standing ovation at the end of the program. His final performance of the Rachmaninoff will be in High Point on Wednesday, Aprill 22. School transportation will be available. Three other concerts were cancelled because of his trip to Miami. We strongly urge that all faculty members and students take the oppor tunity to hear this concert. It will be no ordinary one. This concert will not only be a beautiful example of NCSA at its best, but an uncommonly outstanding performance viewed by it self. It marks the beginning of what will almost undoubtedly be a promising and eventful career. J. Anderson FOR WHAT IT'S WORTH