The St. Augustine’s Pen Vol. I, First Issue RALEIGH, N. C., APRIL 21, 1930 Price 10 cents DEDICATION OF THE CHESHIRE BUILDING On Tliursday morning, March 27, 1930, at ten thirty o’clock a service was held in which the new dining hall and domestic science building of St. Augustine’s College was dedicated to the honor of fhe Et. Eov. Joseph B. Cheshire under whose direction and care the institution has developed to its present status. This service was held on a very ap propriate occasion—the eightieth birthday of the Bishop. The dining hall was made into an assembly room, and was crowded with students, alumnae, friends and clergymen from the neighboring dioceses. Bishop Penick presided. Inspiring speeches were made by Dr. A. B. Hunter, honorary president of the college. Prof. C. IT. Boyer, present dean of the College, Rev. E. II. Goold, president, and by Bishop Cheshire. The Bishop’s speech traced the development of St. Augustine’s College from its earliest date to the present, and other speakers extolled the praise of the Bishop for the care, protection, guidance and friendship he has given, and is still giving the institu tion. After Hie sincrinG- of “God of Our Fathers,” Miss Sarah Cheshire, the daughter of the Bishop, unveiled the picture of Bishop Cheshire which is placed in the lobby of the build ing. The inscription, read by Dr. Hunter, is as follows: The Cheshire Building Erected in Honor of the Rt. Rev. JosErii B. Chesiiire, D.D. For ]\Lvny Years President of the Board of Trustees Staxtnch and Helpful Friend 1929 A. M. Stallings. PLANS BEING MADE FOR A FIELD DAY St. Augustine’s College field day is being planned by a group of stu dents under the direction of the di rector of athletics. This will be the first time that such an event has taken place on this campus. There will be track and field event for both boys and girls. The relays in both divisions will be interclass. Medals and ribbons will be awarded to winners. The Committee has not announced the date. ST. AUGUSTINE’S WEATHER DEPARTMENT March 24, 1930, the College Physics Department was organized into a weather department, with the aim to predict the daily weather conditions within the college vicinity. Each member in the department was [Continued on page four) GIRLS’ ORATORI CAL CONTEST The Girls’ Oratorical Contest was held in Taylor Hall, Friday, March 21, 1930. Each class in the High School Department was represented in the contest by one person. Miss Rosamond Johnson, of the Senior Class, was awarded first prize. She delivered “The Polish Boy.” Miss Lillian Stone, of the Junior Class, was honorably mentioned. She delivered the balcony scene from Shakespeare’s “Romeo and Juliet.” Miss Elizabeth Awkward (Sopho more) and Miss Vernady Battle (Freshman) represented the first two classes of the High School De partment. The four speakers should be commended for their efforts, as the decisions of the judges were very close. The judges were Rev. E. L. Hen derson, Rector of St. Titus’ Parish, Durham, Miss Hunter, of the Bishop Tuttle faculty, and Prof. Cozart, Secretary of the State Teachers’ Association. The Choral Club fur nished the music for the evening. Immediately after the speaking contest, the Good English Club pre sented a very entertaining play. In the Boys’ Oratorical Contest, wincn was nciu enriier in cue year Mr. Earl Alston (Senior) won first jirize, and Mr. i^athan Perry (Junior) received the honorable mentioned. The other two speakers wore, John Markley (Sophomore) and Mr. Walter Turner (Freshman). COLLEGE FORUM DEFEATS FERGUSON CLUB IN DEBATE The College Forum defeated the Ferguson Club by a two to one de cision of three judges, Saturday, ilarch 22, 1930. The question was “Immigration into the United States should be further restricted by law.” The Ferguson Club’s team upheld the affirmative, and the Forum team the negative. The Ferguson team argued the question by considering the evils of immigration, while the Forum team pointed their argument at the word “further” as contained in the ques tion. If it had not been for the strong rebuttal put up by the nega tive team, it is doubted if the judges would have had as hard time decid ing who, the winners were. Wilhelniina Mungin (affirmative) and Theodore Jones (negative) re ceived the greatest applause from the audience. The speakers for the Ferguson Club were: Arnold Joseph, Wilhel- mina Mungin and Archibald Saun ders. Those for the College Forum were: Theodore Jones, Arthur ST. AUGUSTINE PRO DUCES WONDER TEAM Mitchell, Des Verney, Virgil McLaughin, Big Guns The “Saints” clinched the con ference championship in their first year of intercollegiate basketball. The team of young and in experienced players established an enviable record. The “Saints” closed the season by losing to Smith 27-24. This was the second defeat suffered by the young quintet. Shaw, their ancient rival, earlier in the season administered to them a 30-24 licking. Coach Mitchell’s aggrega tion played nine games and lost only two. Among the teams de feated by the “Saints” were C. College and St. Paul C. I. A. A. members. In nine games the team piled up 313 points while their opponents tallied 190 points. Des Verney, closely followed by Mitchell with 97 points, was high point score for the team. Although handicapped by being shifted to guard in several games, he was able to garner 99 points. Virgil with 47 was third in season’s score column. The other points are divided among Captain McLaughlin, Groton, Austin, and xiicat; liiua cuJiipi’iotJU ll team which promised to be a tlireat to all championship contenders in the future. After a year’s experience on the hardwood and with addition of new recruits, the team should be improved when it appears next winter. The present squad is expecting to return next fall. Risdon and Bembry along with Herritage are expecting to see more service than in the past season. According to the conference rul ing, St. Augustine should be award ed the championship, but no official announcement has been made by the officials. Recent sport articles have given this impression. There are only two teams in the conference with higher averages than the “Saints” but these two teams. Smith and Shaw Universities, failed to (Continued on page three) {Continued on page two) THE “SAINTS” WIN PRACTICE TILT The Berry O’Kelly nine visited St. Augustine’s campus for a prac tice game with the “Saints.” The battery starting for the “Saints” was Herritage and Mallory. This combination was replaced in the third inning by Mills, diminutive southpaw from last year, and Clarke, a newcomer. Both batteries worked well. McLaughlin was removed from the game in the first inning on account of injury received in at- ST. AUGUSTINE’S COLORS You: What are St. Augustine’s school colors? Me: Why blue and white. Pretty, don’t you think? You: Ye-e-s, they’re pretty, but I wonder why such ordinary colors were chosen to represent such an institution ? Me: Um, why that’s a question worth testing, my dear, that is since you’re not a member of our institu tion. You: I do know that it’s an Episcopal institution, so I’m won dering why something like gold and purple weren’t chosen. The royalty of England founded the Episcopal Church and gold and purple would explain that the school represents everything that is royal. I don’t mean royalty in a kingly or queenly sense, but in a sense of goodness. Furthermore, gold and purple are a much prettier combination than ordinary blue and white. Me: Yes, that sounds good, but (Continued on page three) LEST WE FORGET (Continued on page four) soon our cherished Smith Building. The place where she once stood is now a part of the beautiful grounds where our picturesque girls’ dormi tory, the Delany Building now stands. Hardly one of us when we glance over our improved conditions gives a thought to the wooden struc ture that sheltered most of us for many years. Is this fair? The thought of her embarassing trials in giving up her royal throne to another without once complaining, alone is due some consideration. They severed her limbs and left only her body scarred and paintless, then slowly moved her to the center of what is known on the campus as “N’o Man’s Land.” She stood as a motherless child Avithout friends. But she bore all this because bond age is the badge of all her tribe. Three days she stood there looking neither left nor right but straight ahead with a proud determination. Again they moved her and slowly she passed between the Cheshire and Thomas Buildings who ignored her presence as if she did not exist. With a bleeding and sore heart she was placed behind these buildings. Her head is lifted high because she has nothing to be ashamed of. She is just a poor mother whose children have forsaken her for the thing of beauty. She is like a mother who has confidence in her children and is waiting with open arms for her prodigals who will one day remem ber her and give to her the honor that is due. A. C. Carter.