Pajre Three Second V. I. A. A. Au^.—57 St. Paul—56 Ihe St. Augustine's Pen Veritas liberabit vos Support Your’ College Paper Vol. 4. No. 2. RALEIGH, N. C., JANUARY, 1934 Price 10 Cents RECOVERY AND THE INSTITUTE ViNiTA V. Lewis Students all over the world are accepting the challenge of a chang ing economic order. When reading with zest and hope the textbook material of our leading economists, these students sometimes smart under tlie feeling that the material speaks and treats of a time already remote. We can no longer juggle in our think ing such entities as supply and demand. Labor as a commodity without consideration of the human value no longer exists for us. Realizing our dilemma in finding our ])lace in a germinating economic order—where should we turn? Tlie answer to many of our per plexing questions may be found in current literature, or we may explore problems by weighing and consider ing tliem in our thinking. Many students are turning to discussion groups and conferences. The Negro student is and should be concerned about the place and con sideration liis racial group as a minority group is being given. He A...1 n,:.. MRS. BOST SPEAKS IN CHAPEL SERVICES Mrs. W. T. Host, State Commis sioner of Public Welfare, was guest speaker at our chapel services Sun day, January 21. The service was in observance of Social Service Sun day, so designated by the Episcopal Church to place special emphasis on tlie relation of social work to the program of tlie church. Mrs. Bost said tliat Christians should not only wish to pray for God’s guidance to America’s leaders in tliis period of major social changes, but also to offer intercessions for great humani tarian causes, such as the abolition of child labor, tlie clearance of the slums and preservation of world ])cace. The church must keep her children sensitive to the human needs of the day. The “New Deal,” says Mrs. Host, is evidence of a growing social consciousness. She predicted an economic and social order in which progress in Imman relations would tend to equal the amazing evo lution of our material culture. ST. AUG. MAKES IMPRESSIVE DEBUT IN C. I. A. A. ENCOUNTER intelligently realize what further con siderations should be sought. He has been aware for some years now that sucli sociological j)henomena as prejudice, racial superiority, et cetera Iiave conditioned his )>rogress in our economic order. At tliis time when “recovery” activities are being discussed we realize that the period from wliich the Negro will recover antedates 1929, wlien most of the world felt a tremor indicative of the present order’s decline. Students in Raleigh, N. C. will be privileged to attend the ninth Annual Public Welfare Institute sj)onsored by the Division of the Negro Welfare, State Board of Charities and Public Welfare, in co operation with the North Carolina Emergency Relief Administration St. Augustine’s College will open its doors to this Institute February 1-2, 193t. A meeting at which Hon J. C. B. Ehringliaus, Governor of Nortli Carolina, will speak, will be held in the House of Representatives Chamber at the State Capitol. Two of our outstanding Negro leaders will be guests on this oc casion; they are Mr. Eugene Kinekle Jones, consultant on the Negro, United States Department of Com merce, Washington, D. C., and Dr. H. A. Hunt, Negro Field Worker, United States Farm Credit Ad ministration, Washington, D. C. There will be a immber of other speakers, each an expert in his jiarticular field; each concerned with social problems in their economic setting. Tlie entire program of the fPlease turn to page two) DOCTOR JOHNSON AD DRESSES "ETA SIGMA MU" On last Tuesday niglit, the Scien tific Society was addressed by Doc tor Johnson, Interne at St. Agnes, at one of their meetings. All ad vanced students in science were guests of the society and profited greatly by Doctor Johnson’s inform ative lecture and the lively discussion that followed. Immediately preceding Doctor Johnson’s lecture, the club and its guests received an interesting report from Mr. Prince Simmons, on Ein stein. A discussion on this and our own Negro scientist, Dr. Carver, was brief but intelligently scientific. Doctor Jolinson divided his talk on common diseases into three parts: common colds, tuberculosis and the gonococcus germ, w’hich causes ven ereal disease. Tliis discussion added much to the scientific knowledge of those pres ent. THE SERVICE OF THE EPIPHANY The chapel, alight with the mag nificent star and one burning candle upon the altar, was filled once again by those who willingly and with holy worship kept the great feast of the Epipliany. Entering the chapel one felt that this “manifestation” was to quicken all who knelt in tlie liglit of that star. One listened to tlie words about tlie star; heard of tlie prophetical significance of the Wise Men’s gifts (gold, frankincense, myrrh); real ized the power of God by wliich the philosopliy of Jesus was given the Gentiles—and sense of the divine kinship of God lifted the heart as one rested his eyes upon the candle. And soon from that one candle could be seen others receiving of tliat light. Tlie lights multi})lied. And as each individual held a liglited taper in his hand, as he heard the choir’s chanting, as lie saw the brightened .fa.c.(i£_nLtliasc around, n simisc of love ALUMNI NOTES hdenton Alumni Form St. Augustine’s Club The Alumni of Edenton, N. C. have organized a St. Augustine’s Club. The Club meets every Mon day night. It is now in the process of making out a definite program of activities for the year. The present officers are: Miss Tamar R. McClenney, A.B. ’31, president; Mrs. J. T. Holley, N. ’10, vice president; Miss Nettie’ Payton, secretary; Mrs. Sadie Nixon Favton, H.S. ’27, treasurer. The Club pledges its financial sup port to the Pen, the student publi cation. and duty was felt. Many had come from all over tlie city to this feast; and somehow they all knew too, as tliey walked down the aisle, clutching their little lights, a jiart of tlie One Light, that a sense of love and duty had touched every one in tlie group. Each of us had presented liimself before God as living witnesses that “those who sat in darkness have seen a great light,” and each had left at tempting to brighten some corner with faith, hope, and love. Althougli the S a i n t basketball squad dropped its first C. I. A. A. encounter to Virginia State, the local tossers acquitted themselves well and threw a scare into the strong State quint before succumbing to the tune of 21-M. The St. Aug. basketeers opened U]) with two fast shots that put them off to a i point lead. From then ‘on, it was nip and tuck with the Saints showing an edge in both defensive and offensive play. The recess pe riod found the Saints hanging on to the lead, but witli only a one point margin. However, tlie visitors came back strong and seemed to find the loop inucli easier. Their passing proved far superior to the home team and the defense found it difficult to fol low the fast-moving sphere. But led by Ca])tain Severs the Saints tight ened u]) and although the passing was completely over their heads, they managed to keep tlie score down. Then tlie Saint defense functioned witii less effieieney. Long sliots from tlic r;ill tllr ni> ^in',.l-1,> AMONG THE SENIORS The Senior class held its first meeting for this year on Friday, January 12, 1934. The second se mester is fast approaching and the members of the class realize tlie ne cessity for hard work and coopera tion. We the Seniors arc an ambitious group with high ideals and aspira tions. This is a very important year in our lives and we are endeavoring to make it a profitable one. Many of our plans have been made and we are carefully carrying them out in order that we might put over a' pro gram which would be representative of a Senior class. Mr. Lloyd Davis presides over our meetings, assisted by Mr. Hubert Creft; Mr. Lemuel Graves safe guards our finance and Miss Doris 'Telfair aids Miss Annie Stiles in keeping our records. Through the efforts of these officers and the sym pathetic help of our advisers, we hope to Iiave a very successful year. Annie Stiles, Reporter. and when Severs returned to tlie game, the St. Aug. squad didn’t have time enough to catch up. The whis tle ended the game and another vic- tor\ for the State team. But it was a game, and how! The wliole Saint team should be commended for its wonderful fight and for giving Mr. Fan a great gaine. Mitchell and Severs led the local tossers while Courtney was outstand ing for tlie State team. As a prelim Max Virgil and George Smith furnished the spec tators with a lively scrap that was, in spots, something more than a sew ing circle. Indeed, the boys really mixed it up a bit. Max was faster and cleverer, and in the opinion of the correspondent, had it over Smitli throughout. But the little fellow was game and he showed a bit more aggressiveness, even though Max seemed to be the better boxer. Both boys show promise. We are not so sure that both of the pugs did not jiull their punches, but what can you expect for nothing.!’ Next time the boys square off we predict a real glove pushing contest, and no joke. They have the makings; that is, foot work, art, et cetera. Sprinkle in a little more spirit and fight and don’t forget to be there. In the meantime we’ll rig Milky up in football regalia so lie won’t be afraid to keep the fight in the open. Earlier in the afternoon the St. Aug. “femmes” had a lively work out against the Washington high school girls and they emerged on the long end of a 15-11 count. This approached a real good game. The (Please turn to page three)

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