. 'IICHARO B. HARRISON PUBLIC LIBRARY -v^iALElGH, NOBTH CA80L161A ^ Saint Augustine’s College VOLUME XXXI RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA OCTOBER 23, 1964, NUMBER 1 College Welcomes 13 New Faculty Members Dr. James A. Boyer, President of Saint Augustine’s College, an nounced the appointment of the fol lowing persons to the faculty and staff for the 1964-1965 academic year. Dr. Emilie C. Fonsworth, profes sor of physical sciences and mathe matics, holds the A. B. degree from Wiley College, M.S. from Colorado State and Ph.D. degree from the Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio. Dr. L. W. Oliver, professor of history and political science, re ceived the A.B. degree from Miles College, the M.A. degree and the Ph.D. degree from Indiana Uni versity. Dr. Gino L. Rizzo, part-time pro fessor of French, received the A.B. degree from Liceo Marco Polo in Venice, and the Ph.D. degree from the University of Padua in Italy. Dr. Rizzo is full-time professor of romance languages at the Univer sity of North Carolina in Chapel HUl. Earl R. Edwards, assistant pro fessor of history, holds the A.B. de gree and the M.A. degree from North Carolina at Durham and has done lurth&r study toward the Ph.D. degree at the University of North Carolina. Edgar E. Tucker, assistant pro fessor of history and social studies, received the A.B. degree from Day ton University, the M.A. degree from Howard University and is a candidate for the Ph.D. degree at Howard University. Jack L. Biggers, college organist and instructor of music, holds the B.Music and M.Music degrees from the University of lUinois. Howard L. Burchette, instructor of art, received the B.S. and M.S. degree from the A&T College in Greensboro. He has done further study at New York University. Om P. Chadha, instructor of mathematics, holds the B.S. de gree from the University of Delhi and the Indian Institution of Tech nology, and the M.S. degree from the University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill. Barbara Grissom, instructor ol English, received the A.B. degree from Albany State College and tiie M.A. degree from North Carolina College at Durham. Mark H. Lambert, instructor of English (Woodrow Wilson Teaching Intern), holds the B.A. degree from Yale, and is now a candidate for the Ph.D. degree from Yale. Alton L. Royster, instructor of health and physical education, re ceived the B.S. degree from Flori da A&M University, and the M.S. degree from Kansas State Univer sity. The Reverend Edwin E. Smith, college chaplain and instructor of philosophy holds the B.S. degree from the University of Illinois, and the B.S. degree from Seabury Western Episcopal Theological Seminary. Father Smith is also candidate for the S.T.M. degree at Seabury. Mrs. Thelma Roundtree has re turned to her position as instructor of English after a year’s absence. Several members of the faculty are on leave this year studying to ward doctoral degrees. They are Lawrence Gould, who will study at (CONTINUED ON PAGE 2) GREETINGS From President As some begin college life and others resume their studies here, all wiU seek to achieve a new sta ture; you will judge yourself by new standards, and injnany cases, will dedicate your talents to new ends. To be a college man or a col lege woman carries with it obliga tions with respect to speech, thought, conduct, and purpose, — obligations which you cannot escape. Your presence indicates that you are answering, along with over 4 million other college and university students, a call to a lifelong search for truth, a lifelong love for learning, a lifelong con cern for ideas and ideals. Regard less of the duration of your stay, you are now a part of Saint Augus tine’s. From this day forward, Saint Augustine’s will be identified with you, and you with Saint Aug ustine’s. The College will be judged by you, and it wiU be praised or blamed by what you do. This insti tution has linked its future with yours, and has conferred upon you a privilege and honor that we hope will prove to be among your dear est possessions. What you, our future leaders and followers, become may prove to be the crucial counterbalance of the forces of irresponsibility, disinte gration and chaos. We hope to help you develop a responsible intelli gence, an intelligence that will al low reason to govern instinct. In stinct was perfecty in order for man’s survival in a primitive cul ture, but it is entirely out of place in our highly developed and com plex society of today. Yours, there fore, is surely a heavy, but not bur densome responsibility. There can be no worthwhile achievement without the self-con- fidence that only faith can give to an individual. It would seem that no man would be able to endure the relentless demands of ordinary life if he did not have confidence that life has meaning and purpose and that what he does here on this earth has a significance that trans cends his individual life. JAMES A. BOYER President October, 1964 Dean As we begin our 98th school year here at Saint Augustine’s College, I wish to greet you and to wish for all of you — freshmen, new stu dents and alumni, a successful year in every way. Saint Augustine’s CoUege has come a long way since its founding 98 years ago. The extent to which it will be able to continue the kind of dynamic progress and academic excellence in the future rests in no small way with the manner in which students and alumni rally to the cause of this institution. Many things help to make an institution. The most outstanding being, I be lieve, its alumni and students — their aspirations and achieve ments. As we launch the 1964-65 school year, it is the hope that every grad uate and former student wiU re member that it was this institution that provided the opportunity to move forward. Also, it is the desire that the' freshmen and new students who matriculated for the first time here this year will keep ever before them the idea that hard work, a disciplined mind, and good charac ter go hand in hand in the ful/ilJ- ment of their dreams and aspira tions. It is to this end that alumni and students are asked to con tribute their full measure of devo tion: manifestation of loyalty to their institution, hard work, cour age and diligence in all their ef forts so that Saint Augustine’s will increasingly become the truly great institution we aU know it is capable. As new opportunities open for our graduates the challenge to use all is to put forth a special effort so that we can measure up to the occasion as the poet Lowell said: “New occasions teach new duties, Time makes ancient good uncouth; They must upward still and on ward, Who would keep abreast of truth.” To freshmen and new students, 1 hope this will be one of the most exciting and rewarding years of your life. To alumni, I hope this year will enable you to think more seriously about supporting in a positive way your Alma Mater — Saint Augustine’s College. PrezeU R. Robinson Executive Dean of the College Homecoming Parade Is Set By JAMES MOORE The Homecoming Parade will start from the Benson Library at 12:30 o’clock P.M. Saturday. “These Magnificent Centuries” is the homecoming theme. Eighteen floats and decorated cars wUl be entered in the parade. 11:00 o’clock A.M. is the beginning time of the parade line-up. The parade route wiU leave the campus following Tarboro Road to Hargett Street, west on Hargett Street to Fayetteville Street, south on Fayetteville Street to Lenoir Street and east on Lenoir Street to Chavis Park where the game will be played. Floats wiU be entered in the parade by the Biology Club, Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Scrollers Club, Mathematics Club and the nursery schools. Ligon High Band, Spaulding High Band, Garner High Band, Fayette ville High Band and Mclver Band will participate in the parade. College Enrollment The Saint Augustine’s CoUege total enrollment for the fall semes ter is 734 according to Mr. I. E. Spraggins, registrar. The state and foreign territories distributions of enrollment are: Alabama, 3; Con necticut, 1; District of Columbia, 16; Florida, 92; Georgia, 22; Illinois, 7; Kansas, 1; Massachu setts, 8; Michigan, 6; New Jersey, 13; New York, 30; North CaroUna, 405; Ohio, 4; Pennsylvania, 9; Rhode Island, 3; South Carolina, 54; Tennessee, 3; Texas, 1; Vir ginia, 49; Canal Zone, 3; Kenya, 2; Virgin Islands, 2. There are 95 boarding seniors, 112 boarding juniors, 128 boarding sophomores and 148 boarding fresh men. There are 63 not boarding seniors, 50 not boarding juniors, 57 not boarding sophomores and 53 not boarding freshmen. There are 17 part-time not boarding; 17 part-time boarding students. Out of state boys total 154; out of state girls total 168. Communication National Teacher Exam Center PRINCETON, NEW JERSEY — College seniors preparing to teach school may take the National Teachers Examinations on four dif ferent test dates each year instead of one, Educational Testing Serv ice announced today. New dates set for the testing of prospective teachers are: Decem ber 12, 1964; and March 20, July 17, and October 2, 1965. The tests will be given at more than 550 loca tions in the 50 states, ETS said. Scores on the National Teachers Examinations are used by many large school districts for employ ment of new teachers and by sev eral States for certification or li censing of teachers. Some coUeges require all seniors preparing to teach to take the examinations. Lists of school systems which use the examination results are distributed to colleges by ETS, a nonprofit, educational organization which prepares and administers the examinations. On each fuU day of testing, pros pective teachers may take the Common Examinations, which measure the professional and gen eral preparation of teachers, and one of 13 Teaching Area Examina tions (formerly called Optional Ex aminations) which measure mas tery of the subject they expect to teach. Prospective teachers should con tact the school systems in which they seek employment, ®r their coUeges, for specific advice on which examinations to take and on which dates they should be taken. Because every individual as a worker, a citizen, and a voter par ticipates in many activities which caU for a knowledge and an under standing of communications, a communications center is impor tant to the college curriculum. Each student who avails himself of the offerings of the center must realize that no phase of the com munications curriculum stands apart as an entity within itself; but it contains other courses which integrate with other courses and share in the responsibility of de veloping the student to his fullest potential, which society demands. STUDENT OUTCOMES; It is hoped that the students who enroll in the courses of the center will grow in self-discovery. The (CONTINUED ON PAGE 6) MISS LUGENIA ROCHELLE Miss Rochelle Is Miss St. Aug. By JUANA LOPEZ Miss Lugenia Rochelle, a French major with a minor in English, reigns as Miss Saint Augustine’s College for the academic year, 1964-65. “Je ne le crois pas” is the French equivalent expressed by Miss “St. Aug.” after the contest was over last May. She had not believed that she had won. Miss Lugenia Rochelle was born and reared in Maple Hill, N. C. She is the oldest of eight children. Ever since her freshman year at Saint Augustine’s CoUege, the stu dents have found her to be a friendly, charming, and versatile person. According to an informal survey, she has always been a very humane person with a rather pleasant disposition. Immediately following gradua tion, she plans to teach French for two years after which she plans to pursue her master’s, probably in Canada. Her aspiration is to be an English-French translator. Among our queen’s hobbies are doing modern dances, listening to jazz, and coUecting antique jewel ry. In her spare time she reads. She is the president of the Modern Dance Club, a member of the Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, and a Sun day School teacher. Before Miss Saint Augustine’s graduates, she would like to know everybody on (CONTINUED ON PAGE 2) Ulelcome Back Rlumni