SUMMARY REPORT IS GIVEN OF COLLEGE By DR. JAMES A. BOYER President The following report illustrates how great is the task that lies be fore us. It also points up the fact that it is the responsibility of each and every one to do all within his power to protect and nurture this Institution which has served as a source of ttraining and enlighten ment to countless predecessors who are better citizens and Christians because of the well-balanced edu cation received at St. Augustine’s. A total of 737 students are en rolled for the first semester of toe current school term. The over whelming majority of these stu dents are from the Fourth Pro vince. For 1965-66, we are estimating an enrollment of 800 students with all charges for tuition, fees and room and board based ouothes same rate. This summary estimated bud get for the next two years allows for an increase annually of ap proximately 10 per cent. The in creases in the tratative estimates for 1965-66 are $104,^ over 1964-65 and $129,000 over the 1965-66. These wiQ change but we think the estimate is reasonable at this time. We need to consider additional staff benefits in our budget that will cover insurance. The College could pay one-half of or all of the cost. It would cost approximately $7,500 annually to get life insur ance and ^proximately $12,000 for hospitalization and life insurance of the type we have investigated. Emphasis upon upgrading of fac ulty, increasii^ trf library hold ings and study area, improving of reading facility of students in Reading Laboratory, establishment of Curriculum Laboratory, conduct ing of intensive Self-Study Program of entire college curriculum and related areas, adding of a sym phonic orchestra to our cultural area, encouraging various Honors Programs, and conducting much- needed programs that are sponsor ed by the National Science Founda tion. Also regular undergraduate summer school aad various aca demic conferences. The Altar Guild, the Vestry, the Episcopal Churchwomen and the Laymen are all cooperating with the new Chaplain and with toe col lege family in an effort to main tain and refine toe balance be tween things spiritual and mater ial. Our alumni are serving effective ly ar«und toe world as teachers, priests, doctors, lawyers, social workers, government employees, and workers in new areas not yet publicized. Services of special concern at this time are job placement, espec ially wito industry, and testing for scholarships and placement. Camp us housing is still inadequate. Two dormitories and Student Union are needed now. The College plans to build twelve Faculty-Staff apartments facing Oakwood Avenue and Hill Streets for use during 1965. Four of toese will be three bedroom apartments and eight will have two bedrooms. An addition will be made to toe Li brary and to toe Science building. The College also plans to build one or more student dormitories in the very near future in connection with toe Federal Housing program. Saint pOTi/- Augustine’s College VOLUME XXXII, No. 3 SAINT AUGUSTINE’S COLLEGE, RALEIGH, N. C. FEBRUARY 1, 1965 History Reveals Growth Founders' Day Greetings Are Extended By MAURVENE DeBERRY A review of the 98-year existence of Saint Augustiae’s CoUege not only shows progress through the addition of new buildings but through the larger enrollment of students as well. In addition, this survey indicates academic and cultural expansion of the College. This growth is indicative of a strong Board of Trustees, sound Administration and dedicated teachers who are called to give service to mankind. Saint Augustine’s College began with only four students in an army barracks shortly after toe Civil War. The institution was founded in 1867 torough toe joint efforts ol the Freedman’s Commission of toe Protestant Episcopal Church and a group of clergy and laymen oi the Diocese of Norto Carolina headed by Bishop Thomas Atkin son. The Freedman’s Commission was founded in 1866 as a department oi the Board of Missions of the Epis copal Church. Bishop Atkinson ask ed the Executive Committee of toe Commission to establish a School called the Saint Augustine’s Nor mal School and Collegiate Insti tute at Raleigh, North Carolina. The committe was largely aided in the establishment of toe school by the Trustees of the Avery Estate of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania and by Major General Howard. Bishop Atkinson became the first presi dent of toe Board of Trustees, and the Reverend J. Brinton Smith, who served as secretary of the Freedman’s Commission, wito of fices in New York was the first principal of Saint Augustine’s. A site which might be purchased for the establishment of toe school’s own plant had been sought for by the Board of Trustees. The place selected was an estate form erly occupied by the Haywood family of Raleigh and known as “Seven Springs.” The first building now standing is toe Chapel built in 1895. Between 1881 and 1896 an ex tensive program was carried on, and the enrollment, faculty and staff greatly increased. On January 17, 1907, Saint Augustine’s became affiliated with the American Church Institute for Negroes, thereby becoming more directly associated with the National Epis copal Church, from which it began to receive more organized financial support. Meanwhile, toe academic offering was raised and standard ized. Begmning wito 1919-1920 Saint Augustine’s offered in addition to normal secondary, and elementary, a Junior College curricula. The freshman class of 1927 was the first class to receive Bachelor’s degrees from Saint Augustine’s College. A building program com- (CONTINUED ON PAGE 2) By DR. PREZELL ROBINSON Executive Dean I wish to gre§t new students, our old students and Alumni on this our 98th Founders’ Day Ob servance. Many struggles and hardships went into toe found ing of Saint Augustine’s College. The men who founded it pos sessed lofty ideals, high pur poses, and a Christian commit ment that held them steadfast to a course of spiritual and aca demic excellence. As we observe our 98to An niversary, it is my sincere hope toat all students and Alumni will rededicate toemselves to toe proposition toat in order for this college to realize its full poten tial, the support of its students presently enrolled as well as Players To Stage “A Doll’s House” Saint Augustine’s College Play ers wUl proudly present “A Doll’s House” by Henrik Ibsen in toe Emery Fine Arts Center on Wed nesday, February 3, at 8:00 P.M. The play, which was first present ed in 1879, is under the direction of Miss Ester Alexander, actress and teacher of drama. The principal characters wiU be played by S. Diane Harris as Nora Helmer; Herbert Silas as Torvald Helmer, Lugenia Rochelle as Mrs. Linden, Walter Crumity as Krog- stad, and Donald Owens as Dr. Bank. “A Doll’s House” is a defiant expression of woman's rights. Its plot, like Sophocles’ “Oedipus Rex” is one of social criticism on the inferior rights permeating toe nineteenth centurj. The Players will use modern dress for toe pro duction. In a recent interview. Miss Alex ander said: “I believe that toe aud ience should observe the play for the practical wisdom toat Ibsen offers. Every individual must come face to face wito toe world in which he lives. His successes and failures must be wito it and met with some romanticized image that he has created. It is tragic to flee from life and fight at windmills. When we do this, we, like toe char acters in this play, are building “doU-houses” for ourselves — and they won’t last.” Miss Alexander’s ideas have been confirmed by other students in her drama class, she explained. ‘A Doll’s House,” Ibsen’s best known work, is toe most popular of his plays. It is a classic in drama tic literature. its graduates is needed. It is not only needed, but required. These are new occasions which certainly demand new duties; new ways of looking at old ideas and evaluating new ones. In short, toe skills and in telligence of toe past are not sufficient to meet toe demands of this new age in which we live. Each person in order to con tribute the fullest to tois our democratic society, must be willing to make sacrifices to toe cause and purpose of Christian higher education in America. Saint Augustine’s in toe final analysis will never be any bet ter toan its students and Alum ni desire it to be. If toey have short-sighted aspirations for this institution, its image is likely to College Gets $63,490 In Grants Dr. James A. Boyer, President announced toe receipt of a grant of $16,000 from toe National Sci ence Foundation and toe Atomic Energy Commission for toe support of a Summer Conference in Rad iation Biology for College Teach ers. The Conference will be direct ed by Dr. Joseph Jones, Chairman of the Biology Department. The Conference will be designed to provide college teachers of sci ence, who have not had training in some of toe fundamental concepts, radiology wito a knowledge of laboratory techniques, and more radiology and radiolobiology. This training will give toese teachers a better understanding of radiolo gy, to the end toat they will be capable of more effectively includ ing radiological materials into toeir regular college courses. The Conference will consist of for mal lectures pre«ented by toe resi dent during toe first half of toe Conference, a series of selected laboratory experiments correlated in general wito toe lecfures and a series of informal seminars in which toe participant will have an opportunity to discuss in an infor mal atmosphere, various problems related to the subject of toe Con ference. The College has also received a $37,490 grant from toe National Science Foundation for toe support of a “Summer Institute in Sci ence for Secondary School Teach ers,” according to President Boyer. Inquiries for furtoer information should be addressed to Dr. Jeffrey Gipson, head of toe Department of Chemirtry and Director of toe Institute. be in keeping wito toeir desire. In our feelings toward our Alma Mater, we must stand as point ed out by Thomas Edward Brown when he states: "When he appoints to meet toee, go toou forth. It matters not if South of Norto bleak waste or simny flat. Nor think if he toou seek’s be late he does toee wrong. To stile or gate lean thou toy head, and long! It may be toat to spy thee he is mounting upon a tower. Or in thy counting thou hast mista’en toe hour. But if he comes not, neitoer do thou go till vesper chime. Belike toou then shall know he hath been with toee all toe time.” Choir To Tour Soon By REGINALD B. ELLIOTT The College choir plans to make the annual tour about mid-March. Tentatively, toe itinerary includes some major stops which will be in New York City, Detroit, and Wash ington, D. C. Saint Augustine’s College Choir is among toose aesthetic groups of college choirs toat contribute to our American ciy^ure in toe best sense of American musical tradi tion. Members of this choir are ex posed to toe gratifying experiences of watching an artist at work, and admiring his interpretation of each musical work that is interpreted. “There is plenty of room at toe top, but toere’s no place to sit down,” is a statement which is as sociated with toe director. Some of toe works toat we will sing on tour this year are: “How lovely is thy dwelling-place,” “Requiem,” selections from the “Messiah,” and other works of this caliber. Workshop Plans By GRACE HORNE The Pre-Alumni Club will meet Saturday, February 6 in the Emery Health and Fine Arts Building. The theme of toe workshop is “Pre-Alumni Clubs and Their Re sponsibilities.” A host of alumni are expected to return to toe College to attend alumni workshops. Mr. George W. Flemming, Exe cutive Secretary of tlve Saint Aug ustine’s National Alumni Associa tion, will direct toe Pre - Alumni Workshops. Alumnus Is Guest Speaker By HOYIE E. UTLEY Dr. ifiUis B. Johnson, an alumnus 01 saint Augustine’s College, wiu ue uie banquet speaker for me iunety-eighto J*'ounders’ Day oD- servance. Dr. Johnson is a native 01 Mobile, Alabama where he iriudied and completed his elemen tary and high school education. un uiis traditional occasion the lacuity and staff will observe rounaers' WeeK; celebration. Witn pride, tne family of Saint Augus- une's CoUege looks forward to see ing and hearing our own Dr. John son, Jj'ebruary 6, 1965, in the Cheshire dining hall of Saint Aug- usune's College, Raleigh, Norui v.-aroliaa. ur. Johnson has led, and still leaas a full and interesting life. vVnue in toe United States Army ne attended toe Army Specialized I'raining Program. At Hamilton college, Clinton, New York, he stuaied in an Advanced French Program. As preparatory study for entering toe Medical CoUege at toe university of Illinois, Dr. John son attended toe Roosevelt Univer sity, the Nortowestem University, and the Illinois Institute of Tech nology. In 1950 Dr. Johnson received his M.D. degree from the University ot Illinois, College of Medicine. He completed his internship at Provi dent Hospital, Chicago, Illinois, in 1950 and 1951. It is at tois time that he began his Residency Train ing Program in Psychiatry and Neurology at toe Veteran’s Admin istration Hospital in West Side, Chicago, Illinois. Until July, 1957, Dr. Johnson remained at V.A.H. as Staff Psychologist. In Decem ber, 1956, following examinations at Columbia University, New York, New York, he was certified as a psychiatrist by toe American Board of Psychiatry and Neurol ogy. In June, 1957, Dr. Johnson enter ed private practice. That same year he was employed as a part- time psychiatrist wito toe Psychia trist Institute of toe Municipal Court. Under toe direction of Dr. Frederick A. Gibbs, he entered a twelve-monto training program in the specialty of electro-encephalo- graphy at the Illinois Neuropsy chiatric Institute. Since August, 1961, imder the di rection of Dr. Irving Abrams of the Medical and School Healto Serv ices, Dr. Johnson has served as one of the three Psychiatric Con sultants for the Chicago Board of Education. He wjs concerned with the diagnostic examinations per formed on all school personnel when indicated — including prin cipals, teachers, civil service em- (CONTINUED ON PAGE 2)