THE PEN—MAY. 1968-PAGE 2 THK FEN EDITOR-IN-CHIEF NEWS EDITOR FEATURE EDITOR CORRESPONDING EDITOR LITERARY EDITOR PHOTOGRAPHER Danny Scarborough Dorothy Yates Roosevelt Moseley Pamela Jones Pamela Brito William Carson SPORTS EDITOR . Hilton Smith and Edward Gill Mrs. Chapman, Miss Harper, Mr. Allen, Mrs. Reid, Mr. Bradley Our policy is to print the news and views of the students. We pledge ourselves to full, fair, and open reporting in regard to all parties. "Either IVe Live Together As Brothers Or Burn Together As Fools” Is non-violence, passive resistance, the solution to America's racial unrest? Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., was an apostle of non-violence; yet, he was the victim of a deranged sniper. John F. Kennedy was a non-vlolent man; yet, he was also the victim of an assassin’s bullet. On the other hand, is violence the solution to America’s mental Illness, racial hatred; the Black man's contempt for the white man; the white man’s contempt for the Black man? When America’s Infested cities began to burn, there was a "renewed” realization that this country had a race problem. The problem could not be smothered by the peas for "just a little more time.” America’s Black people, especially the Black college students, finally realized that they could no longer support a country impregnated with racial hatred for the Blacks. Thus, a generation emerged which rejected the teachings of non-violence and turned to violence for some tj-pe of refuge. Here, another factor must be considered. What happens when plack Power loses its definition of “economic, social, educational, and cultural development for the Black man” and becomes synonymous with burning, looting, and as one stu dent stated, “pure hell.” One of the students on this campus, who favors the "Black Movement” told this reporter that "by i burning the whitey’s business, one burns his (the white man’s) economy.” On the other hand, a student on the “edge” of the movement related said: "When you burn something, what’s left? Ashes! This task can be accomijllshed by any one with a sick mind. In my opinion - and you may call me a Nervous Nellie or an Uncle Tom - burning Is not the answer. We are either going to live together as brothers or burn to gether as fools.” One of the instructors on this campus told his students that no one, either Black or white, was really non-violent. “If any of you are non-vlolent, he stated, “allow me the pleasure of spitting in your face.” As this paper goes to press, some ol America’s Black, as well as white citizens, are searching for an appropriate method to the improvement of Black and white relations. In a letter appearing in the News and Observer, one of Ra leigh’s citizens stated that the solution to the race problem would be formulated in the hearts of men. Evidently, this citizen failed to realize that respect for his fellow man is formulated and controlled by the Individual mind. Who is to be the Judge of whether Black Power Is either a constructive or destructive force? Who Is to decide 11 either A violence or non-violence Is to prepare this country for either the individual or the “American Dream?” Some whites and Blacks question the techniques of Car michael and Brown, the Black militant leaders. In most instances, Carmichael and Brown are condemned; yet, have they murdered innocent people? "Have they played Russian Roulette with the lives of Black people? Have they sold ax handles to beat people? Have they killed the “spirit of non violence.” Have they dragged people in the streets? Have they used tear gas?” Education may be the Black man’s answer to the rartal problem. In fact, it may 1* his only weapon. The Blackman, who is violent or non-violent, may be able to help this sick America my reminding and showing white America that ex cellence has no color. Black men Sweet and gentle. Soft and kind; Pity the day They change their mind. , DLS To Resign Or Not To Resign At the present time, “The Pen of Saint Augustine’s Col lege” is one of the few remaining student publications having faculty or administrative advisors. Advisors, especially those who desire to read student editorials t>efore their publication, fail to realize that by establishing them.selves as babj- sitters for a school paper, they do not give the members of a news paper staff the opportunity to function Independently. An Editor-In-Chief of a school paper is endowed with the authority, which is delegated from the ballots of the students who elected him to edltoralize on any topic, to endorse can didates for student Ixxiy oflices, and to attack programs. Institutions, or school personnel. However, "The Pen of Saint Augustine’s College” has been in an “uproar” since its Editor-In-Chief stated, "As long as I am Editor-ln-Chlef of The Pen, I refuse to show editorials to any advisors before their publication. Since the paper is student oriented It .should not submit to the censorship of advisors.” Being Editor-In-Chief of a college newspaper is time con suming, tiring, rewarding (on extremely rare occasions,) and at times, utterly disgusting. As long as 1 am your elected Editor-ln-Chlef, I will continue my campaign to divorce the school paper from advisors and continue my attempts to keep The Pen a publication of the students^ for the students, and by the students. Only two forces will deter me from this goal They are death and impeachment. If you were to read back Issues of The Pen, you will see where I have advocated a publication which would not serve as a puppet for the ad ministration. The policy of The Pen is to print the news and views of the students. Students have been invited and urged to join the staff, but this Invitation has tjeen taken very lightly. All offices are open to members and membership is open to the student body. The motto of the paper Is the same as that of the New York Times, "Any news that’s fit to print.” Here, I should mention that fact that on the advice of Brenda Dowery, former Editor-In-Chief of The Pen, I composed four letters of resignation upon my election to the position of Editor-in-Chief of the school paper. If any student, or group of students, Is in disagreement wltti the "freedom of the press for "The Pen of Saint Augu.stine’s College,” (as put forth In this editorial), I will submit my resignations to the fol lowing persons: Dr. Joseph Jones, Academic Dean Dr. Prezell Robinson, President of Saint Augustine’s Col lege Dean Wiley Davis, Dean of Students The President of the Student Council Professors Non-Violence Support Students (NEWS & OBSERVER) WASHINGTON - The Ameri can Association of University Professors, an organization of 90,000 college and university teachers, gave overwhelming approval Friday to a new bill of rights for students includ ing a recommendation that they participate In {he “formulation and application of Institutional policy.” More than 500 delegates to the ■ association’s 54th annual meet ing endorsed a joint statement on rights and freedoms of stu dents drafted by the associa tion, the U, S, National Student Association, the Association of American Colleges, the Na tional Association of Student Personnel Administrators and the National Association ofWo- men Deans and Counsellors. Approval of the statement came as student power advo cates disrupted activities on widespread American c a m p- uses in demonstrations to en force student demands on uni versity and college admlnlstra- tloftb. . The joint statement specUl- cally ^ates that students, as constituents of the academic community, should be free to express their views on Issues of college and university Institu tional policy. “The student body should have clearly defined means to participate In the formulation and application of Institutional policy affecting academic and student affairs,” the statement declared. The statement said also that students should be allowed to invite anyone of their own choosing to address them on campus and that they should be free to organize and join as sociations to promote common Interests. The statement made these ad ditional points: Under no circumstances should any student be barred from ‘admission to a particular institution on the basis of race. Students should be free to take reasoned exception to views offered in any college course of study - but they are responsible for learning the content of any course of study for which they are enrolled. Students should have protec tion through orderly procedures against "prejudiced or capri cious” academic evaluations. Information about student views, beliefs and political as sociation should be considered confidential. No records should be kept which reflect the political acti vities or beliefs of students. “The student press,” the tazement said, “should be free of censorship and advance ap proval of copy, and its editors and managers should be free to develop their own editorial poli cies and news coverage.” THE INK WELL What Happened? Dear Editor, Why did you leave the gym on Student Recognition Day? Miss Baker Hall Dear Miss Baker Hall, On that particular day, the situation in the gym was rather tense. Editor Scholarships Revolution To Seniors with respect to all parties concerned, Danny L. Scarborough E.titor-ln-Chief Tht Pen of Saint Augustine’s College DEAR EDITOR: Armonk, N. V. -ChalnSchol- arshlp Foundation hasufinounc- ed that a numt>er of scholar ships ts now available to mem bers of the Class of 19C9. Each year Chain Scholarship Foundation awards scholar ships of up to $100 per month -- for a maximum period of ten months — to Senior students who need financial aid in order to complete their college edu cations. One of the youngest founda tions in the United States to day, Chain Scholarship Found- atioii has awarded over one hun dred of these scholarships. Scholarships are granted to qualified Senior students with passing grades in any field of study. High academic standing therefore is not a requirement for eligibility. It is the philosophy of the Chain Scholarship Foundation that the average student can make valuable contributions to society and should be encourag ed to complete his studies. Each recipient of a Chain Scholarship becomes a vital link in a continuing program to provide financial assistance to increasing numbers of needy Senior students. A moral re sponsibility is assumed by the Chain Scholarship student to re pay the value of his scholarship after graduation at a time when he is able to do so. The stu dent Is not legally obliged in any way. For further Information and an application form, contact the Financial Aid Officer, or write directly to Chain Scholarship Foundation, P. O. Box 203, Ar monk, New York 10504. BY PAMELA JONES In keeping with the custom of one speech a semester to the entire student body, Dr. Prezell R. Robinson, spoke on the sub ject of the "Anatomy of a Con trolled Revolution” before an all-college assembly on Tues day, March 26. Dr. Robinson mentioned that revolution is occurlng in the area of dignity, justice, and equal riglits; science, dress, In Vietnam and In morals and medicine. He stated that he had no solu tions to the problems of the na tion’s revolutions but he did have some suggestions. He suggested that there were four aspects to a constructive re volution. These four aspects were a worthwhile cause, a re sponsible and legitimate plan to achieve, a willingness to make sacrifices, and a willingness to accept full responsibility for actions. The Negro revolution has been peaceful, but Dr. Robin son said the time of patience Is quickly coming to an end. Negroes as well as poverty- stricken whites need better jobs and good teachers. In order to obtain these necessities as well as others, Dr. Robinson proposed a marshall plan which would channel the annual $32 milUon now spent in Viet nam for tills program. Another pur pose of the program would be to help maintain a stabilized income for poverty level fami- lies. Turning to the part of the stu dent in revolutions, D'. Robin son said we must be willing to put essential things first, we must be willing toworktoover come liandlcaps of race Infer, iority and cultural degradation He further stated that we must discipline our thinking, learn to weigh issues and then cope up with our own decisions jor philosophy. Vs. Violence BY RICH.\RD McCLOUD This Is America’s most heat ed phrase “Non-Violence vs. Violence. Do we as Ameri cans really knowthereal mean ing of Non-Violence and Vio lence? Webster defines, Vio lence as, “an exertion of phy sical force so as to Injure or abuse,” and Non - Violence as "abstention on principle from Violence.” Does a Non-Vlo- lent Society exist or does So ciety change with time? Can more be accomplished by non-violence rather than Vio lence? Most Blacks and Whites In America feel that nothing can be accomplish through Vio lence. They feel this because, one turns to Violence when his promises aren’t carried out. There are a number of Violent organizations in Ameri ca and some non-vlolent. The average person may answer, without violence nothing can be quickly accomplish, however, another person may reject this feeling. Let’s face reality, has rloljuig, looting, and etc. done mo)te for the American society? I t\ some people of t^e U. S., “vloUjhce is the only means of gaining a particular desire. Most editors have said that the out break of violence in the U. S. will lead to repres sion that will not only delay racial justice but will en courage the outbreak of racial disorders throughout the world. The value of nonviolence as a political or social weapon is very low. Everyone favors vio lence, but the main question is, “Can nonviolence bring imme diate changes?” Time is a big element in looting because the participants feel that they have given enough time to society to bring about the different changes. When this doesn’t happen, violence arouses in the individual’s mind. Many feel that a nonviolent approach takes longer to bring about results. There are reasons for non violence and violence. What took place In the different parts of the country Is only a prelude to similar out bursts on a world wide scale, when the mass of poor people sick of waiting and protesting passively, will be triggered by some Incident. For example, the death of Dr, Martin Luther King, although he was a strong advocaic of non violence. The Black man felt the only way he could get some revenge, in this case, was by looting and rioting the White man’s en terprises. When an individual in a society has gotten fed up with the way in which his so ciety has been governed, he thinks that the only means of changing it is through some destructive force. Still others would say. Why take this step Instead of non-violenci? The only solution to this problem Is a change In society. It so ciety would stop pretending and face reality, then any place over the world could gain a clear pic ture of non-violence. But until this happens, the word violence will always be In the minds of many persons. However there are a number of changes that come through non-violence rather than violence. This can be clearly seen through the many demon strations lead by the late Dr. Martin L. King. When a demon stration is led by non-violence it displays the unity in the group; however, there are some exceptions. Another ques tion arises, "Can power pene trate through a society of vio lence?” The answer lies with in the society. Many people advocate non-violence, but is this really working to change society and making It a free or has violence entered and corrupted the mind? When one has preached, demonstrated,- and protested in a non-violent manner, and nothing is accom plished, then violence enters, and society is In a state of confusion. Get Yourself Together BY GARY WAYTES One of the focal points of the Black Power Movement has been in the area of education. Yet, until recently, St. Aug ustine’s College was not a part of the Movement. On March 29, a change occurred on cam pus; the first positive change since I have been here. In an age of ever Increasing pro test and the seeking of the Black Man’s self-ldentlty, we at St. Augustine’s College have been Interested in other things. The Black Student must, be fore he can move Intothe main stream of our so called Demo cratic society, trytobringabout a meaningful change capable of making a college education relevant to the needs of Black people. The administrations of many Black colleges are still under the thumbs of racist state legislatures or boards of trus tees. We must recognize, how ever, that the colleges and uni versities are our main sources of strength, and that we must concentrate our engergy in or der to make these Institutions aware of the new Black philo sophies, regardless of the ad- ministration. The job of the Black Student, now that the ground work has been prepared, is to continue for the progress of both the Black Race and the college. In the south, on campuses where Black Students are in the ma jority, students should Increase their agitation with the ultimate goal of capturing their schools. Our students took a giant step on March 29. Yet,' we still have a long way to go. We must now get ourselves TOGf)THER and must work together for the unity of both city and campus students. We must use the methods of direct confronta tions In dealing with St. Augus tine’s College. The college must realize that if the de mands of the student are not heeded, in relation to being Black oriented, the process of Black education will not t)e complete. Finally, the need for action Is urgent. The gap between Black and White Is growing each year. In a world that Is becoming In creasingly complex, the need for education has become great er. Black people must realize this and must push vigorously for control of their education. Now, we, the potential products of St. Augsustine’s College should not, after taking one giant step, move backwards. Instead, we should move forward into a world of Black Unity, and Black Awareness. LET’S GKT OUR SELVES 'TOGETHER. Student Recognition Day BY DONALD G, WEATH2RS The Student Recognition As sembly an annual event at St. Augustine’s, was a great suc cess. Its purpose is to honor those students who have dis played high academic excel lence and service to the college. Departmental awards includ ed; Art - Grace Burwell, Viola Yeates; Biology - Paula Moore, Randall Young; Busi ness - Ralph Campbell, Dwight Peebles, John Singletary, Eu gene Thomas, Reginald Stevens; Education - Joe Cannon, Janice Moultry; English-Velinda Har dy, Danny Scarborough; His tory - Quintard Taylor, Cur tis March; Mathematics and physics - Lorraine Green, Peg gy Pledger, Beatrice Bennett, James Teague, Douglas Hunt; Modern Language - Marie Faulkner, Maola Jones, Edna Canady; Music - Mary Machen, Donna Neely; Physical Educa tion - June Powell, Nathan Al ford; S.ociology and Social Wel fare - Patricia Thomas, Jac queline Edwards, William Mil ler. Service awards included: Stu dent Council Awards - Joan Wood and Eugene Thomas; Stu dent of the Year Awards - Con rad Lake, Lionel Cuffee, Don- nel Morris and Reginald Ste vens. Congress For The Unity Of Black Students The Congress for the Unity of Black Students (CUBS) con vened at Shaw University on April 20 through 24. The con vention sponsored by the Student Council of Shaw University had as its theme: “Unity is our most important power-Greater power through greater Unity.” The slogan for (CUBS) was "Unity, Action! Power!” Con sonantly, the ultimate goal of this congress was to create and found a national student organi zation that would be active, de termined and dedicated to the principle and purpose of unify ing Black Students, Black com munities and Black people, to the compelling end that the Black man may sever all chain that bind him and remove all oppressions which deter him from achieving true equality and which militant against his pur suing his own determination and destiny. The Congress concerned It self with the following unities among Black people: academic, political-economic, ethnic - communal, religious and cul tural. With the assistance, Ideas, and active participation of black students, the Congress completed the groundwork fora national chartered and chapter ed student organization which will eventuate as a dynamic force - a student force in a- chieving these Black Unities to the common welfare of Black contemporaries and Black pos terity. Ray Span, Eugene Thomas, and a member of the Pen Staff were official delegates to the Congress. Th§ format of the Congress consisted of: a key note address (by The Honorable Julian Bond) general assem blies and major addresses on each Black unity (Ron Karenga delivered the major address on Cultural Unity and Spelman College’s Vincent Harding on Academic Unity) symposium (prepared papers and audience dialogue) workshops and a Black Concert by THE SHAW PLAY ERS: "Blackness Is A Rain bow" and a Masquerade Ball, both were held in Raleigh Me morial Auditorium. In addition, there was a Black Talent Show by a selected number of stu dent delegates from one-hun dred and twenty Black colleges and by Black students from the non-Black colleges. The Pen Staff member presented as his talent. Creative Images in Shades of Black and White. The final day of the Congress was a session lor resolution, eval uations and organizational es tablishment. Mayor Richard Hatcher, Na than Hare, T. Wyatt Walker, Nathan Wright, Lucius Walker, Randolph Edmonds, John Hope Franklin, Reginald Hawkins, and Ron Karenga were speakers for the Congress along with Shaw’s President, Dr. James Cheek. Black Ideas Lynch Hall Room L-1 St. Augustine’s College Raleigh, North Carolina Dear Sir: (President Robinson) As head of the Administrative Council, we ask your in dulgence in our attempt to become a functioning organization on the St. Augustine’s campus. The proposed Black Students Union is the organization. Enclosed in this letter are the purposes, structure, and by laws of the proposed organization. This organization would promulgate the ideas of the Black fn f, I" attempts to attain a place of equality ed The nrnt* « exlsts, the Black man has been subordinat- ed The proposed organization would be an instrument of enlightenment to the Black society of the immedSra^^^ea! PREAMBLE OF BSU St. Augustine’s CoUege in order fulfill the desires for a better world, in which Black people necessary to establish an organization for the advancement of these desires. Therefore, we the Black sfudents,“to- Un^on ®®‘^'^'l*®hing such an organization, the Black Student PRINCIPLES OF BSU (1) This ortanization shall exist solely for the purpose and objectives of Black students. (2) This entire organization Is built around the concept of blackness; therefore, no student shall be admitted who isn’t totally committed to blaclaiess. (3) This organization is dedicated to the social, cultural, economic. Intellectuals, and political ambitions of the Black students, (4) This organization will do whatever is necessary in any given situation to forward the progress of the black revolution. (5) We, the Black students of this organization, shall not rest until the above principles are achieved. Yours truly, Ray V. Spain Will You Appeal? To graduating seniors -and first yr. graduate students, the government now says, you are now 1-A. You must serve inthe armed forces. In douig si the government has Ignored the urging of the entire educational community to continue graduate deferments and to establish a national lot tery of all eligible men from nineteen to twenty-six. APPEALING YOUR 1-A RE CLASSIFICATION These are the steps you can take I. You can apply in writing for a continuation of n-S from your local board A. in writing B. then through personal appearance n. If your local board re jects you, you can ask for re consideration A. in writing, which the board may Ignore B. a second personal ap pearance, which they cannot ignore, but may not grant, in. If you are now a two- time loser, you can appeal to your state toard A. first meeting with the Government Appeals agent who will explain your appeal rights B. then appeal in writing. IV. Strike three, no hit, but you are not yet out; if you lose at the state hnord level, 1110 It there are any dissenting votes, you can then tackle the Presidential Board of Appeals V. Appeal for occupational deferment to your local board VI. If denied, ask for a personal appearance and recon sideration. vn. Appeal to your state board. . If you attend school in a state other than your home state, ask that this appeal be transferred to the state board having jurisdiction where you attend school. 7 Wope be cu or>e. I 1

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