7 The Pen Sept/Oct, 1995 Campus View mmrnrmmm TO: SOME OF THE BEHIND THE SCENES, HARDWORKING, FALCON EMPLOYEES OF ST. AUG., THIS IS FOR YOU: BABBAHA MITCHELL, (CAFETERIA)- YOU V^ORK SO HARD, YET PLEASANT YOU ARE. ALWAYS WITH A SMILE, DESPITE THE TASK... GOD SHALL REMEMBER YOU. AND THO' IT SEEMS LIKE NO ONE NOTICES THE GREAT JOB THAT YOU DO... JUST KNOW THAT YOU'RE NOT FORGOTTEN AND WE GRACIOUSLY SAY... THANK YOUl SANDHA ALFORD. (CASHIER'S OFFICE}- YOU'RE KNOWNFOR BRIGHTENING STUDENT'S DAY... MERELY BECAUSE YOU DO YOUR JOB IN AN UNSELFISH WAY. IF ANYONE FELT THE NEED TO CONFIDE, TO YOU MANY WILL GO, SIMPLY BECAUSE YOU'RE SO ENCOURAGING AND CARING. AND WE THANK YOU FOR BEING SO! YOU'RE NOT FORGOTTEN... HUTHALLEN, (HOUSEKEEPING)- FONDLY, SHE'S CALLED MISS RUTH, BECAUSE SHE IS QUIET YET SOCIABLE. SHE'S RATHER NEW TO THE FALCON'S NEST BUT HER CHEERY DISPOSITION HELPS HER TO STAND OUT... SHE'S HARDWORKING, PATIENT, AND LASTLY, NOT FORGOTTEN!! m. FEEDEEICK JONES, (PROFESSOR AND ADVISOR)- YOU ARE NOT FORGOTTEN FOR YOUR PATIENCE AND HARD WORK!! CONTINUE TO BE AN ASSET AND WE WILL CONTINUE TO SUPPORT YOUl On September 15th, there was a chance to meet talent. A chance to meet a star. A chance to meet the national singer Michael Speaks, who, by the way, got started on the street comers of New York. “I saw this man and how he’d sing and get piles of money. So I decided to do the same thing. I went a couple of blocks down and sang my notes like usual, then the money piled up. Two weeks later an agent took me to a major recording company, and then more offers came. It felt nice to have all these major companies bidding for me with money,”he said. So, basically, Michael was in the right place at the right time. "But for those of you aspiring artists, perfect your craft. Never take no for an answer.” This technique applies to Aaron, David, Demail, and Tony of Babyface’s national group A FEW GOOD MEN. This group also came to Saint Aug. For those of you who do not know who this group is, it is group produced by Babyface and is similar to BOYS II MEN. Though Aaron and David were in Indianapolis while Tony and Demail were in Atlanta, they still came together with their agents and formed a successful singing group. The group was brought here by Ambiance Production, a production company in Raleigh geered toward youth activities and bringing in national talent to the Triangle. I’m sure most of you know Crystal Bodie the on campus, advisor for Nubiance Modeling Troupe. She was one of the ones responsible for bringing in the group. In looking at the entire group, I noticed that personality was a plus. The guys were dressed casual, in everyday street clothes and were quite “down to earth.” When I asked them, “In one word, what would you describe yourself as being?” Tony calmly responded, "Gentle. I’m a loving person, a caring person, and I love to spread love. When I’m not performing I’m all to myself. But when performing energy comes from no where.” But David took the question to a different approach. He says he’s, “Original. A lot of groups stay away from this. We believe in getting fans music, soulful music. A FEW GOOD MEN is just Foreign language phobia Foreign language phobia can occur in the early stages of education, but it is known to be more noticeable in the teen-age years. This fear can continue for years, especially among adults and college students who are required to study, speak, write, and read a second language. Here are several suggestions to treat this phobia. Dr. Thomas Hammond, Professor of French for more than nineteen years and Department Head of North Carolina Central University, “strongly believes that it is imperative to practice daily in the classroom as well as out of the classroom setting, but most of all, foreign language learning is a life time process that takes dedication and repetition.” Another suggestion stated by Dr. David Pellow, Professor of French, proposed that it is necessary to learn and study daily, "Learn cognates immediately, and study at least five expressions per day, so that at the end of the semester your ability to speak the language can be satisfactory.” Dr. John Harrington, Professor of German, states that it’s clearly a phobia. "It takes application; the more you practice the better you are with it. Practicing the target language and hearing it spoken is important especially during leisure time.” In most cases students who have never studied a second language can overcome foreign language phobia moreso than those who have experienced language learning. It is very important to have a “positive” attitude about language learning, so that your mind can be free of any interruptions. Many students who have foreign language phobia had a horrible experience and continue to dwell on the past. If you had a bad experience and want to start afresh just focus yourself and think positive. Study with a partner daily, use a tape recorder if necessary, and remember to write and repeat all vocabulary until it comes naturally. For you college students who experience this fear, we (professors of foreign languages) suggest that you address this problem before graduating so that you can be prepared for the 21st century and the increase of “Hispanohablantes” (Spanish speakers) in the United States. Some of you will need a foreign language to complete your master’s degree. Language learning is time consuming, so don’t rush it. Sorry you did not study a language in elementary or junior high, but it’s too late to blame anyone. Therefore, continue to face the challenges that are brought before you and look at this experience as an investment. Foreign language professors are human beings and they know that it’s difficult at times. But whoever said education was easy? BuenaSuerte! Por: Michael J. Johnson Professor of Spanish like its name . Everything we do is precise. We take our jobs seriously.” One of the good points of the group is the fact they’re doing a college tour and also visiting local highs and encouraging students to “stay in school and do the right thing," says Theo, who is from Central LA, where he was once a gang member. “I overcame odds, and what made me wake up was exercising some common sense, and I decided to turn my life around. That’s what I’m doing with these boys, who are a few good men. Nothing in life is possible without a little self-esteem. Self-esteem comes from within. We believe through prayer you can find yourself. Self-esteem can come through prayer and believing in him God.” Obviously these prayers worked because, with their talent, they’ve written a ticket to success that’s waiting to be signed. MEMBERSHIP IN ALPHA KAPPA DELTA INTERNATIONAL SOCIOLOGICAL HONOR SOCIETY ELIGIBILITY SOCIOLOGY MAJORS WHO ARE AT LEAST JUNIORS WITH A G.P.A OF 3.0 AND NON-SOCIOLOGY MAJORS WITH G.PA. OF 3.0 WHO HAVE TAKEN AT LEAST FOUR COURSES IN SOCIOLOGY SEE DR. MOSES OLOBATUYI A.K.D. ADVISOR, BOYER 300C INSIDE THE PEN Pen photographer Tamika Johnson prepares the caption for a picture she's just taken