^upgtme’si B^etorb Vol. XXXVI MARCH-APRUi, 1931 Xo, 3 A COLLEGE HYMN One of the most distinguished graduates of St. Augustine’s is William Augustine Perry, at present supervisor of numerous colored schools in Columbia, South Carolina. After graduating from St. Augus tine’s and then from Yale University, Mr. Perry for many years served as head of St. Athanasius School in Brunswick, Georgia. He is a musician of note. While at Yale he com posed a college song. For St. Augustine’s he has written two college songs, one of them on the occas ion of the celebration of the Fiftieth Anniversary of the Institution. We are happy to report that he has recently been iaispired to compose the words and music of a college hymn “on the occasion of St. Augustine’s College arriving at full maturity,” dedicated “to my father and mother, early graduates of St. Augustine’s School and missionaries in the Church.” This College Hymn will be sung at Commencement time this year. In connection with the arrival of St. Augustine s “at full maturity” Mr. Perry has written the follow ing letter: The Rev. Edgar H. Goold, President, St. Augustine’s College, Raleigh, N. C. My dear Mr. Goold: I was not at all surprised when it was announced recently that the State of North Carolina had rated St. Augustine’s College in the “A Class” group. For a number of years I have noted with interest St. Augustine’s progress towards her collegiate objec tive by way of her extensive building program, her improvement in equipment, and the reorganization of her curriculum. Knowing, too, that, above all things, St. Augustine’s stands for uncompromising thoroughness, I felt that this recognition which she has received from the State would be the logical out come and the only classification probable. St. Augus tine’s consistently normal growth made this outcome certain. For the Episcopal Church to have a full, rounded “A Class” college among her Institute schools is one of the finest things that has happened in America. The Church is needed and needed very much to make religion function more fully in the lives of the people. When the Church proves that she has something more to offer than doctrine and prayers and that that something includes all that will make for full, rounded, efficient leadership in American citizenship, then she puts herself in the position to fulfil that need, not in part, but wholly. In developing a fully accredited college among her schools, the Church has taken the step nearest to that position. The final step, of course, will be the university. This, I trust, is the final objective of the Church in its educational program. Otherwise, she will be stopping at the “half-way house” regardless of the fine work of all her schools. However, congratulations are in order and here with extended on St. Augustine’s coming Into recog nized, full, collegiate maturity. As an alumnus, I am exceedingly proud of the fact. And, in extending congratulations and expressing my own pride, I feel that I speak also for my parents and my mother’s mother, all of whom were very devout Churchmen and also pioneers in the earliest development of the school, my grandmother having acted, at one time, as matron or, as we would say to day. Dean of Women. The late Bishop Delany received some of his first instructions at the then St. Augustine’s Normal and Collegiate Institute under my mother as a student-teacher. Knowing my parents’ loyalty as alumni, I am sure. If they were living, they would join me heartily In wishing for St. Augustine’s Col lege the full support of every kind necessary to carry forward her advanced program for all time. Sincerely yours, Wm. Augustine PERRy. MEMORIAL WINDOW There has recently been placed in St. Augustine’s Chapel a beautiful stained glass window, depicting St. Simon of Cyrene aiding the Saviour In carrying the Cross, given as a memorial to the Rev. George A. C. Cooper by his widow. Dr. Anna J. Cooper, of Washington, D. C. Mr. Cooper was at one time a beloved teacher at St. Augustine’s. He was the first Negro clergyman ordained in the Diocese of North Carolina. The artist and designer of the window is Mr. Prank J. Dillon, at one time a student at St. Augustine’s, who has been for more than ten years employed in that capacity by the firm of Fred S. Oesterle and Co., of Philadelphia. We print below a short sketch of the late Mr. Cooper, written, at our request, by his widow. The Rev. George A, C. C. Cooper Rev. George A. C. Cooper was born at Grand Bahama in the British West Indies In 1845. His mother Is mentioned in a brochure on the Bahamas by Bishop Venables, English Bishop of the Islands, as a “Mother In Israel,” in reference to her good offices In caring for the needy, and In promoting the work of the Church In her Island. It was In her home that the Bishop always stopped in making the rounds of the Bahamas, and the ample church of mahogany logs there was erected by her four stalwart sons, of whom George was the second. In Nassau, the capital of the Island of New Provi dence, the young George was apprenticed to a tailor (Continued on Page 2)