ST. AUGUSTINE’S RECORD RECORD NOTES At the Alumni banquet held during the Com mencement season an attractive desk and chair were presented to Dean Boyer who is this year complcjting thirty-five years of service at St. Augustine’s. At the Commencement Exercises a beautiful gold watch was given him by a repre sentative of a group of citizens in Kaleigh. Mrs. Mabel Cornelison Latham, Matron and Dean of Women, who is this year completing twenty-five years of service at St. Augustine’s, was presented with a set of silver, and Miss Agnes Elmendorf, who is retiring after twenty years of devoted service, w'as recently given a beautifully bound Prayer Book and Hymnal by her co-w’ork- ers on the Staff. ST. AUGUSTINE’S CONFERENCE The annual St. Augustine’s Conference was held June 2-6 with an attendance of about 100 Xegro clergy and Church workers from all parts of the South, some coming from as far distant points as Arkansas and Southern Florida. The Conference opened with an inspiring talk by Bishop Penick, Co-adjutor Bishop of North Carolina, on the proposed teaching mission in the Province of Sewanee. Classes were conducted by the Rev. Gardiner L. Tucker, D.D., Executive Secretary of the Department of Religious Educa tion of the Province of Sewanee, on “Religious Education”; by Miss Esther V. Brown, a newly appointed Field Secretary of the Woman’s Aux- V JOSl CoLLKGE Graduating Class and Dean Boyer Mr. Lewis B. Franklin, Vice-President and Treasurer of the I^ational Council, recently of fered three prizes for the best essay on Aggrey of Africa,” written by students in the High School, Normal and Junior College Departments of Institutions affiliated with the American Church Institute for Negroes. The second prize of $25.00 was won by Lemuel E. Graves, Jr., of the Freshman Class at St. Augustine’s. The Rev. J. Alvin Russell, of St. Paul School, Lawrenceville, Virginia, was the College preacher on Sunday, May I7th. The Barber Prize Speaking prize was won this year by Miss Editli Thompson, of the Junior Glass in the College. William Clark, of the Sophomore Class received honorable mention. iliary, on “Young People’s Work”; by Rev. W. B. Crittenden, D.D., General Secretary of the Field Department of the National Council, on “The Church’s Program”; by Rev. Alfred S. Lawrence, Rector of the Church of the Holy Cross, Chapel Hill, N. C., on “Preparation for Preaching”; by Rev. B. AV. Harris, Rector of Grace Church, Norfolk, Va., on “Parish Problems”; by Miss Edith Steele, Bishop Tuttle School, on “Young People’s Work”; by Miss Edna E. Beardsley, Assistant Secretary of the National Woman’s Auxiliary, on the “Woman’s Auxiliary”; by Mr. L. T. Caldwell on “Church Music”, and by Miss J. E. Guernsey, History Department, St. Augus tine’s College, on “Church Art”. Evening meet ings were addressed by Miss Edna B. Beardsley, Miss Esther Brown, the Rev. Gardiner L. Tucker, D.D., ^Ir. Wallace Battle, Field Agent of the