^t. augustmc’s! Eccorb Vol. XXXVIII MAY-JUNE. 1933 No. 4 REPORT OF THE PRESIDENT MAY 31, 1933 T0 the Trustees of St. Augustine s College. Gentlemen: During the past year, the sixty-sixth Annual Sesssion, there have been enrolled 340 students, coming from 16 states and 4 foreign countries, classified as follows: SUMMARY •^04 College Department Senior Class “ * Junior Class Sophomore Class Freshman Class Special Evening Session High School Department - Fourth Year Third Year Second Year First Y63.I* ^ St. Agnes Training School for Nurses - Graduates 1932 ' Seniors „ Juniors ' Freshmen “ , Bishop Tuttle School Seniors ^ Juniors You will note that there was an increase in the enrollment in the College Department, while that in the High School, especially in the lower two classes, showed a marked decline. In the interest of economy and concentration of effort it has been decided to discontinue the first two years of High School and to emphasize the College Preparatory features of the work in the upper two classes. In connection with the College work several evening classes were held for the benefit of teachers and others desiring to pursue college studies, who ere unable to attend the regular day session. This plan was worked out with the approval and guid ance of the State Educational authorities. The great loss to St. Augustine’s thiough the death of Bishop Cheshire can be referred to only briefly in this report. Both the President and the Key. Dr. Hunter, our Honorary President, liave told in the Carolina Churchman something of the splendid help given to the Institution by Bishop Cheshire during the almost forty years that he served as President of the Board o Trustees. During Lent a five-day mission with emphasis on personal religion was conducted by the Ke'v. George M. Plaskett of Orange, jSTew Jersey, a graduate of St. Augustine’s and one of our trus tees. On Tuesday of Holy Week Bishop Penick visited us and confirmed a class of 15. On Easter Day the Lenten offering for Missions was pre sented. We were gratified to find it larger than the one of last year. On May 1st and 2d the Annual State Public Welfare Institute for J^egro Social Service and Relief Workers was held at the College. About 100 delegates attended from all parts of the State. The usual St. Augustine’s Conference for Clergy and Church Workers, including a Young people’s Conference will be held June 5-9th. The Crown and Scepter, a State wide society of honor students in Negro High Schools, which is being sponsored by the College, held its first gen eral meeting on the campus early in May. The delegates formed a permanent organization. It is confidently expected that this move will have a decided infiuence on the educational ideals of the State High Schools. During the year we have offered the facilities of our library, especially our collection of Theological books, to the ^J'egro Clergy of the Province and some of the Lay Workers. So far there has been some response to our offer. We expect the response to increase as time goes on. We were glad to include as one of the features of the Commencement Season a lecture-recital by Professor Frederick A. Koch, Kenan Professor of Dramatic Literature of the University of North Carolina. Professor Koch had previously in vited our Dramatic Club to present a short play at the Annual Festival of the Dramatic Clubs of the Carolinas. With President Graham of the L^niversity of North Carolina as our Commence ment Speaker, and with Rev. Robert D. Brown, of Pittsburgh, who has the distinction of being the first member of his race to be chosen as Head of the Urban League there, as our Baccalaureate preacher, w^e have been fortunate in those who have come to us from other places. In spite of a greatly reduced appropriation from the American Church Institute for Negroes, and other financial difficulties there is no indebt edness on the Institution and every effort is being made to avoid incurring one. To aid in this ef fort there will be a small increase in the College tuition rates. Our budget is also materially re duced. We are glad to note that the Diocese of North Carolina has included an appropriation to (Continued on Page 3) for alumni news see paqe four