^upiStine’S i^ecorb VoI„„7e^XXIX MAV-JirXB, 1034 Xo. 4 REPORT OF THE PRESIDENT May 30, 1934 Jo the Trustees of St. Augustine’s College Gentlemen: During the j)ast year, the sixty-seventh annual session of the institution, 207 students have been enrolled in the college department, 37 in the col lege preparatory department, which covers the upper two years of high school, 37 in the St. Agnes Training School for Nurses and 9 in the Bishop Tuttle School for Religious and Social Workers, making a total of 290. The students come from 20 states and 3 foreign countries. In connection with the college work several evening courses were offered for the special benefit of teachers unable to attend the regular day ses sion. Class rooms were also made available for adult evening classes conducted by Federal Aid. In November, 1933, the Southern Association of Colleges rated the college as a “Standard four- year college. Class B,” which indicates that the general quality of its work is such as to warrant the admission, without condition, of its graduates to any institution requiring the Bachelor’s Degree for entrance. In order to meet in full all the requirements of the Association St. Augustine’s will need a larger income, especially for salaries. I^or several years the College has been rated Class “A” by the North Carolina State Department of Bublic Instruction. Since our last report St. Augustine’s has suf fered a great loss in the death of the Eev. Di. A. B. Hunter, who had been the active head of the Institution for 25 years and its honorary head since his retirement in 1916. Dr. Hunter had been a splendid friend and counsellor since re linquishing his active connection with the college, which will also eventually benefit from his estate. To him a great debt is owed for the enviable reputation which St. Augustine’s has enjoyed. The Annual State Public Welfare Institute for N^egro Workers was again held at the College this year, as was also the convention of the Crown and Sceptre Club, the honor scholarship society of the N'egro High Schools of the State, an organization which has been developed under the auspices of St. Augustine’s. The usual St. Augustine’s Con ference for Clergy and Church Workers including a Young Peoples Conference will be held June 4-8. riiis conference is generously aided by the Ameri can Church Institute for Negroes. During the year we have continued to offer the facilities of our library, especially our collection of theological books, to the Negro clergy and certain lay workers of the Province. There has been an increasing response to our offer. St. .Vugustine’s endeavors to maintain the standards of a distinctly Church College. Regular services are held in the beautiful College Chapel, the Sacraments of the Church are duly adminis tered, and the Bishop each year makes a visita tion for Confirmation. Representative Negro clergy occupy the College pulpit from time to time. A short conference on Christian Living was recently conducted by the Rev. Malcolm Taylor, Director of the National Commission on Evan gelism. The Lenten offering for missions this year amounted to about $250. We shall also con tribute about $225 to the General Deficiency Fund of the National Church. During Lent a letter inclosing a small picture of the Chapel Sanctuary was sent to all those who had been confirmed in St. Augustine’s Chapel during the past twenty years, urging them to attend if possible a cor porate Communion at the Chapel on Passion Sun day; or if that were not possible, to attend a Communion service elsewhere, and renew in their prayers the promises of their Confirmation. A number of apreciative letters were received in reply. Among the girls of the College a Junior Branch of the Woman’s Auxiliary and an Altar Guild are functioning well. The young men have recently organized a Laymen’s League and a Chapter of the Brotherhood of St. Andrew. In spite of a greatly reduced appropriation and other decreases in income there is no indebtedness and the college has thus far succeeded in operat ing within its budget. The appropriation from the National Church through the American Church Institute for Negroes will for next year represent a reduction of forty per cent from the amount received at the beginning of the Triennium. To help meet this situation our tuition charges have been again increased so that they now are prac tically the same as those of other Negro Colleges of the same standing. It will be seen therefore that unless larger support can be received from dioceses, parishes and individuals it will not be possible for St. Augustine’s to function creditably (Continued on Page 4)