^t. ^ugusftine’s l^ecorb V^oUime XIvI JIAY - JUNE, 1!)36 No. 4 REPORT OF THE PRESIDENT May 27, 1936 To tlie Trustees of St. Augustine’s College Gentlemen: During the past year, the sixty-ninth annual session of the Institution, there has been a total enrollment of 325 students including 38 in the St. Agnes Training School for J^urses and 15 in t e Bishop Tuttle School for Church and elfare Workers. This represents an increase of about ]0% over the enrollment of last year. About oO/c of the students come from ?\^orth Carolina. The remainder come from 25 states and 3 foreign countries. There are representatives from such distant points as Texas, Arkansas, Colorado, Ne braska, Michigan, Quebec and the \ irgin Islands. The aim of the college as expressed m its char ter is to train teachers and otherwise provide lor the education and elevation of the I^^egro people in J^orth Carolina and elsewhere in the United States. From the days of its founding this objec tive has been consistently pursued m connection with the development of our Jv^egro Church work. It is gratifying to realize that the mission of St Augustine’s L a Church College is meeting with the approval of many who are familiar with its work. In the April issue of the Spirit of Dr. Theodore AVedel, our ^^ational SecretaiT for College work, in a short article about St. Augus tine’s writes; ^ m “One would have to travel far to find a Church (Allege which more fully lives up to ^ does St. Augustine’s College in Carolina. Christian teaching and practice are woven into the college life in a surprisngly ^effec tive way. The Chapel service is inspiring. He gles on to make other observations concern ing thf need and value of the educational program which we are emphasizing that s lou e est to all who are genuinely interested in our "^ArirTtt years the facilities of the college have been otfered for ferences such as the State I ub ic SppDtre tute for Negro Workers, the Crown Sceptre Scholarship Society, Extension classes for Teach ers, several Federal Relief pi’ojects ‘“‘‘I ’ the Annual St. Augustine’s Confer^ice ^or Clerg and Church Workers, including a Young - l ''“fr a.,,reh life «■ l.«vo to jpl.- offering for Missions which amounted to about $375.00. Such Church organizations as the Woman’s Auxiliary, both Senior and Junior Branches, the Laymen’s League, the Altar Guild and the Brotherhood of St. Andrew have continued to function well. We are also making each year an effort to keep in contact with those who have been confirmed in recent years in the College Chapel by sending them a Lenten letter and sug gesting Passion Sunday as a day for attending a Communion Service and renewing the promises of their confirmation. In the college department which has been making steady growth emphasis is being placed on individual guidance through a system of personal advisers. We note with satis faction that the Dean of the College, Charles H. Boyer is this year celebrating the fortieth anni versary of his connection with St. Augustine’s. We wish to congratulate him on his many years of faithful service in which he has upheld high standards for the Institution. The extra-curricular activities have continued to develop. The Choral and Dramatic clubs have done well while in athletics we have continued our efforts to increase interest and participation in more varied forms of physical exercise and lessen the traditional emphasis on intercollegiate com petition especially in football. One of our students made an especially brilliant record in track events. A Student Council has been organized and en couraged to prepare itself for really useful func tioning. It is hoped that it will develop into a valuable feature of our student life. The graduat ing college class has made a gift of a handsome stone seat for the campus. The Alumni Associa tion has been showing new signs of vigor and en thusiasm. It is engaged in an effort to raise a Loan Fund for deserving students. A live and wise organization can do much to help the college. Through aid received from the General Educa tion Board as the result of efforts of the American Church Institute for Negroes the College has been able to add to its science equipment and to purchase additional books for the Library. This is one bright spot in what is a rather gloomy financial outlook. We are becoming more and more painfully aware of the fact that the College can not be adequately maintained or developed on its present income. We are trying to operate on an appropriation from the National Church through the American Church Institute for Negroes that has been reduced practically 50% in the past four years. Unless by a restoration in our appropria tion, by additional endowment, or by both, our operating income is substantially increased the College will continue to lack financial stability and its slow but steady decline is inevitable. I believe that some plans should be formulated looking toward definite action to increase sub- (Continued on Page 4)