SEVENTIETH ANNIVERSARY NUMBER 1867'1868-1938 ^t. glugusitme’s: Eetorb Volume Xlilll DECEMBER, 1937-JANUAllY, 1!)38 No. 3 ST. AUGUSTINE’S PROGRESS PRAISED ON TOTH BIRTHDAY New goals were set for St. Augustine’s College yes terday as the educational institution for Negroes cele brated the 70th anniversary of its opening session. Concluding a full day’s program, Dr. E. George Payne, assistant dean of the school of education in NeAv York University, last night said Negro schools “must continue to provide education for higher pro fessions because, if the Negro is not equipped, he 11 never bo called upon to fill professional positions.^ The educational meeting in Taylor Hall last presided over hy President Edgar H. Goold, concluded a program which commenced yesterday morning with an address by Bishop Edwin A. Penick, president of the college board of trustees. Speaking of the “Church College in American His tory,” and relating his talk especially to Negro educa tion, Dr. Payne said the purposes of education and re ligion are related—“both are to develop a personality into an integrated individual.” “There is no necessary confusion between religion and education and religion and science,” he said. it is only when science, or knowledge, or wealth and the like run counter to higher religious purposes and indi- '’iduals in groups seek to integrate their personalities in terms of material ends, that both education and religion lose their vitality and usefulness so tar as human welfare is concerned.” Pointing out that there has been a decline in recent years in the percentage of students in church colleges, l^r. Payne commended the Negro church co eges which “carry out a highly religious purpose, a zeal to nndo the disadvantages involved in 250 years ot slavery. “St. Augustine’s was one of the first_ and most out standing of these institutions,” he continued. it be gan at the very beginning of Negro education andJias beld during al'l this period the highest ideals of both I'eligion and education.” „ i „ii Coiitiiiuii)g to empliasize tlie need for full rounded education for Negroes in order that the race iTiay overcome its social disadvantages, Dr. Jrayne e ^‘lared that difference in educability ol a class Or race is found in its background of culture or in le Opportunity for education. There is no no icea e 'liffercnce in the native intelligence of the races. “We must continue to be optimistic of era ica ing ii‘jnstices practiced against the Negro race and be rpady to meet these situations,” he said. ^ na ion cannot exist with any minority group that does not have every opportunity that any other group las. . “The future of the Church College will depend upon ability to emphasize the whole experience o and inspire students in the attainment of the higher spiritual values of life,” he concluded, as he praised efforts of the St. Augustine faculty in attempting ^0 achieve the ideals of the Church S^ool. Dr. Payne, who was introduced by President Goold, Was preceded on last night’s program by Dr. JN. U ^ewbold, director of the division of Negro Education, (Continued on Page Two) BISHOP PENICK ADDRESSES THANKS GIVING SERVICE (From the Baltimore Afro-American, Jan. 22) A hope that the small college of today will continue to exist and grow because it can resist the secularizing influences of modern educational trends, was expressed by the lit. Rev. Edwin A. Penick, Bishop of North Carolina and president of the board of trustees, as St. Augustine’s College opened its seventieth anniversary observance here on Thursday morning. Speaking before faculty, students, and alumni of this oldest Protestant Episcopal institution in the South, and the oldest school of the denomination with full college rating, at the thanksgiving in the college chapel, Bishop Penick sounded the keynote of rejoicing which marked the one-day program. “We are here to rejoice,” the prelate declared, “for three principal reasons: first, for St. Augustine’s rich tradition; second, for its rigid discipline, and third, for its Christian spirit. “It is in the small college like St. Augustine’s that we can have the full impact of teacher upon student. Smaller classes make it possible for the student to get not only the accumulated knowledge handed down to him through a long line of scholars, but they make it possible for the student to get the undiflused character of the professor. “The influence of the Christian spirit of St. Augus tine’s brings to mind George Washington’s farewell address in which he said: ‘Eeligioii without knowledge is weak and knowledge without religion is dangerous.’ ” Bishop Penick, successor to the late Bishop Joseph B. Cheshire, commended the College for its academic discipline-—for its steadfast refusal to make things easy for its students. We progress as we suflfer, he pointed out, adding that, paradoxical as it may seem, freedom comes only to those who live within the law. “When will we learn,” he queried, “that our priva tions are our benedictions?” Lauds Bishop Delany Tribute was paid by Bishop Penick to the late Bishop H. B. Delany who labored so zealously in St. Augustine’s behalf. He expressed gratitude for such a disciple_ and pointed out that the true successor of any man is one who appreciates and interprets him. Such has been the case, he said, with the five presi dents which have served the institution since its found ing and with those who have labored with them. Having related the story of the lighthouse keeper’s widow who dedicated her life to the task of keeping the lights trimmed and burning, the speaker challenged his listeners not to forget their Christian heritage and to “mind the light” of education as did the widow. “Send Out Thy Light” was then sung by the vested College choir, conducted by Prof. Kussell F. Houston. The Eev. John Heritage, former president of the St. Augustine’s College Alumni Association and rector of St. Michael’s P.E. Church, Charlotte, made brief remarks in which he related how numerous graduates of the college, in widely separated sections of the country, are dedicating their lives to their alma mater’s tradition of community service.—By Afro-American Staff Correspondent.