4 ST. AUGUSTINE’S RECORD NOTES ON THE ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION Dr. Kdsoii K. Ulackraan, prosidont of the Alumni Associii- tioii iiiid inembor of the Board of Trustees, had his own car disabled in an accident the day before the celebration, but he arrived on time, alonj; with I)r. Herritafje. in a rented car. One of the unique features of the celebration was the ]>res- ence at all the events of Mr. William II. Loath, of Windsor, North Carolina, who was a student at St. AuRUstine’s durinR the tirst two sessions, ilr. Leath taufiht in the imblic schools in the eastern part of North (’arolina until just a few years ago and onl.v two years ago save up his jiosition as teacher of adult education classes. lie is in his eishty-flfth year. Jlr. Keath furnished valuable information for the first chapter of the History, and wa.s able to recall the names of more than twenty of iiis schoolmates of 18(>S and 18()i). An excellent pic- tun- of him, made by the staff photographer, sippeared in the Afro-Am'i'ica)i of January 22(1. llrs. Koxanna Lewter Rich, ’(Ml, who on the occasion of the fiftieth anniversary read an e.ssa.v on the History of St. Au gustine's. was one of the many alumni visitors. Anions the graduates and former students liviuf; in Nortli Carolina, who attended one or more of the events of the day were. Dr. and .Mrs. .1. W. lUack, of Uocky Jlcmnt; Jlr. and Mrs .lohn Clark, and Mr and Mrs. Wilton Bethel, of Wilson; Rev. John C. Davis, of Asheville: Rev. Frederick Edwards, of Oxford; Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Finch, of Littleton ; Cornelius J. Jones, of Littleton: Rev. Othello D. Stanley, of Durham, in addition to those mentioned in other parts of this issue and several local alumni. Also iiresent were Rev. Odell Harris, warden of the Bishop Payne Divinity School, at Petersburs, Virsinia, and ('harles Johnson and C.eorf;e Harper, graduates of last year at St. Augustine’s, now students in the divinity school. The Nctvs (i)id Oliserver, the Raleigh Times and the Caro lina Trihmie, Raleigh’s newspapers, each published a compli mentary section featuring articles and pict\ires and congratu- bitions from individuals and business firms on the occasion of o\ir “seventieth birthday.” The Baltimore Ap-o-Amcrlmn, one of the best of the Negro weekly new.spapers with a cir culation of 1(10,000 sent a staff writer and photographer to ••cover” the anniversary. A two-])age section in the January 22(1 issue of the A fro-American shows how well they carried iut the assignment. Mrs. A. 15. Hunter, widow of the late beloved principal Dr. Hunter, and herself founder and former superintendent of St. Agnes Hosi)ital, thought it best because of her ad vanced years not to attend the celebration, hut she was keenly interested in the whole aft’iiir, and expressed her best wishes for the siicc(*ss of (he da.v. Miss Eliza J. Baker, a retired stalf member who also makes her home in Raleigh, attended some of the events. Mr. W. AL Whitelu'ad, dean of men at St. I’aul School, accompanied the Rev. J. Alvin Ru.ssell, principal of St. I’aul School. The latter ]>resenti‘d gre>tings from the schools of the American ('Inirch Institute, including St. Paul. A large inunber of letters and telegrams of congratulation and good wishes came to Presidc'ut (Joold before and during the celebration. One cablegram from a graduate iu the Vir gin Islands arrived during th(> bau(iuet. These messages of felicitation and good will added greatly to the significance of the occasion. The following telegram, addressed to President (Joold, was sent by Dr. Robert W. Patton, Director of the American Church Institute for Negroes: ••Please express to all sincere disappointment that al though I had planned to be wilh you today an emergency arose which |>revents my coming. (Jod bless Saint Augustine’s (’olU'ge, its faculty and students.” AROUND THE CAMPUS Among tlie recent guest preachers occupying the puli>it at the Sunday services have been the Rev. ilillard F. Newman, rector of St. Monica’s Chapel. Washington. I). C.. and the Rev. (Jeorge M. Plaskett. D.D., rector of Epiphany Chapel, East Orange, N. J. Miss Lula Burton director of social work training at tlie Bishop Tuttle School, was the special speaker on Social Service Sunda.v. Bishop Bartlett, of Idalio. and the Rev. John D. (Jass, D.D., of the Church of the Incarnation, New York City, have appeared in short chai>el talks. The Oleander (Juartet of New York City rendered an en joyable musical program on the evening of January 22d. Jlrs. Arthur P. ('hippey and Miss Bertha Richards attended the diocesan meeting of the Woman's Auxiliary held at Rocky M(mnt in January. St. Augustine’s chapter of the Laymen’s League was represented at the annual diocesan meeting held in Burlington in December, by a delegation of five staff members. The Choral Club presented the Christmas cantata. “The Childe Jesus,” on the Sunday before Christmas. Other musi cal numbers from Bach. Handel and Praetorius were included in the program, which was very well received. Christmas as usual was a happy occasion on the campus. It was observed as a religious festival, first of all. The Nativity Scene, the activities of several groups in bringing Christmas cheer to the less fortunate of the neighborhood, the annual visit of tlie carolers to the County Home, ami a new feature this year, the visit of the Junior Woman’s Aux iliary and carol singers to the State Prison, all added to the true significance of ('hristmas. The choral Communion service on Christmas morning was attended by almost all the campus family. In addition to this side of the observ ance of Christmas, there was ample provision for the enjoy ment of fun and frolic associated with the joyous season. ALUMNI NEWS Jliss Edith M. Anderson. R.N., was among the twenty- nine out of 280 nurses taking the last North Carolina State Board examination to achieve an average of over ninety. This group are awarded the “gold star.” Miss Anderson is now a member of the staff of St. Agnes Hospital, of which she is a 10;{7 graduate. Rev. Lewis A. Baskervill. II. S. ’27, has succeeded his father, the late Archdeacon E. L. Baskervill, as rector of Cal- var.v ('hurch. Charleston. South Carolina, and is also assisting in the work of the Archdeaconry as executive secretary. The Rev. ('harles A. Harrison is Acting Archdeacon. In the same diocese another recent graduate of St. Augustine’s. Rev. Wil liam Turner. is in charge of the Church of the (Joed Shep herd, Sumter. Rev. Stephen B. Mackey, ’27, is iu charge of Epiphany Mission, Summerville. St. Augustine’s ('ollege lost one of her successful clerical alumni in the death of the Rev. J. II. Hudson, rector of St. Augustine’s Church. Philadelphia. The Rev. Mr. Hudson was of the class of 1010. THE HISTORY ON SALE .1 Ilixtorj/ of t^t. Auyu’flinc's CoUeye, /S67'-/.9.}7, by Cecil D. Halliburton, of the college faculty, has been imblished. and is now on sale at .$1.00 a copy. A complete survey of the seventy years of the career of St. Augustine’s the volume contains about 100 pages of text and two cuts; the first a picture of St. Augustine’s as it apiwared about 1S!)7. and the other an airplane view of the campus made a few months ago. The volume is jirinted in clear tyiK> on excellent paper, and the printing job leaves nothing to be desired. The history has ri'ceived warm praise from Mrs. Hunter, Mrs. Delany, Bishop Penick, Dr. Blackman, and several others who have road it, including Mr. A. B Andrews, authority on Church history. Aliunni and friends nniy swure a co]\v by sending in a dollar to the Treasurer, St. Augustine's College.

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