^t. Augustine’s; l^ccorit V^oluiiu! XIjIII MAY-JUNE, 1!);5« No. 4 REPORT OF THE PRESIDENT—MAY 25, 1938 To the Trudees of St. Angvstine’s College: (tKN TLEMEN : During the past year there has been a total enroll ment of 301 students, including puijils in the St. Training School for Nurses and in the Bishop Tuttle Training School for Keligious Education and Christian Social Service. It is interesting to note that 22o stu dents were enrolled in tlie regular college department, the same number that were enrolled this year in the College of Liberal Arts of the University of the South at Sewanee. As usual about one-lialf of the students come from North Carolina, tlie other half from 25 states and several foreign countries. Texas, Arkansas, Ca i oinia, Micliigan, Mississippi, and the Virgin Islands are among the distant points represented. About litty pei cent of our students are Communicants of our Lliiircii, coming from oiir Negro parishes in vaiions pai s o the country. Each year there are some added by con firmation. St. Augustine’s has as a definite obiectiye close relatioiisliip with luul strengthening ® ^ that is being done among onr !Negro people t irong ion the Church. On January 13th the college celebrated the 70th Anniversary of its ojiening. It w’as on that a ® that the Institution opened its doors to a class o oui pujiils. A cliarter had been secured the previous year by BishoT) Atkinson of jSTorth Carolina with a gioiip o ]>roininent Churchmen of the State as incoipoia ois. The anniversary was fittingly observed by a ® Thanksgiving at which Bishop Penick spo e, an( on there was a mass meeting with the principa ac les by Dr. E. George Paine, Assistant Dean of the Schoo of Education of New York Univeisity am a friend of the college. We were jdeased to note tliat beads of the other five colleges in Ivaleig i at this meeting, four of them in person and tiie oti through a special representative. In connection witli the Anniversaiy theie has bee published a History of St. Augustine s compiled a 'vritten by a member of the Faculty, 1 rofessor Cecil 1 . Hallil„irton. Professor Halliburton also ^ History of tlie Institution in his address at the Ai i versary Day Banquet. The History is t le le i «arefu'l and thorough research studies and ^ , excellent picture of the growth of St. Augustine s a its present status. We commend it to those interested in the affairs of the college and ^ tory of the Diocese. As Bishop Penick ^ anti,or-“This is one of the few instances ^is orica sc^holarshi], that has been produced 'vithin recent years. You ha\^ placed the ^-hurch as well as St. Augustine’s College in your de . During the past year there have met at St. Augus tine’s the State Public Welfare Institution for Negro Workers, the Crown and Sceptre State Scholarship Society and various gatherings of a more informal nature. The annual St. Augustine’s Conference for Negro Clergy and Church Workers, including a Young People’s Conference, which is held early in June, lias become increasingly effective and well known so that several dioceses are offering scholarships to it. At a meeting of the Southern Bishops held in Atlanta in February it was unanimously recommended that the Bishop Payne Divinity School of Petersburg, Virginia, be moved to Kaleigh and located in the vicinity of St. Augustine’s College. At present the Trustees of the Bishop Payne School have tlie matter under con sideration but have not as yet reached a final decision. Through the aid of the National Youtii Administra tion we have been able to continue to funiish work to a number of students who needed this lielp in order to continue in college. This type of aid, however, is strictly limited and provides for only a few of those who apply to us for self-help work. We find tliat the students are coming to take a larger share and interest in matters pertaining to the welfare and progress of the college. The student coun cil this year has helped to foster this spirit and to provide occasions for its practical ap])lication. The observance of St. Augustine’s week was an example of this. Athletics, especially intercollegiate competitive ath letics, present something of a problem for an institution such as St. Augustine’s with a comparatively small student body. It is doubtful whether the expense and strain involved in trying to compete successfully in such a sport as intercollegiate football are justified when consideration is given to the ways in which the effort and money could be expended on lighter sports and intra-mural competition. Tliis year for instance St. Augustine’s won the Tennis Championship of the Colored Intercollegiate Athletic Association in both singles and doubles through the efforts of the two Hunt brothers who learned their tennis here at the college. The Athletic Council and numerous thoughtful stu dents are giving the matter serious attention with the hope of working out a satisfactory solution. We are still working on plans that call for co operation between St. Augustine’s and Shaw Univer sity, lialeigh, in an effort to strengthen the work of each institution. The Administration of each college is definitely in favor of such a plan, although there are some practical difficulties involved. Whatever is accomplished will be done slowly and carefully. We wish to record our appreciation of the gift of $900 made from tlie United Thank Offering of the Woman’s Auxiliary for repairs in the Thomas Build ing (Girls’ Dormitory), which was partly paid for by