2 ST. AUGUSTINE’S RECORD muguistine’is 9^ecorb Published bi-monthly during the ColleBe year at Raleigh, N. C., in the interest of St. Augustine’s College, Rev. E. H. Goold, President Subscription, 25 Cents Entered at the postofflce in Raleigh as second-class matter, under the Act of March 3, 1879. Acceptance for mailing at a special rate of postage provided for in section 1103, Act of October 3, 1917, authorized April 11, 1921. aid from tlu' Tliiitcd 'I’liiuik OIToriiit; alioiit 25 .wars ajio. Wo also wish to iccojiiiizo with f;i'atitu(l(' tlio activity and ontinisiasin of tho iu'ad of mr xViumni Association, J>r. Edson E. ISiacknian of Cliarlotte. Wo liavc lost sincc last ('oinincnccnicnt two of onr loyal and iiolpful Trustees, Rev. I>r. Jlilton A. !5arl)or. Uoctor Knicritus of Christ Churcli, Kalcif;li. and Snpreino ('ourt Jnstico (icorfio W. Connor. ISotli of Ihosc men wore out- standinK citiz(>ns and ('iiurclimon. Wc sliall miss tlioir symi>atliotic interest. The linancial stability of tliu Institution contimu's to he a matt('r of grave concern as the annual income is iiiade- (luate for the needs of the collejie. A decrease of about lifty per cent in llie annual appropriation from Cliurch sources is larjiel.v res]K)usihle for this situation. A sub stantial endowment or greatly increased income from Church sources, or both, are ne('ded to enable the collOf;e to function ]>ro])erly. It will be i-emembered that a survey of our financial ne(‘ds male last year indicated that there shoidd b(> an additional annual income of at least !|!2r),(IO(l and that api)roximately .flOO.OOO is ne(‘ded for repairs, reni'wals, e(pupment and additional buildin};s. Wi> feel keeidy that St. Au;;ustine's Collefje, as oiir Church College for Xesro Youth, deserves uun-e ad(‘(|uate suppoi-t than it is rcK'eivinf; today. We earuc'sti.v hope that those in chai'f;e of the policy and strates.v of cmr National (’liurch will take means to renu'dy this situation before it is too late. St. Agnes Hospital St. Aftnes Hospital with its Training School for Nurses continues its (‘xcellent work. Durinj; the past year there have b('eu 2.5,272 hosi>ital days, 1.2.5S bed patients, clinic patients, 2,!)04 out-patient visits and 1,()().‘! operations. For SOUK? time now the Hospital ha.s been workin;; with the State (’ominission for tiu' lilind, holdiuK clinics and ad mitting patients for observation or oiK'ration. A large work is also being done for crip])led cliihlren in connection with tli(‘ State Division for ('rijipled Children. Considerably ov(‘r one-half of the work of the hospital is on a charitable basis. The annual aid received from the Duke Kndowment. bas('d on charitable work dont", is oiu‘ of the chi(‘f sourc('s of linancial supjyort. A s])ecial gift of over !|!20() from the offering taken at the .Mission held at Christ Church. Raleigh, in Jlarch was very helpful. The work continues to be a(u‘redited b,v th(‘ Auu'rican College of Surgeons, the Ameri can Medical Society, and the State Association of Schools of Nurse Training. (Jraduates from the Training School continue to be called to important administrative positions. The Superintendent of the Richardson Memorial Hospital in (Jreensboro. X. ('., the SujK-rintendent of the new (iood Shei)herd Hospital in Newbern, N. ('., and the Superintendent of Nurses at the Lincoln Hosjatal in Durham, N. ('., are all graduates of the St. Agnes School, which was a ])ioneer in the liehl of train ing coloi-ed nurses. Bishop Tuttle School This school fir 'I'raining Church Workers in Iteligious EdnciUion and Social Service n'ceives its chief support Iroin th(> I'nited Thank (HTc'ring of the National Woman's Auxillar.v, and in Its administration St. Augustine’s is as sisted by an Advisory Committee apjiointed by the National Coiuicll. 'I'he graduate's are widely scatt('red throughout the country and are engaged in various types of 'hurch or conununity work. In an effort to assist in building up our .\egro Church Work in a definite way, it has been decided to place gri'ater emphasis in the curriculum on the training for leadership in the field of Religious Educa tion, It i.s ho])ed that from the (’hurch will C(mie suitable candidates for this type of training, and iii the ('hurch i>osi- tions and opiK)rtunities will he provided tor them on their graduation. A widening interest in the development of our Negro C'hurch Work would stimulate this ideal. In conclusion let me expres.s the hope that the best part of the History of St. Augustine's is not behind but rather ahead of her. and that the St. Augustine’s of the future will increasingl.v realize the ideals of her f(mnders and the aspirations of her friends, ResiM'ctfully submitted. Edgak II. (JOOLD, I’rcnidoit. NOTES FROM THE CAMPUS The annual St. Augustine's Week, an event which for several years has taken place early in May, has as its pur pose the in’omotion of more knowledge of and interest in St. Augustine's on the part of the students and staff. Attenti(m is turned to what each one may do to aid in the lU'ogress of our institution. This year the program culminated in an assembly in which several stutlents siK)ke. 'I'he chief ad dress was made b.v Cecil N. Coble, ’•>•'). local business man and member of the college preparatory teaching staff. We (luote below a part of his excellent and enthusiastically re ceived siR'ech : "What can we do to further the program, broaden the activities, enrich and enlarge the student body of mr alma mater'y Numerous answers come to mind. We might aid materially by putting forth a special effort to inform the world of the many worth-while activities on our campus. One story that should he of value in drawing students hither, and one that thrills me each time I think of it, is that of a minister in Italy, thousands of miles from his native home, collecting old books. His collection of old hooks has brought not only to St. Augustine's students, but to people in the city of Raleigh and various parts of the State outstanding and modern library facilities. That minister was lume other than our own beloved Dr. A. 15. Hunter. In all of his under takings here at St. Augustine's College we see the gloricms. worth-while achievement. ‘Incunabula’ and the story con nected with it .should fori’ver Ik- green in the memory of St. Augustine’s students and alumni. A special effort slnmld be made to acijuaint ourselves with more of the worth-while things our graduates have done (U' are doing to tell t(> pros- jR'ctive stulent.s.” The campus was greatly gratified when the Hunt brothers, “Doug” and "Chris,” returned from Hampton with the cups which represented the Colored Intercollegiate Athletic Asso ciation championships in tennis, ('hristopher Hunt won the singles, and paired, lie and D(mglas won the (Umbles. making a clean sweep. It was St. Augustine’s first asscK'iation championshii), but it came after only four years of mem bership. Several of the twelve other institutions which have been members much longer have never won a cham pionship in an.v siM>rt. The boys, who live in Raleigh, were guests, with their parents, at a siK'cial dinner, at which time the cups were presented to I’resident (Joold for the colleg(>. The 1’ri‘sident resiHuided with a siH>ech. and re marks were made by I’rof. Chipiti'y, the tennis coach. The boys ovename great physical handicaps to win, as both suffered from muscular cramp throughout the latter )>art of the matches, and it was thought once that the doubles W(mld have to be forfeited. But they finished strong. liKt’ true champions. Invitations have been received to the wwlding of Mr. Louis Wright Roberts, one of our college faculty, and Miss Jlerc('d('s I’earl Mc(iavock. in Chicago, .(une S. Among the guest preachers who have apiieared in the college chapel n'cently were Rev. Lewis 1>. Baskervill, U.S. '27. of Calvar.v Church, Charlestcm. S. C.: Rev. Kenneth I). Hughes, of St. JIark’s. Cliarlesttm, S. ’.; Rev. .lolm IL .lohnson, of St. ilartin's. New York City; Rev. C. R. Daw son. of Trinity Church. Charlottesville, Va.: Rev. M. F- X(‘wman. of St. Monica's, Washingtcni. D. ('. A large representation from the staff attended the cele bration of the fiftieth anniversary of St. I'aul Sc1uh>1. Lavv- renceville. Va.. Iield early in May.

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