Susustine’s B^ecorb Volume XLIV MAY-JIIXE. 1!)3!) Xo. 4 REPORT OF THE PRESIDENT—MAY 24, 1939 To tlie Trustees of St. Augustine’s College. Gentlemen: During tlie past year tliere has been a total of 311 students including pupils in tlie St. Agnes’ Training Scliool for I^urses and in tlie Bisliop Tuttle Training School for Religious Education and Christian Social Service. This is a small increase over the total enroll ment of last year and includes an unusually laige Freshman Class in the College. About 25 states, Cuba and the British West Indies are represented in the student body. Texas, Mississippi, Michigan and Cali fornia are among the distant points from which oui students come. An increasing number of them are from our ISTcgro parishes thus adding to our communi cant strength and helping them to maintain an atmos phere favorable to religious training. St. Augustine s hopes to be of growing usefulness in strengAennig our church work among our I^egro population in all parts of the country. At the College, both on the campus and in the community, there is active church woi . Such organizations as the Woman s Auxiliary, senior and junior branches, the Brotherhood of St. Andrew, the Altar Guild and the Laymen’s League are doing definite and effective work. Each year is a confirmation class usually of from ten to members, and every year a letter is sent to a have been confirmed in the Chapel in recent years asking each one to take part in a Corporate Com munion on the fifth Sunday in Lent in our Chape or if tliat is not possible to observe the day m some specia^ manner. Our young people hold services at St. Agnes Hospital and frequently sing at a nearby prison camp and at the County Home. Eepresentatives attend numerous religious conferences, both racial an m ei- racial. They have been especially interested in the Annual Conference of our Episcopal College studmits at Greensboro. The Lenten offering for missions an.ounted to about $350. A project in connection ^Mt the Missionary Shortage Fund has also been under taken. Prom ti.™ to time rq,res»tative Negro clergy oc- «i,y tl.o pulpit in St. Augustine's Chapel. Tl^ . Augnstino’s Conference for Clergy and era that meet, early in Jnne indnJes an effee_ 'i^oung People’s Conference and is growing m ness. The average attendance is about 100. During the past year there have also met at St Augustine’s the State Public We fare 1-tit.te f J^egro Workers; a conference of the Rational ^eg IJecreation Association and the annual meeting Crown and Sceptre Club, the State High School Scholarship Society. Radio broadcasts by members of the staff and by students have helped to keep our con tact with the alumni and general public. By a reciprocal arrangement with Shaw University in Raleigh, there has been an interchange of students in certain courses. Plans are being made to strengthen further the work of each institution by this and other methods of co-operation, including the establishment of a joint jirofessorship in the department of English, which will be made possible through help received from the General Education Board. The question of moving the Bishop Payne Divinity School from Petersburg, Virginia, to the vicinity of St. Augustine’s College is still being considered by the Trustees of the Bishop Payne School. The death last October of William Augustine Perry of the Class of 1902 took from us an alumnus who had found opportunity in his busy and useful life for service to the College throngh his gift of music. Both words and music of our College Hymn and of the Alma Mater song, “The Blue and the White,” were his own compo sition. His contribution through them will continue to help us. We are still endeavoring to increase interest and participation in a general program of physical develop ment. With a comparatively small student body it should be possible for every one to take part in some form of sport. Except under abnormal conditions St. Augustine’s cannot expect to compete successfully with larger institutions in the heavier sports. However, other fields are open for athletic achievement. For the second successive year the College w'on the Colored Intercollegiate Tennis Championship in both singles and doubles. A real need in connection with the pro gram is an adequate building for physical education. About $50,000 would probably be needed for this pur pose. St. Agnes’ Hospital During the past year St. Agnes’ Hospital with its Training School for ^furses increased the volume of its already large and useful work. From May 1, 1938, to May 1, 1939, there were 25,350 hospital days, 1,419 bed patients, 1,924 clinic patients, 3,904 out-patient visits and 1,110 operations. The Hospital has con tinued to co-operate with the State Commission for the Blind by holding clinics and admitting patients for observation or operation. It has functioned in the same way in connection with the State Division for Crippled Children. Through the co-operation and aid (Continued on Page Two)