ST. AUGUSTINE’S RECORD ^t. ^ugusftme’s! Eecorb Published bi-monthly during the College year at Raleigh, N. C., in the interest of St. Augustine’s College, Rev. E. H. Goold, President Subscription, 25 Cents Entered at the postoffice in Raleigh as second-class matter, under the Act of March 3, 1879. Acceptance for mailing at a special rate of postage provided for in section 1103, Act of Octobcr 3, 1917, authorized April 11, 1921. THE SEVENTY-THIRD COMMENCEMENT T\v(‘iit.v-sov('ii r(>cii)i'ii(s ol' tlu' Itiiclu'loi' of Arts (U'sjvoe. live Kriuiuiitos of tlio liisUop Tntdo Triiiiiiiis; Scliool of ro- linions {■(liicatiou and social work, si-voii ^raduato imrses from llic St. Afjiios Ilosiiital Traiiiiiif; School, and six stu- (U'lits coiiiiiU'tlnf; the c-ollofii' prc'jiaratory dopartmoiit of St. Aiinustinc’s ('o!!('!;(> nH-oivcd tlu'ir diplomas and cortilicati's of graduation from I’l'osidont I':lKar II. Coold horo at tlio scvciit.v-tliird animal oomuH'iiccnu'nt oxorcisos, May 2!). 'I'lu' Kl. Ucv. IIi'Hiy W. IIol)son. I).I)., liislioi) of tlio I'rot- cslant I':i)isco])al Diocese of Southern Ohio, «av(> an arrost- iiifr addi'ess. Kefc'rrinji to tli(> hihlieal story of Solomon who, on comin}5 to the throne, felt a sense of his own inade(|nacy. and when i>ermitt(‘(l a choice of fiitts, asked (iod lor an understandiiif; heart.” liishoi* Ilohson said that the prc'sent dismal situation in the civilized world is the r('sult of a lack of understaiidin}r of the fundamental rules of human rela- tionshi)is. Fundainentall.v, sail he, the array ot rai'e afiainst race, class atiainst class and nation against nation, the escapist attitudes of individuals and the philosophy of iso lation. all can he attributed to the lack of an nnderstandinf,' heart. "I'lu* attitudes of tlu> ma,)ority are selfish and cow ardly as a i-esnit of failure to understand, he added. Real education as an attc'inpt to ac(|uiri' nnderstandiii},' is destined to he the salvation of the world, lUshop Ilohson said. "I»ictatorship is the enemy of (education because edu cation leads toward truth; the truth makes men free, and dictators do not want men to ln> free,” he said. Bishop Hobson was presented b.v tlu' lit. Key. I’dwin A. I’enicK. I).!>., liishop of Xorth Carolina and president of tlu- college board of trustees. Prayers w're otfered by the Rev. (Jeorfje JI. Plaskett, IM»., ’()•'. Rector of lOpiphany Church, Orange, X. .1.. and the benediction was jironounced by the Kt. Rev. Tii(nnas (' Darst, O.D., lUshop of Kast Carolina, both mem bers of the Hoard of Ti'ustces. Rev. Cyril K. Ilent ley .associ ate director of tiu' American Church Institute- for Xej;roes, and Or. Kdward (!. liowden, 'Oli, of Atlanta, (Ja., were pre sented to the audience.—J'rcKn Rclvdnc. SUCCESSFUL CHURCH CONFERENCE AT ST. AUGUSTINE’S The .‘ilst annual Conference for Church Workers, spon sored .iointly by St. Aufrustine’s College and the American Churcli Institute for Xegrot's, closed its week-lon^' session at the ColleRe, .Tune 7. ('ourses in ('hristiaii education, camp oi)eration. parish problems, pi’eachinsi. women s activities, handicrafts Jiud church music wore offered by an excellent faculty, includinir. the Rev. 1). A. JIcGresor. I’h.I)., executive secretary of the initioinil I)ei)artment of Christian Kducation of the Episcopal Church ; the Rev. Robert W. P.aKuall. LL.I)., rector of St. Thomas' ('hurch. Philadelphia; the Von.Hravid W. Harris, archdeacon, diocese of Southern ^ irjiinia. Xor- lV)lk; tlu‘ Rev. .Tean A. Vache, rector of St. Andrew’s Church. (JrcH'usboro, X. (\ ; the Rev. .lohu (}. l»eckwith. .Ir., rector of St. Timothy’s (’hurcli, Wilson, X. ('.; I'rof. (’harles E. Herry. director of music, St. Aufxustine’s; Mrs. Esther Brown Smith, director of relifiious education. Bishop Tuttle School; Jliss Ethi'l Malone, director of reliiiious education, St. 15arnabas ^Mission, .lenkinsville, S. ('.: -Miss ilary Frances Youn.i;. handicraft specialist. Walnut ('ove. X. ('.; Mrs. Fannie 1’. Cross and :\Iiss Clara Epps of the I’.ishop Tuttle School, and the Rev. David W. Yates, rector of St. I’liilip’s ('hurch. Dur ham. X*. C. Amonf; the special features were vesper services conducted bv the Kt. Rev. Edwin A. I’enick, D.D., lUshop of Xorth Carolina and honorar.v chairman of tiie Conference, and Di. K. Lodor. juvsidoiit of (Jailor Industrial School, Mason. Tenn.: addresses by ,T. Percy Bond, Jr.. of the Xa- tional Youth Administration, and Rex In^'ram, staf;e and screen actor, and motion pictures furnislied by the Xorth Carolina otlice of the U. S. IRmsinj; Authority. Mor(> than a hundred delegates were registered, represent ing Xew Yorli, Pennsylvania, all the states of the S(mtheast, Missnu-i and Arkansas. About sixty i>er cent of the total enrollment was made up of young pi>ople, for whom si)ccial classt's and programs were lesigned. Rev. Edgar II. Coold, President of St. Augustine’s, is (chairman (>f the ('onft-renc'e; I*rof. Arthur 1*. C hippej. exeiu- ti\'e st'cretary. and Dean Rertha Riclnirds, of the lUshop Tuttle Sfhool, is treasurer. The Rev. II. Dukes, of Hamp ton. Va.. acted as chaplain in the absence of the Rev. .lohn AV. Herritage, of ('liarlotte. Rev. .1. K. Satterwhite, of EaCrange, !a.. is clmirman of the steering c()ininittee con sisting of clerical and lay inembei-s of the (’onference. COMMENCEMENT BRIEFS GRADUATE PREACHES BACCALAUREATE SERMON 'I'he Ri'v. Henry ,1. C. Bowden, in his baccalaureate ser mon t() th(‘ graduating classes of St. Augustine’s College yesterday, reminded tlu> candidates that the homely virtues of promi'ttness and honesty were not .vet (mt of date. Ihe speaker, who is the rector of St. Paul’s Church, Atlanta, (.a.. anl an alumnus (l!)lil) of St. Augustin('’s, speaking on the text “What shall 1 do to inherit ‘terinil life'/” said that the proper conduct of a life called for careful choosing of goals, and can'ful seh'ctioii of nu'thods ol behavior. Two goals, lower and wealth, lu> said were' of. no goixl in themselv('s, since either might b(> used to in,jure, embitter and di'grade the individual who gained tlu'm and those who came under his inlluenc(‘ as well. “Men are not to bi> us(>d as tools to further the interests of other men; every personality has the rigid to its own fullest development and expression,” he declared. The servici' of ('Veiling pra.ver was conduct(‘(l h.v the liev. Edgar H. (ioold. President, with Scripture lessons being real by Prof. Reginald I.. Lynch, acting dean and lay reader, and the I{ev. St. .luliaii A. Simpkins, lilll, of Charleston, S. C., the father of two memlK'rs of the college graduating class. -From the Raleigh Xcirx ami Ohscrrcr, Jlay '27. P.ishop Hobson paid a tribute to the founders and builders of St. Augustine's in the course of his c(mimencement ad dress. Their vision of tlie high destiny of St. Augustine's and th(' people it aimed to serve was. he said, an exami>le of the “understanding heart," the theme of his address. He (luoted and commented upon a statement made by the late Dr. A. H. Hunter, from 1S!>1 to principal of St. Augustine’s, in whicli Dr. Hunter expressed his faith in education for use fulness and training of the mental powers for straiglit think ing. (Jeiitleness and (not softness), other virtues in which Dr. Hunter expressed faith, were contrasted with the kind of (lualities exalted by present-lay dictators and ^ others who do not lielieve in denuK-racy and Christianity. * * ♦ (iraduates of the Bishop Tuttle School rweive a certilieate upon completion of the course, and the diphmia on the com pletion of (me year's succt'ssful eini)loyment. R(»cipi(>nts of tlu' diploni.'i this year were Misses Rosa Kittrell, Ollie Saxon, Emma Perry, and Mrs. Cora M. Outlaw. ST. AGNES HOSPITAL At the n'cent met'ting of tlie Itoard of Trust(‘es it was voted to inaugurate an effort to si'cure !S12r).(HM).0(t in order to make possible the r(>conditioning and remodeling of the prescMit St. Agn(“s Hosi>ital building, and the addition of a new lireproof unit that will esiK'cially serve maternity cases and cliildren. and i)rovide for much nw'ded additional indi vidual rooms. Provision will also be made in the new unit for emergency cases and for UKU-e ade(iuate heating and elevator facilities. Preliminary plans and estimates as sub mitted by an exiK'rt hospital architect were duly approv('d.